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Welcome to the SEJPME homepage

Message from the Program Manager

"The future Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the 2030s and the Service Chiefs of Staff are already on active duty in the rank of Captain or Lieutenant. The Combatant Commanders and all the future flag and general officers of the U.S. military in the 2030s are currently on active duty. The Command Sergeants Major and Command Master Chiefs of the Joint Force in 2030 are in uniform. In other words, preparation of the senior military leaders of the 2030s has already begun!"
- Joint Operating Environment (JOE) 2010

Welcome. If you are reading this, you are seriously considering applying to enter a rigorous online school. Our website will give you some idea of this exciting program and the dynamic people that make it the best distance education Joint PME (JPME) course in the nation. Please read all the information carefully to ensure you understand the program and are ready to devote the time and effort to complete this course. The decision to take this course is important and should not be made without considerable thought.

Your demonstrated initiative by actively pursuing your professional military education (PME) and preparing yourself for joint duty has never been more important. The U.S. Government and Armed Forces conduct operations across the range of military operations – from major combat operations through security cooperation and humanitarian relief. What you do matters. Doing it to the best of your ability is crucial.

Allow me to mention a few of the things that make me proud of this program. First and foremost, we have superb students – military service members and government civilians. They are senior enlisted, warrant and commissioned officers, and U.S. federal government civilians. They represent every branch of Service and each component: active, reserve, National Guard, and Coast Guard. They work at the Pentagon and on the Joint Staff, at Combatant Commands, in Joint Task Forces, and in defense agencies, as well as multinational commands around the world. All voluntarily enroll in the course in order to improve themselves, become better leaders in joint, multinational, and interagency commands, and improve their potential for career advancement.

Second, the staff and faculty are a remarkable group of academics and professionals that are focused on the mission and continually update our curriculum to meet the needs of students. They are dedicated to ensuring you get the best joint education possible.

Third is the outstanding course we have designed for you. We want you to know what the study of JPME at JFSC means. Reduced to its common denominator, it means understanding the complexity of joint and coalition operations, and ultimately being better prepared to operate in a joint, multinational, and interagency environment. Lessons will address topics from the national strategic level to the military operational level of warfare. You will experience lessons on the individual Services to include the U.S. Coast Guard, the Reserve Component, and Special Operations Forces. Finally, there is a lesson on critical joint force leadership issues affecting the entire force at every level of command today, such as Total Force Fitness (TFF), suicide prevention, and post traumatic stress.

JFSC is a truly exciting place to learn online and excel. The course is not easy, so be prepared to sacrifice some free time for study. However, I think you will find the course to be meaningful, engaging, and certainly rewarding. When you finish you will be proud of your accomplishment. But even more important, you will be better prepared to confront the challenges you will face in the future.

Program Manager
Senior Enlisted JPME Programs



The SEJPME Course prepares SELs assigned to joint organizations to successfully support activities and supervise multiple Service members. Upon completion of the course SELs will be more confident and competent and more fully prepared to:

  • Quickly assimilate and effectively contribute in joint assignments, and
  • Mentor junior enlisted leaders and the other enlisted personnel they supervise.

All enlisted personnel should be exposed to EJPME as they progress through their respective Services’ EPME system. This exposure is designed to prepare them to succeed in the complex future operating environment by improving their ability to operate effectively as part of the future joint force. Some enlisted personnel require more comprehensive joint education to prepare them for an assignment to a joint billet at the senior enlisted leader (SEL) or command senior enlisted leader (CSEL) level.

EJPME includes two educational levels that span an enlisted member’s career and apply to all enlisted personnel. Each level is designed to build upon the knowledge gained through the other.

A third educational level applies to senior enlisted members and above who are assigned to joint billets. A brief summary of the three EJPME levels follows:

  1. Basic EJPME. The basic EJPME level addresses the progressive educational guidelines that should be completed by pay grade E-6.
  2. Career EJPME. This level addresses educational guidelines for SEL personnel in grades E-6/7 and above.
  3. Senior EJPME. This level includes two CJCS-sponsored assignment oriented educational opportunities beginning at the SEL level:
    1. Senior Enlisted JPME (SEJPME) Course. A stand-alone web-based course that educates SELs serving in or slated to serve in a joint organization.
    2. KEYSTONE Course. This is a resident-based course which prepares CSELs for service in a flag officer joint headquarters and parallels the General and Flag Officer (G/FO) CAPSTONE Course.



The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 1805.01 Enlisted Professional Military Education Policy (EPMEP) was signed on 28 October 2005. The purpose of this instruction is to circulate the policies, procedures, objectives, and responsibilities for enlisted professional military education (EPME) and enlisted joint professional military education (EJPME). It applies to the Joint Staff, the National Defense University (NDU), and Military Services.

Within the policy the Chairman states,

Protecting our Nation, preventing future conflicts, and prevailing against adversaries require that the US Armed Forces sustain and extend their qualitative advantage against a very diverse set of threats and adversary capabilities. Maintaining our qualitative advantage begins with improving education programs across the Services.

Our over arching goal is to educate and train the right person for the right task at the right time. We can not wait until an individual is placed into a leadership position before providing the proper education and training. This is especially true today; the War on Terrorism requires [enlisted leaders] from all Services to work in the joint environment more often than they have ever before. It is imperative that we expand "jointness" to all appropriate levels in our Armed Forces.

The EPMEP defines CJCS objectives and policies regarding the education and training institutions that comprise the EPME and EJPME programs. It also provides guidance to the military education and training institutions regarding joint learning areas (JLAs) and joint learning objectives (JLOs) that should be included into EPME curricula in order to achieve the goal of expanding "jointness" to all appropriate levels within the US Armed Forces.

The Services provide EPME to members of the US Armed Forces. Relevant JPME learning objectives sponsored by the Joint Staff/J-7 and NDU have been developed to support JPME for enlisted personnel. Veined throughout Service-specific PME, enlisted personnel should receive different levels of JPME from initial enlistment (E-1) through the most senior enlisted grade (E-9).

The expansion of the joint operating environment to all levels of war necessitates the expansion of JPME to enlisted personnel. While not mandated by law (as is the case for officers), this policy is a recognition that operating in joint, interagency, multinational, and coalition warfighting organizations and staffs requires that joint learning objectives be made available to all enlisted personnel.

All enlisted personnel should make a continuing, strong personal commitment to their professional development beyond the formal schooling offered in our military educational and training system. Senior enlisted (SE) personnel (E-6/7 – E-9) should embrace the greatest responsibility for ensuring continued growth of themselves and others.

The EPMEP has been revised since its original release. The updated version is CJCSI 1805.01A dated 1 Oct 2010. The EPMEP in its entirety is available through the Joint Staff J-7 Joint Education and Doctrine Division (JEDD) at:


Last Updated: 04 April 2012
Joint Forces Staff College