
Mouse airdrops, Afghan Thanksgiving top stories

WASHINGTON – With just a few hours left in 2010, it’s worth taking one more look at the last 12 months to see which stories were the most read by our website visitors.

The list doesn’t reflect which topics drew the most controversy and comments – if it did, the “don’t ask, don’t tell” debate would likely take most of the top 10 spots. But it does include a mixture of hard news, detailed analysis and some humor.

Here are the top stories on the site this year, based on web traffic:

1. Air Force baby sitter faces child rape charges
2. Poisoned mice join fight against snakes on Guam
3. Marines try to make the most of Thanksgiving in Afghanistan
4. Rumor Doctor: Can being overweight cost you campaign awards?
5. Solider becomes first living Medal of Honor recipient for recent wars
6. Victims say Navy misled them over doctor’s sex-crime sentence
7. Reaction to DADT repeal mixed among troops
8. USS Peleiu commander canned for improper relationships with crew
9. Board calls military retirement system broken
10. Rumor Doctor: Is Taylor Swift a Chinese spy?

And, as a bonus to our loyal blog readers, here’s a look at the top 10 posts this year on the Stripes Central site:

1. Health care bill won’t impact Tricare, VA
2. UFO experts claim aliens are cautioning humans on nukes
3. Former Marine sets record by running marathon in gas mask
4. Panel calls for freezing military pay, housing
5. Federal workers can’t bank on large raise in 2011
6. Study: Wars could cost $4 trillion to $6 trillion
7. Pentagon: No answers on California missile
8. Media groups side with Westboro Baptist church
9. Lawmaker offers bill to extend Tricare until age 26
10. Will the Burger King at Kandahar reopen?  


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