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166th-Airlift-Wing-Delaware-Air-National-Guard - New Castle, DE

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  1. Recent Posts by OthersSee All
    • Catherine Lloyd Doyle
      If you were watching the Phillies game tonight you saw several of our aircrew from the 142 Airlift Squadron present Charlie Manuel a flag that the crew flew while they were deployed. Thank you, that was nice to see on Patriot Day 2012.
      21 · Tuesday at 5:17pm
    •  Hello! I’m Stephanie Brown, an undergraduate honors student majoring in psychology at Seattle Pacific University. As part of my honors research project, I am surveying military personnel (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard) to look at unit cohesion after the repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell.” If you are a member of the U.S. Armed Forces - Active, National Guard, or Reserve - you can message me and I will send you the survey, or you can take the survey online by clicking on this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DADTunitcohesion. The survey does NOT ask for your name. At the end of the survey (if you wish) you can provide your email address to be entered into a raffle drawing for a $25, $50, or $75 Visa gift card. Your email will be kept separate from your survey answers and will be destroyed after the raffle takes place.
      Monday at 12:21pm
    • Amy Kline
      Hello Everyone - The Ronald McDonald House NEEDS YOU! On September 10th (this Monday), the Delaware National Guard (current/former members, retirees, families and friends) will be cooking dinner at the Ronald McDonald House. The theme for the evening will be "Italian". We will be cooking spaghetti with different sauces, garlic bread, salads or anything you can think of If you have a favorite dish that you would like to bring, please let me know (desserts are also welcome). We really need the additional help. Our volunteers will meet in the kitchen at the Ronald McDonald House of DE (1901 Rockland Road, Wilmington DE 19803), starting around 3:30pm until around 6pm. Dinner will be served at 5:30 and all volunteers are welcome to have dinner at the house. (You are more than welcome to drop off your food, stay for 1 hour or stay for 3) If you are able to help out by either donating your time, food or money, please let me know. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your continued support for the Ronald McDonald House. POC: TSgt Amy Kline w(302)323-3475, c(302)354-4614 or email amy.kline@ang.af.mil
      1 · September 6 at 1:26pm
    •  *Planning an upcoming SpaceA trip/vacation from USA to Europe or Pacific/Asia regions of the world,or a return to USA from those regions ,back into USA(conus).We are sharing *OneClick tool lists to assist in your planning of this trip. aOne*Click SpaceA Flights Mainly*inside USA-Active A*HUBS*+ https://www.facebook.com/lists/368260759909512 aOne*Click SpaceA Flights Mainly*inside USA-Conus active bSemi* https://www.facebook.com/lists/377048045697450 aOne*Click SpaceA Flights Mainly*inside USA-Conus active non/little* https://www.facebook.com/lists/377048382364083 •OneClick SpaceA East Coast Region(USA) https://www.facebook.com/lists/368247193244202 •OneClick West Coast*inc Hawaii Regions(USA) https://www.facebook.com/lists/368249553243966 •OneClick Vacation☞Caribbean/PR(SpaceA Flts☞Carib/PR) https://www.facebook.com/lists/375465905855664 •OneClick SpaceA Europe (*northern)Reg. https://www.facebook.com/lists/368243943244527 •OneClick SpaceA Europe (South)*Region https://www.facebook.com/lists/371924592876462 •OneClick Japan Asia/Pacific Region https://www.facebook.com/lists/371070046295250 •Maps INDEX & Area Maps of Space A https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.338585726233580&type=1 ★World Index Forum/Blog Groups @ USA Mil.Bases FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/269676233146592/doc/275284632585752/ (Join) Space A Travelers of USA* https://www.facebook.com/groups/325711150854371/
      September 5 at 4:20am
    •  Calling all Wilmington Blue Rocks Baseball Fans! Due to the generosity of the Blue Rocks, USO/Military Games are SEP 2nd @ 1:35 PM and Monday SEP 3 @ 1:05 PM at Frawley Stadium. Ticket Give Away will be WED AUG 29th from 9 - 11 and 1 - 3 at the USO Delaware Office, Bldg 500 (former Tower). Tickets are for current military members and their immediate dependents ONLY with a limit of 4 per family until the 100 tickets per game are exhausted. Enjoy a great evening of baseball with your family & friends!
      11 · August 27 at 3:17pm
  2. Photo story includes two photos of six-person aircrew at yesterday's presentation: In observance of 9/11, an aircrew from the 142nd Airlift Squadron, part of the 166th Airlift Wing, Delaware Air National Guard, present a U.S. flag and plaque to the Phillies for their continuing support of the Delaware National Guard. (bjm)
  3. RecommendationsSee All
    • Lenore Hackenyos
      Stop by and see some of the great things going on in the DE Air Guard! We welcomed home some great Citizen Airmen the other day!
    • Robert Styles
      With Irene heading our way, I'm sharing these pictures from when a tornado passed through the DEANG. It's amazing to see the damage that weather can cause. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1895174270572.103726.1578057830&l=bb90f40109&type=1
  4. Aircrew from 142nd Airlift Squadron present U.S. flag flown aboard C-130H aircraft over Afghanistan to Phils to thank them for their support.
  5. LikesSee All
  6. L to R: Lt. Col. Mike Zanetti (navigator), Master Sgt. Christian Essick (flight engineer), Capt. Jason Subach (co-pilot), Tech. Sgt. John Wygant (loadmaster), Lt. Col. Robert Culcasi (aircraft commander), and Lt. Col. Chris Kilcullen with P...
    hiladelphia Phillies manager Charlie Manuel at Citizens Bank Field, Patriot Day, Sept. 11, 2012. Col. Culcasi presented the framed U.S. flag and certificate to the Phillies during the pre-game ceremony in appreciation of their support of the Delaware National Guard. The flag had been flown aboard a Delaware Air National Guard C-130H aircraft on a combat mission over Afghanistan in support of Operation Euduring Freedom. (U.S. Army photo/Staff Sgt. Daniel Grobelny). (bjm)
    See More
    Photo: L to R: Lt. Col. Mike Zanetti (navigator), Master Sgt. Christian Essick (flight engineer), Capt. Jason Subach (co-pilot), Tech. Sgt. John Wygant (loadmaster), Lt. Col. Robert Culcasi (aircraft commander), and Lt. Col. Chris Kilcullen with Philadelphia Phillies manager Charlie Manuel at Citizens Bank Field, Patriot Day, Sept. 11, 2012. Col. Culcasi presented the framed U.S. flag and certificate to the Phillies during the pre-game ceremony in appreciation of their support of the Delaware National Guard. The flag had been flown aboard a Delaware Air National Guard C-130H aircraft on a combat mission over Afghanistan in support of Operation Euduring Freedom. (U.S. Army photo/Staff Sgt. Daniel Grobelny). (bjm)
  7. "From the Revolutionary War to the war in Iraq, Delawareans have served with honor and sometimes lost their lives. Special places commemorate their service." In 2006 The News Journal did a wonderful story on the war memorials in Delaware, w...
    ith a map of our state showing each memorial, and describing the story behind each. Four days from today, on September 11, Patriot Day comes, and we wanted to share this article and map. Click on the link below. (bjm)
    See More
  8. This 4:00 video talks of Delawareans, with video footage of our governor at The Vietnam Veterans Memorial and The Statue of Victory at 18th Street and Baynard Boulevard, with news about the "Voices of War - Delaware" oral history project. "We all need to hear these stories," said Gov. Markell. The new project features veterans of Korea & Vietnam. (bjm)
  9. Oral history project of documentaries & first-person accounts of Delawareans who have served our country at war & those who supported them & their families at home. New project features veterans of Korea & Vietnam. (bjm)
  10. Delaware Air National Guard recruiters and unit Airmen attended the 2012 Atlantic City Thunder over the Boardwalk Airshow on August 17, 2012. The event drew 800,000 visitors in 2011. If you want to join the Delaware Air Guard, call our recruiting team at (302) 323-3444 or (800) 742-6713. (U.S. Air Force photos/Lt. Col. Andrew Abraham) (bjm) — in Atlantic City, NJ.
    Photo: A Delaware Air National Guard C-130 transport aircraft makes a pass next to the Atlantic City Boardwalk on August 17, 2012. The aircraft was part of a two-ship formation of unit C-130 aircraft performing a flyover for the annual Thunder over the Boardwalk Airshow.
  11. Master Sgt. Scott Nybakken, left, of the 166th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard, recites the oath of enlistment as he reenlists on August 24, 2012. Capt. Jaime Ramirez, right, an officer in the 166th AMXS, swears in Sgt. Nybakken in the captain's office within the main hangar at the New Castle ANG Base. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Veronica Mora) (bjm)
    Photo: Master Sgt. Scott Nybakken, left, of the 166th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard, recites the oath of enlistment as he reenlists on August 24, 2012. Capt. Jaime Ramirez, right, an officer in the 166th AMXS, swears in Sgt. Nybakken in the captain's office within the main hangar at the New Castle ANG Base. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Veronica Mora) (bjm)
  12. Senior Airman Andrew Merrylees, second from left, from the 142nd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard, with his wife (on his right), his mother (on his left), and his father, Tech. Sgt. Raymond Merrylees, 166th Maintenance Squadron, on Aug. 16, 2012, after Airmen Merrylees received the Distinguished Graduate award at the conclusion of the in-residence Airman Leadership School held from July to August at Dover Air Force Base, Del. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Tanya Ingram)
  13. Senior Airman Andrew Merrylees, 142nd Airlift Squadron, 166th Airlift Wing, Delaware Air National Guard, receives the Distinguished Graduate award on Aug. 16, 2012, at the conclusion of the in-residence Airman Leadership School held from July to August at Dover Air Force Base, Del. (bjm)
    Photo: Master Sgt. Kurt Nemecek, 9th Airlift Squadron, left, presents the Distinguished Graduate award to Senior Airman Andrew Merrylees, 142nd Airlift Squadron, 166th Airlift Wing, Delaware Air National Guard, on Aug. 16, 2012, at the conclusion of the in-residence Airman Leadership School held from July to August at Dover Air Force Base, Del. (U.S. Air Force photo/Adrian Rowan)
    Photo: Senior Airman Andrew Merrylees, second from left, from the 142nd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard, with his wife (on his right), his mother (on his left), and his father, Tech. Sgt. Raymond Merrylees, 166th Maintenance Squadron, on Aug. 16, 2012, after Airmen Merrylees received the Distinguished Graduate award at the conclusion of the in-residence Airman Leadership School held from July to August at Dover Air Force Base, Del. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Tanya Ingram)
    Photo: Senior Airman Andrew Merrylees, 142nd Airlift Squadron, 166th Airlift Wing, Delaware Air National Guard, with his wife on Aug. 16, 2012 after he received the Distinguished Graduate award at the conclusion of the in-residence Airman Leadership School held from July to August at Dover Air Force Base, Del. (courtesy photo)
    Photo: Senior Airman Andrew Merrylees, 142nd Airlift Squadron, 166th Airlift Wing, Delaware Air National Guard, on Aug. 16, 2012, at the conclusion of the in-residence Airman Leadership School held from July to August at Dover Air Force Base, Del. He received the Distinguished Graduate award. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Tanya Ingram)
  14. New Air National Guard Wingman Project app features the A.C.E. suicide prevention model, which reminds Airmen to ask, care and escort. It also allows the user to create reminders to be good Wingmen and check in on their fellow Airmen, who may live as close as two streets or as far as several states away. (bjm)

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