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Karina Lorenz Mrakovcich
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Science Department 
27 Mohegan Avenue
New London, CT 06320
(860) 701-6288
Karina Lorenz Mrakovcich
Marine Science Section Chief
Science Department
U.S. Coast Guard Academy

Prof. Karina Lorenz Mrakovcich was born in Brazil where she studied Oceanography at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and later received a B.S. in Marine Sciences from East Stroudsburg University. Prof. Mrakovcich has a M.S. and a Ph.D. in Fisheries Science from Oregon State University. Her graduate studies were conducted at Oregon State University (OSU), and addressed aspects of conflict management in the Pacific salmon fishing industry and human impacts to salmon watersheds. Prof. Mrakovcich taught at Humboldt State University prior to arriving at the Coast Guard Academy. The research of Prof. Mrakovcich draws from fisheries science, environmental management, anthropology, sociology and environmental economics with the underlying theme of understanding human impacts to the ecosystem and ways to manage the ecosystem cooperatively and adaptively. Her current research interests are the areas of fisheries and ecosystem management, fishing vessel safety, ocean literacy, and scholarship of teaching and learning. 

  • Ph.D., Fisheries Science, Oregon State University, 1998
  • M.S., Fisheries Science, Oregon State University, 1993
  • B.S., Marine Science and Biology (Honors), East Stroudsburg University, Pennsylvania, 1988

Courses Taught at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy:
  • Fisheries Biology
  • Fisheries Management
  • Oceanography
  • Research in Marine Science (Directed Studies)
  • Marine Fisheries
  • Marine and Environmental Issues

Courses Taught at Humboldt State University:
  • Ichthyology
  • Techniques in Fisheries Biology
  • Commercial Fisheries
  • Fisheries Seminar
  • Introductory Fish Population Dynamics
  • Principles of Fishery Management

Selected Publications and Presentations:
  • Mrakovcich, K. , R. James, L. Vlietstra, and R. Sanders. 2012. Marine and Environmental Sciences Partnerships and Outreach Activities. Poster presented at the National Marine Educators Association Conference, June 24- 30, 2012.
  • Smith, C. L., J. Gilden, and K. Mrakovcich. 2012. Shifting Salmon Baselines. pp. 33-54 In Bobby Hall[Ed.] Ecological Baselines for Oregon's Coast. Words & Pictures Unlimited, Corvallis, OR. 79 pages.
  • Hall-Arber, M. and K. L. Mrakovcich. 2010. Better Safe Than Sunk: Massachusetts fishermen find value in hands-on safety training. Coast Guard Journal of Safety at Sea Proceedings of the Marine Safety and Security Council 2010-2011 Winter Fishing Vessel Safety issue.
  • Mrakovcich, K. L., B. Stutzman, J. White, and R. Paolino. 2009. Faculty-to-sea program: onboard CGC Bertholf and CGC Seneca. Pages 65-67 “In the Service and Beyond”. U.S. Coast Guard Academy Alumni Bulletin. October 2009 issue.
  • Hall-Arber, M. and K. L. Mrakovcich. 2008. Reducing risk to life and limb: safety training steps towards resilience in Massachusetts’ commercial fishing industry. Human Ecology Review 15(2): 201-212.

  • Certificate of Appreciation to Chapter President, American Fisheries Society, 2009
  • Instituto da Pesca Guest Speaker Award, 1997
  • Mastin Fund Scholarship, Oregon State University, 1994
  • Marine Science Consortium Award, East Stroudsburg University, 1988

Professional Memberships:
  • Southern New England Chapter of American Fisheries Society – Chair of Education
  • Committee and Board of Directors – member
  • American Fisheries Society – full member
  • National Marine Educators Association – full member
  • National Science Teacher Association – full member