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  3. Advance Entitlement

Advance entitlement

The travel charge card automated teller machine (ATM) option shall be used for authorized en route travel and House Hunting Trip (HHT) advances for all DoD personnel who have a Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) and are not exempted from its use under the DoD Financial Management Regulation, Volume 9 Chapter 3, or precluded by their agency. You are not authorized a cash advance for en route travel or a HHT if you are a cardholder, or are eligible for a card (travel authorization should specify cardholder status).

Please note that when transferring between DoD agencies an individual should KEEP the travel card and upon in-processing at their new location, they should ask their new GTCC Coordinator to transfer their account into the hierarchy at their new duty station. Services and agencies determine their policy regarding the use of the GTCC during PCS moves.

The ONLY time a DoD Government Travel Charge Card should be "turned in" (closed) is when an individual is separating from the Department of Defense. In addition the DoD FMR Chapter 3 030302.B.1.i exempts mandatory use of the travel charge card for all Relocation Allowances except en route travel and HHT expenses; however, there is no prohibition for using the card on other Relocation Allowances. Caution should be exercised as the length of time necessary to incur and obtain reimbursement for expenses such as TQSE could cause travel cards to go into a delinquent status. Per the cardholder agreement, all undisputed charges must be paid by the due date regardless of the status of the traveler's reimbursement. Also note that withdrawals are limited to daily maximums established by the charge card company, unless increased via your GTCC coordinator's request.

On an exception basis only, request a travel advance (loan to be repaid) when DFAS Rome Center services the funds on the travel authorization by submitting a fax copy of the DD Form 1614 (Request/Authorization for DoD Civilian Permanent Duty or Temporary Change of Station [TCS] Travel with appropriate authorization) to, 216-367-3428 (DSN 312-580-7839) along with an explanation of:

  • What type of advance (i.e., TQSE, House Hunting)
  • For whom (employee, spouse, both)
  • Period of time an advance is for (dates of travel/dates of TQSE)
  • Direct Deposit Information (DD Form 2762)
  • Correct mailing address, e-mail address, and a complete daytime/evening/cell commercial telephone number

An advance of funds may be requested for the following allowances:

  1. House Hunting (actual expense method) - Employee and/or Spouse
  2. En route Travel - Employee and/or Spouse/Dependents
  3. Household Goods - (If Commuted Rate authorized for CONUS to CONUS move) Employee arranges the shipment directly with a vendor. Submit the mover's "estimate of cost for services" showing estimated weight and distance, origin and destination of goods being shipped, storage location, anticipated dates of storage, weight of storage, etc. *SEE NOTE BELOW.
  4. Temporary Storage of Household Goods - If commercial storage used *See #3 above.
  5. Mobile Home Transportation - Moved by commercial transporter- submit estimate
  6. Temporary Quarters (Actual Expense) - Employee and/or Spouse/Dependents, not to exceed 30 days per advance.

*Note: Advances are issued for a percent of the maximum allowance, except for household goods, which is advanced at 100 percent. You may request that a lesser amount be advanced.

Note: Authorized advances are issued no sooner than 10 days before anticipated travel or authorized allowance begins.

You must submit a settlement voucher to the paying travel office within five work days of completion of each portion of travel for which an advance has been issued. If the advance you were given exceeds your travel allowances, you will be informed that any overpayment must be liquidated within 30 days of notification. Attach copies of all advance vouchers to the settlement voucher.

An advance of funds is NOT authorized for:

  1. Household Goods shipped via Government Bill of Lading (GBL) or the self-procured Actual Expense Method (limited to the GBL cost)
  2. Real Estate Allowance/Unexpired Lease
  3. Miscellaneous Expense Allowance
  4. Fixed HHT and Fixed TQSE (F) - these entitlements are considered as one time settlement payments and should be claimed on DD Form 1351-2
  5. HMIP - One time settlement payment - claim on DD Form 1351-2
  6. OCONUS Renewal Agreement Travel (RAT)
  7. Return travel for separation
  8. Advance return of dependents
  9. Non-temporary storage of HHG

Individuals PCSing to OCONUS should receive all advances and settlements from the paying station overseas, EXCEPT for TQSA advances which should be requested from the servicing payroll office on a SF Form 1190 prior to departing old duty station. The DFAS travel payment office is not authorized to advance Department of State allowances, overseas transfer allowances e.g., TQSA.

Please use the Request for Civilian PCS Advance Form when requesting an advance from DFAS-Rome Travel Pay.