Our Story

Mr. Richardson - AMC
May 23, 2012 | 01:45
Hi, good afternoon, and welcome to the 618th air operations center, more commonly known as the Tanker Airlift Control Center.

What we do here on floor of the Tanker Airlift Control Center is provide global mobility to our customers. What do I mean by global mobility? It's turning requirements that we get from our combatant command across the street, United States Transportation Command, into capabilities. Those capabilities are in the form of airlift and air refueling. Let me give you a few examples.

When we talk about airlift, that may be airlift in direct support of a combatant commander in the form of moving troops, equipment, ammunition, or tanks directly into the theatre. It may mean providing air refueling support via KC-10's or KC-135's to the hungry fighter or a thirsty fighter that is performing combat air patrol or close air support.

One of the things we do in the TACC is a lot of people don't realize is humanitarian support. Some examples would include the recent Haiti earthquake and the Tsunami in Indonesia. Another area is air medical support. That air medical support could be in the form of moving an urgent patient out of Afghanistan which requires urgent care back in the United States. We can get that patient back to the United States under twenty-four hours.

What we do here in the TACC again is something that nobody else in this world can do and I can tell you every member on the floor here in the TACC is extremely proud of what they do, not only for their combatant command, United States Transportation Command, Air Mobility Command, but for our entire country.