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Professional Maritime Studies Course Descriptions
6101 Fundamentals of Navigation
Fundamentals of Navigation is an exploration of the basic principles of earth’s characteristics and terrestrial navigation for which a Deck Watch Officer or entry level officer will be responsible. In the earth’s characteristics module, the emphasis is on earth’s coordinate system, magnetism of the earth, chart projections, chart preparation, and various distance, speed, and time relationships. The terrestrial navigation module focuses on positioning techniques, compass computation, calculation of tides and currents, anchor selection, tactical characteristics, coastal and transoceanic voyage planning, and aids to navigation. Students are also introduced to Coast Guard requirements for celestial theory including azimuth and amplitude. The emphasis of the instruction is to prepare cadets for experiential learning afloat as a navigation team member during the common portion of the 3/c summer training program. A short research project covering selected navigational topics integrates course material and primary source research the students submit in a written form.

Credit Hours: 4.00
Format: Class/Laboratory
Prerequisites: None
Projected Offering: Fall and Spring

6201 Ship and Maritime Systems Knowledge
Fundamental technical knowledge centered on ships and maritime systems. A baseline understanding of ships and maritime systems is developed to support future assessment of the impact, benefit, and risk of decisions involving the design, acquisition, operation, regulation, law enforcement, damage control, maintenance, and salvage of ships and maritime systems. Specific subject areas include buoyancy, stability, flooding, salvage, strength, inspections, regulation, impact of shipboard flight operations, operations, Coast Guard vessels, commercial vessels, grounding, pollution, resistance, propulsion, maneuvering, ship motions, damage control, and offshore structures.

Credit Hours: 3.00
Format: Class/Laboratory
Prerequisites: 6101
Projected Offering: Fall and Spring

6202 Applications in Navigation Lab
Applications of Navigation is a lab based course that meets once per week. This course continues the developmental journey by building upon the fundamental navigation preparation of 6101 and the common experience of 3/c summer. The goal is to build proficiency in voyage planning and as a navigation team member through further preparation, practice and an introduction to navigation applications and tools available in the fleet. The first module focuses on voyage planning through the research of applicable publications prior to transiting through an unfamiliar port. The introduction to the navigation brief as a tool for risk mitigation is discussed. The second module improves the navigation team skills learned in 6101 and the proficiency required to navigate a ship through restricted, coastal and open ocean environments. The third module introduces cadets to the basics of relative motion theory with the initial exploration of maneuvering boards for course, speed, closest point of approach, avoidance and intercepts, secondary effects, true wind and desired apparent wind.

Credit Hours: 1.00
Format: Laboratory
Prerequisites: 6101
Projected Offering: Fall and Spring

6301 The Maritime Watch Officer
The Maritime Watch Officer explores knowledge and skills vital to successful performance as a Maritime Watch Officer for the entry level graduate. This course builds upon the individual navigation proficiency gained during the prerequisite courses and summer training programs and introduces new watch team skills applicable to the maritime watch. In addition to refreshing navigation team skills taught in Nautical Science I and II, students develop new skills such as advanced navigation coordination; advanced relative motion theory and practice coupled with collision avoidance and briefing the command; electronic navigation theory and practice; basic, routine and emergency shiphandling procedures and practice; external communications; and Bridge Resource Management knowledge, skills, and techniques. Classroom theoretical discussions are reinforced and applied in the various visual and radar simulators and CGA training vessels within a watch team construct. Team Coordination Training concepts are further analyzed in group projects wherein cadets present the causal factors and potential corrective actions surrounding selected Coast Guard Cutter mishaps.

Credit Hours: 4.00
Format: Class/Laboratory
Prerequisites: 6101, 6201, 6202
Projected Offering: Fall and Spring

6401 The Coast Guard Division Officer
The Coast Guard Division Officer is the capstone course in Professional Maritime Studies, supporting to varying degrees all of the Nautical Science Outcomes. It links the first three years of instruction in Professional Maritime Studies with selected Coast Guard organizational issues. The course is nearly equally divided between the operational and administrative leadership duties of a first tour officer. Classroom focus is on organizational processes and personnel administration. Search and rescue, evaluations, advancements, promotions, collateral duties and other personnel management issues are discussed in depth. Lab assignments and simulator experience reinforce critical thinking and decision-making skills in navigation, shiphandling, collision avoidance, risk assessment and mitigation and Coast Guard operations. Team Coordination Training concepts are applied in the lab environment. A major oral and written assignment requires research into current Coast Guard policies and issues as part of the Hewitt Writing series.

Credit Hours: 4.00
Format: Class/Laboratory
Prerequisites: 6101, 6201, 6202, 6301
Projected Offering: Fall and Spring

6459 Selected Topics in Professional Maritime Studies
In depth examination of a terrestrial, celestial, or electronic navigation topic or a stability, damage control, shiphandling, shipboard leadership framework or ship related training system topic. Specific course content will vary based upon emerging and relevant navigation, training, or leadership issues, institutional and organizational needs, and students’ interests. Includes additional reading, writing, research, and/or casework.

Credit Hours: 1.00
Prerequisites: 6101
Projected Offering: Fall and Spring

6469 Projects in Professional Maritime Studies
Start-up, completion, or involvement in ongoing research projects as an assistant in data collection or analysis. Final project is required.

Credit Hours: 1.00
Format: Project
Prerequisites: 6101, 6201, 6202
Projected Offering: Fall and Spring

6489 Directed Studies in Professional Maritime Studies
Advanced tutorial concentrating on specific topics in the area of cutter, sector or aviation operations to include but not limited to any current tactics, practice, or procedure (TPP). It is expected the student will develop a hypothesis regarding an impaired or flawed TPP, conduct an investigation into the current state, and develop a study to quantify, document and prove/disprove the hypothesis. Cadets will develop a proposal for a research paper or project, which must be completed by the end of the semester under the guidance of a Professional Maritime Studies faculty member. Limited to advanced students who have completed course work and shown significant interest in Professional Maritime Studies.

Credit Hours: 3.00
Format: Directed Studies
Prerequisites: 6101, 6201, 6202, 6301
Projected Offering: Fall and Spring