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Strategic Studies Institute

United States Army War College

The Source for National Security

Research & Analysis

Military Change & Transformation Studies

Added December 05, 2007
Type: Monograph
Force and Restraint in Strategic Deterrence: A Game-Theorist's Perspective. Authored by Dr. Roger B. Myerson.
This monograph is a short nontechnical introduction to the use of game theory in the study of international relations, focusing is on the problem of deterrence against potential adversaries and aggressors. The author uses game models to provide a simple context where we can see more clearly the essential logic of strategic deterrence.
Added November 06, 2007
Type: Letort Papers
Transformation Under Fire: A Historical Case Study with Modern Parallels. Authored by Major Raymond A. Kimball.
The author argues that Soviet military transformation efforts during the Russian Civil War fell prey to “temporary” compromises and a misidentification of their enemy. He sees similar and ominous trends at work in current American Transformation efforts.
Added October 09, 2007
Type: Student (Carlisle) Papers
A Concept at the Crossroads: Rethinking the Center of Gravity. Authored by Lieutenant Colonel Rudolph M. Janiczek.
The author concludes that, in an effort to operationalize Clausewitz's signature concept, the U.S. military probably limited its utility. The Center of Gravity is best applied as an abstract, rather than as a practical, concept.
Added August 21, 2007
Type: Monograph
Negotiation in the New Strategic Environment: Lessons from Iraq. Authored by Mr. David M Tressler.
With thousands of negotiations being conducted by U.S. soldiers in Iraq—from junior to senior leaders—the aggregate effect of successful or failed negotiations has an impact on the ability of the U.S. military to accomplish its mission there as well as meet American strategic goals. The author argues that the military’s strategic success in the future may increasingly depend on an expanded range of training that includes negotiation skills and practice. By analyzing the negotiating experience of U.S. Army and Marine Corps officers in Iraq, he offers recommendations to improve negotiating effectiveness and predeployment negotiation training.
Added August 16, 2007
Type: Letort Papers
An Introduction to Theater Strategy and Regional Security. Authored by Lieutenant Colonel Clarence J. Bouchat (USAF, Ret.).
Theater strategy and theater security cooperation (TSC) are two of the most important tools available in attaining national security. This paper explains what theater strategy is, its basis, how it is formulated, and how it is executed with emphasis on theater security cooperation.
Added July 24, 2007
Type: Monograph
The Implications of Preemptive and Preventive War Doctrines: A Reconsideration. Authored by Dr. Colin S. Gray.
The Bush administration has declared a doctrine of preemption, when what it really means is a doctrine of prevention. Despite heavy criticism from home and especially abroad, there is a need for the United States to be willing and able, very occasionally, to take preventive action in order to forestall future dangers.
Added July 18, 2007
Type: Other
2007 Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL). Edited by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
The Key Strategic Issues List gives researchers, whether military professionals or civilian scholars, a ready reference of those issues of particular interest to the Department of the Army and the Department of Defense. Its focus is strategic, rather than operational or tactical. Every year, the KSIL helps guide research efforts to the mutual benefit of the defense community and individual researchers.
Added May 07, 2007
Type: Op-Ed
Manning the Force. Authored by Dr. Douglas V. Johnson, II.
Each month a member of the SSI faculty writes an editorial for our monthly newsletter. This is the Op-Ed for the May 2007 newsletter.
Added April 10, 2007
Type: Monograph
Biodefense Research Supporting the DoD: A New Strategic Vision. Authored by Colonel Coleen K. Martinez.
The author examines why, despite devoting decades of research to developing countermeasures against biological agents, the Department of Defense has few products in its arsenal. She concludes that the military requires significant change in program structure and management to begin fielding protective drugs and vaccines for the warfighter efficiently.
Added March 15, 2007
Type: Monograph
Globalization and Its Implications for the Defense Industrial Base. Authored by Dr. Terrence R. Guay.
One of the most important implications of globalization is its effect on the economic competitiveness of countries and particular industries. Both governments and defense companies bear the responsibility for devising prudent policies and strategies that capture the opportunities presented by globalization, while mitigating the risks.
Added January 10, 2007
Type: Monograph
Challenging Transformation's Clichés. Authored by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
Critical thinkers analyze and refine ideas underpinning the foundation of American defense policy and military strategy today so the defense community can apply them in strategy and force development. This is an ongoing process: new ideas emerge, are tested, and adopted, revised, or discarded.
Added January 04, 2007
Type: Letort Papers
Naval Transformation, Ground Forces, and the Expeditionary Impulse: The Sea-Basing Debate. Authored by Professor Geoffrey Till.
While naval forces often are out of sight and out of mind to land forces engaged in expeditionary operations, their contribution is vital and becoming much more so. But they face major challenges, which if not resolved may mean the end of what has been called the "expeditionary era."