North Carolina District News

Devil Pups' Wrestling: "We've come a long way"

by Jessie Heath

The Globe
MCB Camp Lejeune | January 19, 2012

The wrestling mat is a world filled with silent desperation. It is a place where the distractions of society melt away and all that matters are two circles, two athletes and one referee.

In a world that is built around six minutes, there is not much time to strategize and prepare – only act and react to whatever comes your way.

The Lejeune High School wrestling team is very familiar with this world. They step into it every day after school and spend many afternoons and evenings perfecting the art of reacting to unplanned plays. Nothing is ever perfected because there is nothing to perfect. Every move and countermove is sporadic, used only to seize the high ground and take control of the situation.

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