

Q: What is the purpose of surveys? How will the data be used?

A: The data collected through HPA&E's Survey Program helps TRICARE Management Activity (TMA) improve the quality of health care provided to military beneficiaries and to assess the health status of military beneficiaries. Some surveys are Congressionally and/or contractually required while others help us gauge satisfaction with our programs.

Q: Who do we survey?

A: All eligible military health system beneficiaries, age 18 and older, can potentially be surveyed by phone, mail or email.  Legal guardians may receive surveys in reference to their children's health care or health status unless the beneficiary is age 11-17 and is receiving care from our providers. See our minor policy.. link

Q: How did you get my name? How was I chosen for the survey?

A: Based on the type of survey, you may have been chosen based on your eligibility in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) or use of one of our many health care services obtained through a military treatment facility or any TRICARE paid service benefit.  Our surveys use a random sampling methodology. 

Q: Who conducts the surveys and how are they administered?

A: HPA&E conducts the surveys through the Department of Defense (DoD) approved survey contractors.  A list of current approved contractors (link to approved contractors) is posted on the HPAE Home page. You may be contacted either by phone, postal mail or email.

Q: What types of surveys does HPA&E send out?

A: HPA&E sponsors the following surveys:

  • Military Health System (MHS) Beneficiary Satisfaction Surveys which include: Health Care Survey of DoD Beneficiaries (HCSDB), TRICARE Inpatient (OB, Med Surg) Satisfaction Surveys (TRISS), TRICARE Outpatient Satisfaction Survey (TROSS), Health Care Services and Support Contract Survey; TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy Survey; TRICARE Dual Eligible Fiscal Intermediary Contract Survey, and the TRICARE Dental Plan Contract Survey.
  • Health Behavior Surveys which include: DoD Survey of Health Related Behaviors among Military Personnel (HRB) and various Population Health Surveys;
  • Annual Evaluations which include Evaluation of Effectiveness of TRICARE and TRICARE Standard Survey of Civilian Providers.

Q: What questions will I be asked on the survey?

A: The questions are mainly about your satisfaction with your healthcare experiences and/or general health status questions.  

Q: When do you call to conduct surveys?

A: HPA&E conducts telephone surveys using industry standards through a hired contractor.  Calls are made from:  9am-9pm, 7 days per week.  Calls are made in time zone of the respondent.

Q: Where are interviewers calling from?

A: Interviewers are calling from one of the contractor’s telephone survey centers. The contractors are reputable and established survey research agencies that work for DoD. Telephone centers are located both CONUS and OCONUS.

Further information about each of these organizations can be found at the TMA list of Approved Survey Contractors.

Q: How can I be confident that this is a genuine survey?

A: You may call our 703-681-3636 to confirm the genuineness of our survey or to find out more information. You will not be asked to provide any personal information such as your Social Security Number, Credit Card and/or other Financial Information. If you are asked this type of information, then do not answer. HPA&E surveys will not ask any of these questions.

Q: How much personal information do I have to provide?

A: Your answers will help HPA&E, TRICARE and DoD find out information about your healthcare experiences, your satisfaction with your health care and/or general health questions.  You can skip any question that you don't want to answer. Also, your answers will remain confidential and no information reported will ever identify you based on your answer.

Q: What are my rights if I am selected to participate in a survey?

A: Your participation is valued and appreciated by HPA&E, TRICARE and the DoD.

  • Therefore, your privacy and feedback will be kept confidential and respected.
  • Your name, address, phone number, personal information and responses will be kept confidential and private. It will not be sold or used by solicitors.
  • The information you provide in the survey will only be used for operational or research purposes.
  • You will not be asked to buy anything or give money. You will not be asked to provide personal information such as Social Security Number, Credit card, and/or Financial information.
  • You have the right to not participate. Your decision will be respected immediately and without question.
  • Choosing to participate or not will have no affect your benefits.

Q: Didn't I answer this survey before? Is this the same survey?

A: If you were selected for the same survey again, it is due to chance. It is not the same survey again and your responses are valuable so please take the time to respond.

Q: Why do I get surveyed multiple times for the same visit?

A: HPA&E conducts surveys for the DoD/TMA, but sometimes similar surveys are conducted individually by the Army, Navy and Air Force.

Q: I don't want to buy anything.

A: We're not selling anything and we're not asking for money. All of the surveys are important and are sponsored by the Department of Defense/TRICARE Management Activity (Health Affairs).

Q: What will happen based on my opinions expressed in this satisfaction survey? How will I know something is being done with information?

A: Results of the surveys will be reported on the HPA&E website or approved contractor website. Individual results will not be made public. Only general information about the TRICARE system will be posted.

Q: How do I know it’s confidential?

A: It is under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) guidelines that information will be kept confidential and private and under no circumstances be used by anyone other than for research.
Each survey is given an identification number for tracking and the information provided is kept confidential. Personal information will not be released or used for public use.  For more information on HIPAA, go to or

Q: I don't think I'm the person you want to speak to because (I haven't been sick/ I am sick all the time/I'm too old/etc.)

A: It is important that we have the opportunity to hear from all military beneficiaries selected for the survey, regardless of their age or health or from where they get their healthcare. That way, we'll know how well we're serving all of the different needs of our beneficiaries.

Q: Do I have to complete the survey? What happens if I don't?

A: Your participation is voluntary. There are absolutely no penalties for not participating. But it is a very important survey and your answers will help us to ensure that military beneficiaries receive the highest quality of care. Your answers to the survey will have no effect on your benefits.

Q: Why should I answer the survey?

A: By answering the survey, you are helping us better serve you.  Based on your feedback, we are able to learn your attitudes and satisfaction about the TRICARE health system.
In addition, many who do participate in surveys enjoy helping in the research process. Information from surveys help researchers have a better understanding about health and disease,  explain social, psychological and political processes and evaluate and improve on public policy.

Q: What kind of questions do the surveys ask?

A: Questions about general health and attitudes towards behaviors and satisfaction with health care are asked. You will not be asked questions about your personal information such as Social Security Number, Credit card and/ or other financial information.

Q: Who will see my answers? What happens to my answers?

A: We are required by law not to reveal any information that can identify you other than to persons directly involved with the study. Your answers will be kept absolutely confidential and will not be seen by anyone other than the research staff. Published reports will not show any names or individual answers.

Q: Who uses these data?

A: Information collected is used for further research by the HPA&E staff, TMA leaders and others under the TRICARE health system.

Q: Will I get junk mail if I answer this survey?

A: No, you will not get any junk mail. Your name and address will be kept absolutely confidential and will not be seen by anyone other than the research staff.

Q: Who authorizes the surveys?

A: HPA&E surveys are authorized by the DoD under the Office of Health Affairs.  Some are required by Congress and others are required by senior leadership.  All of the surveys are important and are sponsored by the Department of Defense/TRICARE Management Activity (Health Affairs).

Q: Does anyone oversee or supervise the survey?

A: Yes, all of our surveys are reviewed by an Independent Review Board (IRB) which ensures protection of human subjects in DoD supported research.

Q: What is an Independent Review Board (IRB)?

A: All of our surveys are approved by an IRB. An IRB is a group assigned to review and monitor all research involving people including surveys. It protects the right and welfare of those participating in research. For more information about IRB, go to

Q: How can I be sure the survey is legitimate?

A: HPA&E surveys are authorized by the DoD. However, if you have any concerns, HPA&E provides a toll free telephone number with each survey that you can call to confirm validity.

Q: Will my responses affect my benefits?

A: No. Your answers will not affect your benefits in any way.

Q: What if I can't complete the survey by myself?

A: If you are unable to complete the survey, please put a short note on the questionnaire telling us, and return it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

Q: What if the person the survey is addressed cannot complete this survey? Can I complete it for (him/her)?

A: No, please do not complete it for him/her. Please put a short note on the questionnaire telling us, and return it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

Q: The individual this survey was addressed to is deceased. What should I do with the questionnaire?

A: Although we make every attempt to ensure that our information is correct, we apologize if you received this mailing in error.  If you received this survey in error, please look at the information below on how to update information in DEERS.

Q: How can you tell I didn't return the first questionnaire?

A: Each case has been assigned an identification number that allows us to keep track of which respondents have returned a completed questionnaire. The names and addresses are stored separately from the answers to the survey questions, so that once you have completed the questionnaire your answers are not associated with your name.

Q: Where do I put my name and address on the questionnaire?

A: You should not write your name or address anywhere on the questionnaire. Each case has been assigned an identification number that allows us to keep track of which respondents have returned a completed questionnaire.

Q: Should I answer the questions if I do not use TRICARE?

A: Yes, we need to hear from everyone, even if they haven't yet used TRICARE.

Q: Is there a deadline to fill out the survey?

A: Since we need to contact so many people, it would really help if you could return it within the time frame requested in the letter accompanying the survey.

WARNING: This is a Department of Defense (DoD) interest computer system. The Military Health System Web Site is the Official Web Presence of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) and the TRICARE Management Activity.