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Administered by the Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Seal National Criminal Justice Reference Service National Criminal Justice Reference Service Office of Justice Programs Seal National Criminal Justice Reference Service
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Law Enforcement

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  • How can I obtain a copy of my criminal record?
    To obtain a copy of your Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal record, please follow the pr... Read More
    Last Updated: March 20, 2009

  • Where can I locate information on conducting forensic computer investigations?
    Information about forensic computer investigations can be found in the following National Institute ... Read More
    Last Updated: July 15, 2008

  • Can I work in law enforcement if I have a criminal record?
    To determine the impact your criminal record may have on your ability to get a job in criminal justi... Read More
    Last Updated: May 29, 2008

More Q&A

  • Native American Crime in the Northwest: 2004-2008 – BIA Information from Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington,  BJS-Sponsored, July 2009, NCJ 227727. (203 pages).

  • National Summit on Intelligence: Gathering, Sharing, Analysis, and Use after 9-11,  COPS, July 2009, NCJ 227676. (47 pages).
    Agency Abstract   PDF  TEXT 

  • Police Recruitment and Retention in the Contemporary Urban Environment,  COPS, July 2009, NCJ 227663. (49 pages).
    Agency Abstract   PDF  TEXT 

  • Alcohol Outlets as Attractors of Violence and Disorder: A Closer Look at the Neighborhood Environment,  NIJ-Sponsored, April 2008, NCJ 227646.

  • A Policymaker's Guide to Building Our Way Out of Crime,  COPS, June 2009, NCJ 227421. (88 pages).
    Agency Abstract   PDF  TEXT 

  • Advancing Community Policing Through Community Governance,  COPS, May 2009, NCJ 227601. (76 pages).
    Agency Abstract   PDF  TEXT 

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  • What steps can my law enforcement agency take to save money on fuel costs?
    Information on the steps to take to save money on fuel costs are available in the Office of Communit... Read More.
    Last Updated: November 7, 2008

  • Where can I locate information on the use of DNA to solve property crimes?
    Information on the use of DNA to solve property crimes can be found in the National Institute of Jus... Read More.
    Last Updated: November 10, 2008

  • Where can I locate information on conducting forensic computer investigations?
    Information about forensic computer investigations can be found in the following National Institute ... Read More.
    Last Updated: July 15, 2008

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Last updated on: August 6, 2009

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