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NPI User Registration
By registering, you will be allowed to save your Submission Form at any time before submitting your information.
You can then login at a later time and/or date and complete your submission. Questions or concerns can be emailed to NPI Administrator
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A new randomly generated password will be emailed to the PI and POC email addresses.

USAMRMC NPI | New Products & Ideas

The United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command's (USAMRMC) mission is to provide medical solutions to protect and sustain the health and performance of the force across the continuum of military operations by (1) conducting research, developing health care solutions and enhancing the delivery of health services for the warfighter; and (2) providing medical logistics support to the Army and to the acquisition of medical materiel.

What is the purpose of NPI?

The intent of the New Product and Idea (NPI) website is to obtain information for the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) on new medical products and ideas, either for further development or for sale to the Government and to provide feedback with respect to MRMC's interest in their products, services, or ideas, without requiring an extensive submission.

Submission to the NPI is not a substitute where other vehicles are more appropriate, such as responding to Requests for Proposals (RFPs), the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) or Program Announcements (PAs), nor do they take the place of a pre-proposal that may be required by a BAA or PA.

If you are seeking research funding, please visit: USAMRAA and GRANTS.GOV

Where to start?

A Guide to Working with the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command - USAMRMC (1.4 MB) and the Resource for External Vendors and Partners (1.6 MB), prepared by the Strategic Partnerships Office, outline the process for doing business with USAMRMC to facilitate appropriate submissions and expedite the review and response. We suggest reviewing these documents first to determine if submission to the NPI will yield the outcome you desire.

For evaluation of programs, treatments, research, and devices related to psychological health and traumatic brain injury, please consider visiting the Defense Centers of Excellence (DCoE) for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Concept Submission Program (CSP) website.

The goal of the DCoE Concept Submission Program is to gather information and findings from medical, academic, research and advocacy assets of the military services, the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Health and Human Services and other federal agencies, including research from academic institutions. DCoE is especially interested in empirically researched products, services and interventions provided through agencies of the federal government.

Please Note:

USAMRMC does not award contracts, provide research grants, or offer other forms of financial support through the NPI or CSP.

Also, USAMRMC does not purchase or obtain programs, services or products through the NPI or CSP. Please visit and GRANTS.GOV for current MRMC solicitations and announcements.