• Pink flowers blossom in the garden of a white two-room cottage.

    Herbert Hoover

    National Historic Site Iowa

Be A Junior Ranger

A park ranger and a child recite the Junior Ranger pledge.

Linda  Staats

Park rangers review completed activity books and swear in new Junior Rangers.

The Junior Ranger program helps kids get involved and learn more about Herbert Hoover National Historic Site. Anyone can become a Junior Ranger by completing activities during a visit to the park.

Get a free Junior Ranger Activity Book (PDF file, 1,793 KB) from the Visitor Center. Follow the activity instructions in the booklet. When the booklet is complete return to the Visitor Center to receive your official Herbert Hoover National Historic Site Junior Ranger badge and certificate.

You can be a Junior Ranger on the Web even if you can't visit a national park. Be a WebRanger »

Kids who have already earned their badge and certificate may also be interested in completing the Junior Ranger Archeology Program (PDF file, 2,506 KB) with their families at home.


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Did You Know?

Black and white photo of Herbert Hoover in retirement.

In Herbert Hoover’s 31-year retirement from the presidency he never had any Secret Service protection. Not until 1965, one year after Hoover died, was lifetime Secret Service protection awarded to ex-presidents. More...