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Research Opportunities

Researchers who want to work with the Command have numerous options:

Submit a Proposal

The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command funds a broad range of extramural research programs. Awards are usually contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements. Research proposals can be submitted to the command through the USAMRMC Program Announcements (PA), which is continuously open, or through special USAMRMC PAs, which are open for limited timeframes. Examples of programs with special announcements are the Breast Cancer Research Program, the Prostate Cancer Research Program, Gulf War Illness, and others.

Please note that all research proposals must now be submitted through the web site. Please read the step-by-step directions provided in the CDMRP eReceipt System User Guide for instructions on submitting a proposal to CDMRP. In order to view documents uploaded to CDMRP eReceipt web site, log onto the eReceipt web site using your user ID and proposal submission password, click on the "Summary" tab to access your documents.

Additional information, the PAs, and open special USAMRMC PAs can be obtained at the USAMRAA web site.

Other Research Funding Opportunities

  • Army Small Business Innovation Research Through this contract program for small business supporting Defense and commercial applications, the Army advertises interest in specific research topics, small businesses offer proposals addressing topics, successful proposals are awarded Phase I support for six months' work and successful Phase I projects compete for two years of additional support in Phase II.
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense Small Business Innovative Research Through this contract program for small business supporting Defense and commercial applications, OSD advertises interest in specific research topics, small businesses offer proposals addressing topics, successful proposals are awarded Phase I support for sic months' work and successful Phase I projects compete for two years of additional support in Phase II.
  • Chemical - Biological Small Business Innovation Research This Small Business Innovative Research program is limited to chemical and biological defense topics.
  • Small Business Technology Transfer Research This companion program to Small Business Innovative Research differs only in the requirement that work must be performed by small businesses in collaboration with non-profit research organizations.
  • Defense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research A program to stimulate Defense-related research and development in states not traditionally receiving significant amounts of federal support for science and engineering.
  • Dual Use Science and Technology A contract program for industry under which the performing company provides at least half the project's total cost.
  • Commercial Operations Support and Savings Initiative This program inserts new commercial technologies into fielded military systems to lower support costs.
  • Warfighter Rapid Acquisition Program This program is used for purchasing limited quantities of prototype equipment or systems to provide initial operational capability, to continue evaluation, or to complete development.
  • Soldier Enhancement Program This program identifies and evaluates commercially available items to increase the effectiveness of individual soldiers.
  • Concept Experimentation Program A program to evaluate new technology, materiel, or concepts, either in field demonstrations or (less often) written analyses.

For questions on these funding programs, please call the USAMRMC Plans and Programs office at 301-619-3354.

Last Modified Date: 28-Dec-2009