Our Story

Mr. Cabanas - JECC
February 27, 2012 | 0:53
Hi, I'm Ray Cabanas, Deputy Chief of Future Operations, at the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command, or JECC. I work at the JECC headquarters, in the J35 division.

So how do I support the warfighter? Well, to begin with, by deploying in to the fight. I could be one of those warfighters. But here at garrison I assist in deploying JECC forces, conduct mission planning, and also provide reach-back support as needed.

I want to conclude by saying that TRANSCOM is a force enabler in the areas of transportation and sustainment, but with the JECC it expands the capabilities it provides to U.S. and coalition military forces to enable them to accomplish their worldwide missions and I draw immense pride and satisfaction from being part of such a vital organization and capability.