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Mechanical Engineering Alumni
Alumni make a difference in Haiti

Friday, January 29, 2010: From the Cape Cod Times (reporter George Brennan): AIR STATION CAPE COD – LT Mike Snyder wasn't around for the U.S. Coast Guard's response to Hurricane Katrina, and while he's seen photographs of what his colleagues are doing in Haiti, it's really hard to fathom what he's flying into.

Snyder will lead a crew of four from Air Station Cape Cod to provide support for the massive relief effort under way in the earthquake-ravaged country.

“This is the first time I've had the opportunity to make a difference on this scale,” said the 29-year-old Jayhawk pilot. “It's unbelievable what's happening down there.” Read the whole article at

Spotlight on George Borlase, Mechanical Engineering Class of 1995 

George A. Borlase, Ph.D., P.E., is featured by ASME as their 2007-2008 ASME Federal Government Fellow. George worked at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), serving as the OSTP representative on the Joint Homeland Security Council and National Security Council rewrite of U.S. Arctic Policy, working with the National Science Foundation and the US Coast Guard on polar icebreakers, and leading the development of the National Science and Technology Summit.  Visit the ASME Federal Government Fellowship Program website or download an excerpt (PDF format) from the ASME to learn more about George and this exciting program.