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Laws and Regulations

Several laws and the regulations developed to implement them are the foundation of EPA's Emergency Management Program.

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Laws Defining EPA's Emergency Management Program

Law Overview Full Text
Clean Air Act (CAA) Overview 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671
Clean Water Act (CWA) Overview 33 U.S.C. 26
Oil Pollution Act (OPA) Overview 33 U.S.C. 40
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, & Liability Act (CERCLA) Overview 42 U.S.C. 103
Superfund Amendments & Reauthorization Act (SARA) Overview 42 U.S.C. 103
Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know (EPCRA) Overview 42 U.S.C. 116
Chemical Safety Information, Site Security and Fuels Regulatory Relief Act (CSISSFRRA) Overview 42 U.S.C. 7412(r)
Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA) Overview 49 U.S.C. 5101-5127

Regulations Implementing EPA's Emergency Management Program

This section provides specific information on EPA's emergency management regulations.  To search other regulations, please see:

The e-CFR is not an official edition of the CFR, which is printed annually by the Government Printing Office (GPO).  However, the GPO updates the e-CFR daily with Federal Register amendments, making it a more current, if unofficial version of the CFR.

Each regulation is referenced by its location in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). For example, "40 CFR 300" means that the regulation is in Volume 40, Part 300 of the CFR.

Regulation Overview Full Text Related FR Notices
Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions Overview 40 CFR 68 FR Notices

Discharge of Oil

Overview 40 CFR 110 FR Notices
Oil Pollution Prevention Overview 40 CFR 112 FR Notices
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan Overview 40 CFR 300 FR Notices
Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification Overview 40 CFR 302 FR Notices
Reimbursement to Local Governments for Emergency Response to Hazardous Substance Releases Overview 40 CFR 310 FR Notices
Emergency Planning and Notification Overview 40 CFR 355 FR Notices
Hazardous Chemical Reporting: Community Right-to-Know Overview 40 CFR 370 FR Notices
Criteria for State, Local and Regional Oil Removal Contingency Plans Overview

40 CFR 109

FR Notices

Relevant Federal Register Notices

This section provides links to Federal Register (FR) notices relevant to EPA's emergency management regulations.  To browse or search FR publications for other EPA rules, proposed rules, and notices, please see Federal Register Environmental Documents. Each notice is referenced by its location in the Federal Register (FR). For example, "69 FR 18819" means that the notice is in Volume 69, Page 18819 of the FR.

Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions; 40 CFR 68

  • April 9, 2004: Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Program Requirements Under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(7); Amendments to the Submission Schedule and Data Requirements; Final Rule. 69 FR 18819 HTML | PDF (14 pp, 104K)
  • August 4, 2000: Accidental Release Prevention Requirements; Risk Management Programs Under the Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(7); Distribution of Off-Site Consequence Analysis Information; Final Rule. 65 FR 48107 HTML | PDF (27 pp, 310K)
  • March 13, 2000: Amendments to the List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for Accidental Release Prevention; Flammable Substances Used as Fuel or Held for Sale as Fuel at Retail Facilities; Final Rule. 65 FR 13243 HTML | PDF (2 pp, 121K)
  • February 22, 2000: Delegation of Authority to Conduct Assessments and Promulgate Regulations On Public Access to Off-Site Consequence Analysis Information (January 27, 2000 Memorandum). 65 FR 8631 HTML | PDF (1 pg, 131K)
  • January 6, 1999: Accidental Release Prevention Requirements; Risk Management Programs Under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(7); Amendments; Final Rule. 64 FR 963 HTML | PDF (18 pp, 124K)
  • January 6, 1998: List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for Accidental Release Prevention; Final Rule. 63 FR 639 HTML | PDF (7 pp, 47K)
  • August 25, 1997: List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for Accidental Release Prevention; Final Rule. 62 FR 45129 HTML | PDF (4 pp, 27K)
  • August 25, 1997: Accidental Release Prevention Requirements; Interpretations; Final Rule. 62 FR 45133 HTML | PDF (4 pp, 27K)
  • June 20, 1996: Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under the Clean Air Act, Section 112(r)(7); List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for Accidental Release Prevention, Stay of Effectiveness; and Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under Section 112(r)(7) of the Clean Air Act as Amended, Guidelines; Final Rules and Notice. 61 FR 31667 HTML | PDF (64 pp, 417K)

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Discharge of Oil; 40 CFR 110
  • March 29, 1996: Oil Discharge Program; Editorial Revision of Rules; Correction. 61 FR 14032 HTML | PDF (2 pp, 20K)
  • February 28, 1996: Oil Discharge Program; Editorial Revision of Rules. 61 FR 7421 HTML | PDF (3 pp, 26K)
  • April 2, 1987: Part 110 - Discharge of Oil. 52 FR 10719 PDF (2 pp, 395K)

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Oil Pollution Prevention; 40 CFR 112

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Rule

  • October 14, 2010: Oil Pollution Prevention; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule - Compliance Date Amendment - Final Rule. 75 FR 63093 PDF (11 pp, 183K)
  • June 19, 2009: Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation Related Onshore Facilities; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule - Compliance Date Amendment - Final Rule. 74 FR 29136 HTML | PDF (7 pp, 120K)
  • April 1, 2009: Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation Related Onshore Facilities; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule - Final Amendments - Delay of Effective Date and Request for Comment on SPCC Requirements Finalized in December 2008 - Final Rule. 74 FR 14736 HTML | PDF (3 pp, 83K)
  • February 3, 2009: Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation Related Onshore Facilities; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule - Final Amendments - Delay of Effective Date and Request for Comment on SPCC Requirements Finalized in December 2008 - Final Rule. 74 FR 5900 HTML | PDF (4 pp, 75K)
  • January 15, 2009: Oil Pollution Prevention; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule Requirements - Proposal to Exempt Milk Containers and Associated Piping and Appurtenances from the SPCC Rule. 74 FR 2461 HTML | PDF (5 pp, 103K)
  • December 5, 2008: Oil Pollution Prevention; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule Requirements - Amendments. 73 FR 74235 HTML | PDF (89 pp, 3M)
  • November 26, 2008: Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation Related Onshore Facilities - Proposal to Amend Compliance Dates. 73 FR 72016 HTML | PDF (7 pp, 121K)
  • November 26, 2008: Oil Pollution Prevention; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule; Revisions to the Regulatory Definition of "Navigable Waters." 73 FR 71941 HTML | PDF (4 pp, 75K)
  • May 16, 2007: Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation Related Onshore and Offshore Facilities; Final Rule. 72 FR 27443 HTML | PDF (6 pp, 127K)
  • December 26, 2006: Oil Pollution Prevention; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan Requirements - Amendments; Final Rule. 71 FR 77266 HTML | PDF (28 pp, 338K)
  • February 17, 2006: Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation Related Onshore Facilities; Final Rule; Extension Deadlines. 71 FR 8462 HTML | PDF (6 pp, 115K)
  • August 11, 2004: Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation-Related Onshore and Offshore Facilities; Final rule to extend deadline. 69 FR 48794 HTML | PDF (6 pp, 73K)
  • May 25, 2004: Notice Concerning Certain Issues Pertaining to the July 2002 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Rule. 69 FR 29728 HTML | PDF (3 pp, 59K)
  • August 11, 2004: Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation-Related Onshore and Offshore Facilities. 69 FR 48794 HTML | PDF (6 pp, 73K)
  • April 17, 2003: Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation-Related Onshore and Offshore Facilities; Final Rule. 68 FR 18890 HTML | PDF (5 pp, 53K)
  • January 9, 2003: Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation-Related Onshore and Offshore Facilities; Final Rule and Proposed Rule. 68 FR 1348 HTML | PDF (5 pp, 103K)
  • July 17, 2002: Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation-Related Onshore and Offshore Facilities; Final Rule. 67 FR 47042 HTML: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 | PDF: Part 1 (PDF) (50 pp, 316K), Part 2 (PDF) (50 pp, 269K), Part 3 (PDF) (12 pp, 79K)
  • December 11, 1973: Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation-Related Onshore and Offshore Facilities. 38 FR 34164 PDF (8 pp, 1.6M)

Facility Response Plan (FRP) Rule

  • June 30, 2000: Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation-Related Facilities; Final Rule. 65 FR 40775 HTML | PDF (43 pp, 614K)
  • October 20, 1997: Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation Related Onshore Facilities -- Denial of petition requesting amendment of the Facility Response Plan rule. 62 FR 54508 HTML | PDF (37 pp, 330K)
  • July 1, 1994: Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation-Related Onshore Facilities; Final Rule. 59 FR 3409 HTML

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National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; 40 CFR 300
  • September 15, 1994: National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Final Rule. 59 FR 47384

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Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification; 40 CFR 302
  • December 18, 2008: CERCLA/EPCRA Administrative Reporting Exemption for Air Releases of Hazardous Substances from Animal Waste at Farms, Final Rule. 73 FR 76948 HTML | PDF (13 pp, 178K)
  • October 4, 2006: Administrative Reporting Exemption for Certain Air Releases of NOX (NO and NO2). 71 FR 58525 HTML | PDF (9 pp, 179K)
  • August 16, 2006: Reportable Quantity Adjustments for Carbamates and Carbamate-Related Hazardous Waste Streams; Reportable Quantity Adjustment for Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing Process Waste (K178), Final Rule. 71 FR 47106 HTML | PDF (17 pp, 375K)
  • July 9, 2002: Correction of Typographical Errors and Removal of Obsolete Language in Regulations on Reportable Quantities. 67 FR 45356 HTML | PDF (44 pp, 242K)
  • July 24, 1990: Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification. 55 FR 30185 PDF (3 pp, 387K)
  • August 14, 1989: Table 302.4: List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities. 54 FR 33449 PDF (36 pp, 2.7M)
  • May 24, 1989: Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification. 54 FR 22538 PDF (6 pp, 632K)
  • September 29, 1986: Determination of Reportable Quantities for Hazardous Substances. 51 FR 34547 PDF (3 pp, 429K)
  • April 4, 1985: Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification. 50 FR 13474 PDF (40 pp, 2.6M)

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Reimbursement to Local Governments for Emergency Response to Hazardous Substance Releases; 40 CFR 310
  • September 28, 2005: Reimbursement to Local Governments for Emergency Responses to Hazardous Substances Releases, Final Rule; Technical Correction. 70 FR 56576 HTML | PDF (2 pp, 83K)
  • February 18, 1998: Reimbursement to Local Governments for Emergency Responses to Hazardous Substances Release, Interim Final Rule. 63 FR 8283 HTML | PDF (14 pp, 229K)

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Emergency Planning and Notification; 40 CFR 355
  • March 22, 2012: Emergency Planning and Notification; Emergency Planning and List of Extremely Hazardous Substances and Threshold Planning Quantities, Final Rule. 77 FR 16679 HTML | PDF (10 pp, 253K)
  • December 18, 2008: CERCLA/EPCRA Administrative Reporting Exemption for Air Releases of Hazardous Substances from Animal Waste at Farms, Final Rule. 73 FR 76948 HTML | PDF (13 pp, 178K)
  • November 3, 2008: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act; Amendments to Emergency Planning and Notification; Emergency Release Notification and Hazardous Chemical Reporting, Final Rule. HTML | PDF (34 pp, 1.6M)
  • September 11, 2006: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know; Reportable Quantity Adjustment for Isophorone Diisocyanate, Final Rule. 71 FR 53331 HTML | PDF (5 pp, 118K)
  • August 16, 2006: Reportable Quantity Adjustments for Carbamates and Carbamate-Related Hazardous Waste Streams; Reportable Quantity Adjustment for Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing Process Waste (K178), Final Rule. 71 FR 47106 HTML | PDF (17 pp, 375K)
  • November 26, 2004: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act; Extremely Hazardous Substances List; Deletion of Phosmet, Final Rule. 69 FR 68809 HTML | PDF (7 pp, 41K)
  • September 8, 2003: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act; Extremely Hazardous Substances List; Modification of Threshold Planning Quantity for Isophorone Diisocyanate, Final Rule. 68 FR 52977 HTML | PDF (8 pp, 124K)
  • May 7, 1996: Extremely Hazardous Substances (deletion of 4 substances and raise RQs of 202 EHS), Final Rule. 61 FR 20473 HTML | PDF (18 pp, 185K)
  • February 15, 1990: Extremely Hazardous Substances List (deletion of 6 substances), Final Rule. 55 FR 5544 PDF (3 pp, 375K)
  • February 28, 1988: Extremely Hazardous Substances List (deletion of 36 substances), Final Rule. 53 FR 5574 PDF (3 pp, 428K)
  • December 17, 1987: Extremely Hazardous Substances List (deletion of bacitracin and 3 substances), Final Rules. 52 FR 48072 and 52 FR 48073 PDF (3 pp, 324K)
  • April 22, 1987: Extremely Hazardous Substance List and Threshold Planning Quantities; Emergency Planning and Release Notification Requirements; Final Rule. 52 FR 13378 PDF (33 pp, 7.5M)
    This FR notice contains the EHS list of chemicals as published in 1987. This list has been revised over time and should not be used for current compliance purposes. The current EHS list can be found at 40 CFR 355.
  • November 17, 1986: Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Programs; Interim Final Rule. 51 FR 41570 PDF (23 pp, 2.7M)
    EPA was required to publish this Interim Final Rule 30 days after EPCRA was passed. This rule established the list of extremely hazardous substances (EHSs) and their threshold palnning quantities (TPQs). This rule also codifies the reproting and notification requirments for facilities at which EHSs are present. This rule was later finalized on April 22, 1987.

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Hazardous Chemical Reporting: Community Right-to-Know; 40 CFR 370
  • July 13, 2012: Hazardous Chemical Reporting: Revisions to the Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Forms (Tier I and Tier II) PDF (17 pp, 281K)
  • March 26, 2009: Hazardous Chemical Reporting; Tier II Inventory Information. HTML | PDF (2 pp, 74K)
  • November 3, 2008: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act; Amendments to Emergency Planning and Notification; Emergency Release Notification and Hazardous Chemical Reporting, Final Rule. HTML | PDF (34 pp, 1.6M)
  • February 11, 1999: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Programs Amendments to Hazardous Chemical Reporting Thresholds for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel at Retail Gas Stations; Final Rule. 64 FR 7031 HTML | PDF (17 pp, 110K)
  • July 26, 1990: Community Right-To-Know Reporting Requirements; Final Rule. 55 FR 30645 PDF (26 pp, 3M)
  • October 15, 1987: Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Forms and Community Right-to-Know Reporting Requirements; Final Rule. 52 FR 38364 PDF (14 pp, 1.1K)

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Criteria for State, Local and Regional Oil Removal Contingency Plans; 40 CFR 109
  • November 25, 1971: Criteria for State, Local and Regional Oil Removal Contingency Plans. 36 FR 22485 PDF (2 pp, 332K)

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