U.S. Department of Justice, Office Of Justice Programs, Innovation - Partnerships - Safer Neighborhoods
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Serving Children, Families, and Communities
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Funding Opportunities

To review funding opportunities that are available from OJJDP, visit our Funding Opportunities page. Information on funding opportunities from other Office of Justice Programs components is available on the OJP Web site. For information on additional federal funding opportunities visit the Other Federal Funding Opportunities page.

Applying for Grants

Access OJP Grants 101 for a step-by-step tutorial on the grant process designed to help prospective grantees prepare more effective applications. Learn more about applying through OJP's Grants Management System or Grants.gov. Access successful OJJDP 2009 applications which have been made available to download.


To access information about awards under previous OJJDP solicitations, visit:

OJJDP Program Plans

A listing of the most recent Program Plans as published in the Federal Register by OJJDP.

Past Solicitations

Past solicitations from OJJDP and other OJP components may be found in the following archives:

Types of Funding

OJJDP provides funding to states, territories, localities, and private organizations, including faith-based institutions, through formula and block grants and discretionary grants.

Formula and Block Grants

Funding through formula and block grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.

Discretionary Grants

OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs.