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  2. PCS Travel


When you complete a PCS move, you will in-process with your local Defense Military Pay Office (DMPO) if DFAS pays your PCS (or your servicing travel office if DFAS does not pay your PCS).  Your DMPO/travel office will answer specific entitlement questions and assist with completing your travel voucher package.  Include any previously paid advances on your travel voucher.  Including your travel advance information is critical to make sure you are paid correctly.  We don't want you to owe the government at some future date for an uncollected advance.  If DFAS settles your PCS travel, your DMPO sends your travel package to our DFAS Rome, NY location.  We process the following types of vouchers for Army members:

- Permanent Change of Station (PCS) moves 
- Do-It-Yourself / Personally Procured Move (DITY/PPM
- Retirement claims

If DFAS does not process your military PCS claim, ensure you check with your servicing travel office for any additional specific requirements.

Learn more about filing your voucher and the entitlements you may qualify for by reading the information below:
How to complete your voucher

Top Errors
Latest News


Information found here is to provide a general understanding of Civilian Permanent Change of Station (PCS) travel.  It is not intended to replace guidance found in the Joint Travel Regulations, Volume 2 (JTR), applicable rates for per diem, mileage and more at the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) website. 

Our DFAS Rome, NY office processes vouchers for civilian employees of the following agencies:
- Defense Department Agencies
- Navy Working Capital Fund/Revolving Fund
- Army and the Army Materiel Command
Note: Normal processing time for Civilian PCS voucher is 8 business days.

Air Force and Marine Corps employees, we cannot assist you with your claim, contact your finance office for travel pay assistance.

Learn more about filing your voucher and the entitlements you may qualify for by reading the information below:
Taxable entitlements
Advance entitlement
Withholding tax allowance
Top errors on vouchers
Latest news
Frequently Asked Questions


Civilian Employees: PCS Voucher Tips - Closed Caption

Page updated August 24, 2012.