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Urban Heat Island Webcasts and Conference Calls

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Next Urban Heat Island Webcast:

No webcasts are scheduled at this time. Future webcasts will be planned based on requests from the heat island community.  To submit suggestions for future topics, please email Neelam R. Patel at Patel.neelam-r@epa.gov.

EPA holds free, national, urban heat island (UHI) webcasts. Prior to 2008, these meetings were held via conference call. Through these webcasts, and former conference calls, stakeholders from around the country inform each other of their urban heat island-related work. Scientists, practitioners, industry representatives, and government officials and staff all participate.

Presentations and other materials from these webcasts and conference calls are posted below, organized by topic. Note that some presentations are relevant to several topics and thus may be listed more than once. The most recent webcast is also listed by date.

Contact Us, if you would like to participate in future Webcasts. To help keep you up to date, you may also wish to sign up for EPA's Urban Heat Island Newsletter.

Most Recent Webcast

Topic Speaker Date

EPA Heat Island Reduction Program and Local Climate and Energy Program Overview (PDF) (53 pp, 4.1MB)

Audio of Neelam Patel's presentation (mp3) (10.6MB); Transcript (PDF) (8 pp, 70K)

Neelam Patel (EPA)

August 8, 2012

Urban Heat Island and Climate Change: Planning for Extreme Heat in Cities (PDF) (17 pp, 1.6MB)

Audio of Brian Stone’s presentation (mp3) (6MB); Transcript (PDF) (6 pp, 61K)

Brian Stone (Georgia Tech University)

Linking Urban Heat Islands to Climate Adaptation Planning (PDF) (9 pp, 1.1MB)

Audio of Brendan Reed’s presentation (mp3) (8.3MB); Transcript (PDF) (6 pp, 61K)

Brendan Reed (City of Chula Vista, California)

Tree Strategies for Heat Island Reduction (PDF) (17 pp, 3.2MB)

Audio of Matt Grubisich’s presentation (mp3) (8.4MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)

Matt Grubisich (Texas Tree Foundation)

Austin Heat Island Mitigation (PDF) (15 pp, 430K)

Audio of Norman Muraya’s presentation (mp3) (8.4MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 98K)

Norman Muraya (Austin Energy)

Audio of Questions and Answers (mp3) (9.6MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)

Additional questions answered after the webcast (coming soon)

Transcript of Entire Webcast (PDF) (42 pp, 238K)


Top of page

Measuring and Modeling Urban Heat Islands

Topic Speaker Date

Advanced Modeling Tools and Systems for Addressing Urban Heat Island (UHI) Mitigation Requirements (PDF) (32 pp, 5.8MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Jason Ching's Webcast presentation (wmv) (5.4MB); Transcript (PDF) (10 pp,192K)

Jason Ching (EPA) November 2008
Urban and Rural Temperature Trends in Proximity to Large U.S. Cities: 1951–2000 (29 pp, 2MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Brian Stone's Webcast presentation (wmv) (5.3MB); Transcript (PDF) (15 pp,156K)

Brian Stone (City and Regional Planning Program, Georgia Institute of Technology) April 2008
How Researchers Measure Urban Heat Islands (PDF) (34 pp, 3.1MB) James Voogt (University of Western Ontario) July 2007
Remote Sensing of Land Cover in Urban Environments (PDF) (24 pp, 1.2MB) Nicholas Goodwin (University of British Columbia) July 2007
Measuring UHI in San Juan, Puerto Rico (PDF) (38pp, 6.9MB) Jeff Luvall (NASA), Dr. Jorge Gonzalez (Santa Clara University) January 2007
New York City Urban Heat Island "Reconnaissance": Preliminary Findings On Street Trees, Parks and Various Urban Surfaces Using Mobile Sensors (PDF) (32 pp, 1.6MB) Stuart Gaffin (Center for Climate Systems Research at Columbia University) October 2006
Characterizing NY’s Surface Urban Heat Island (PDF) (26 pp, 1.5MB) Dr. Bill Solecki and Jennifer Cox (Hunter College) January 2005
Linking Urban Form, Function, and Climate Gerald Mills (University College Dublin) January 2005

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Heat Island Impacts

Topic Speaker Date

Air Quality

Weather and the Built Environment: Free, Interactive, One-hour Online Course (PDF) (3 pp, 952K)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Sara Espinoza's Webcast presentation (wmv) (2.1MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 80K)

Sara Espinoza (National Environmental Education Foundation) April 2008

Water Quality & Management

Weather and the Built Environment: Free, Interactive, One-hour Online Course (PDF) (3 pp, 952K)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Sara Espinoza's Webcast presentation (wmv) (2.1MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 80K)

Sara Espinoza (National Environmental Education Foundation) April 2008
Beating the Heat from Urban Runoff Don Waye (EPA) October 2005

Heat & Health

Urban Heat and Health Jason Samenow (EPA) July 2007

Other Impacts

Estimating the Impacts of Climate Change and Urbanization on Building Performance (PDF) (18 pp, 484K)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Drury B. Crawley's Webcast presentation (wmv) (1.8MB); Transcript (PDF) (6 pp, 75K)

Drury B. Crawley (U.S. Department of Energy) April 2008

Top of page


Topic Speaker Date

Strategies and Technologies

Trees and Vegetation

Tree Strategies for Heat Island Reduction (PDF) (17 pp, 3.2MB)
Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.
Audio of Matt Grubisich’s presentation (mp3) (8.4MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)
Audio of Questions and Answers (mp3) (9.6MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)

Matt Grubisich (Texas Tree Foundation) August 2012
Sacramento’s Urban Forests for Clean Air Project Charles Anderson (Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District) April 2007
Tree Canopy Programs in the Washington DC-MD-VA Air Quality Plan Gary Allen (Center for Chesapeake Communities) April 2007
Overview of iTree Greg McPherson (USDA Forest Service) October 2006

Green Roofs

Implementing Green Roof Projects at the Local Level (PDF) (53 pp, 1.8MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Neelam Patel's presentation (wmv) (21.5MB); Transcript (PDF) (10 pp, 60K)

Neelam Patel (EPA)

June 2010

Energy Performance of Green Roofs: the role of the roof in affecting building energy and the urban atmospheric environment (PDF) (29 pp, 5MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

David Sailor's presentation (wmv) (19.8MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 52K)

David J. Sailor, Ph.D. (Portland State University)

June 2010

Green Roofs: Stormwater Management and Urban Heat Island Mitigation (PDF) (15 pp, 3.5MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Jason Berner's presentation (wmv) (16.1MB); Transcript (PDF) (4 pp, 40K)

Jason Berner (EPA) June 2010

Green Roof Incentives + Partnerships –The 2010 Resource Guide (PDF) (26 pp, 1.6MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Sara Loveland 's presentation (wmv) (20.1MB) Transcript (PDF) (9 pp, 64K)

Sara Loveland (DC Greenworks) June 2010

Chicago Green Roof Initiative (PDF) (9 pp, 3.2MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Michael Berkshire's presentation (wmv) (12.3MB) Transcript (PDF) (4 pp, 44K)

Michael Berkshire (City of Chicago) June 2010
Portland, Oregon’s Green Roof Activities Tom Liptan (City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services) April 2007
Building Energy Impacts of Green Roofs Dave Sailor (Portland State University) October 2006
Update on Green Roof ASTM Standards Michael Gibbons (Architectural Systems) October 2006

Cool Roofs

Austin Heat Island Mitigation (PDF) (15 pp, 430K)
Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.
Audio of Norman Muraya’s presentation (mp3) (8.4MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 98K)
Audio of Questions and Answers (mp3) (9.6MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)

Norman Muraya (Austin Energy) August 2012
EPA Heat Island Reduction Program Overview (PDF) (12 pp, 1.7MB)

Questions and Answers (mp3) (2.3MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (8 pp, 188K)

Neelam Patel (EPA) April 2011

ENERGY STAR Products Third-Party Verification and Certification (PDF) (10 pp, 196K)

Questions and Answers (mp3) (2.3MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (8 pp, 188K)

Eamon Monahan (EPA) April 2011

Reflective Roof Coatings Institute (PDF) (7 pp, 80K)

Questions and Answers (mp3) (2.3MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (8 pp, 188K)

Penny Gift (Reflective Roof Coatings Institute) April 2011

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Heat Island Group Cool Roofs Update (PDF) (10 pp, 9.1MB)

Questions and Answers (mp3) (2.3MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (8 pp, 188K)

Hugo Destaillats, (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) April 2011
Cool Colors Project Hashem Akbari and Dr. Ronnen Levinson (LBNL) April 2006
Austin Energy’s Cool Roof Rebate Program Dr. Norman Muraya (Austin Energy) October 2005
Chicago’s Latest Cool Roof Requirements Brendan Daley (Chicago Department of Environment) January 2005

Cool Pavements

(To view the January 2010 webcast files, you will need to install the Go2Meeting codecExit EPA Disclaimer in your media player)

Introduction to the Urban Heat Island Effect and EPA’s Heat Island Reduction Program (PDF) (43 pp, 1MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Neelam Patel's Webcast presentation (wmv) (18.5MB); Transcript (PDF) (9 pp, 112K)

Neelam Patel (EPA)

January 2010

Scientific Overview of Pavements and Heat Islands (PDF) (21 pp, 4.2MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Dr. Kamil Kaloush's Webcast presentation (wmv) (27.3MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 104K)

Dr. Kamil Kaloush (Arizona State University) January 2010

U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Sustainability Initiatives (PDF) (3 pp, 100K)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

David Carlson's Webcast presentation (wmv) (7.9MB); Transcript (PDF) (3 pp, 80K)

David Carlson (U.S. DOT, FHWA) January 2010

Long-Life Asphalt Pavements for the 21st Century - Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies (PDF) (17 pp, 2.3MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Matthew Corrigan's Webcast presentation (wmv) (15.7MB); Transcript (PDF) (6 pp, 92K)

Matthew Corrigan (U.S. DOT, FHWA) January 2010

Chicago’s Sustainable Streets Pilot Project (PDF) (34 pp, 3.8MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Janet Attarian's Webcast presentation (wmv) (26.5MB); Transcript (PDF) (10 pp, 116K)

Janet Attarian (City of Chicago) January 2010

Modeling Mitigation Strategies

Overview of iTree Greg McPherson (USDA Forest Service) October 2006
Modeling the Effects of Heat Island Mitigation Dave Sailor (Portland State University) April 2006
Urban Surface Modification as a Potential Ozone AQ Improvement Strategy in CA Haider Taha (Altostratus) January 2006
Overview of NASA’s Air Quality Modeling Project in Atlanta (PDF) (43 pp, 3.5MB) Dr. Dale Quattrochi (NASA) October 2005

Urban Heat Island Activities

EPA Activities

EPA Heat Island Reduction Program and Local Climate and Energy Program Overview (PDF) (53 pp, 4.1MB)
Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.
Audio of Neelam Patel's presentation (mp3) (10.6MB); Transcript (PDF) (8 pp, 70K)
Audio of Questions and Answers (mp3) (9.6MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)

Neelam Patel (EPA)

August 2012

EPA Urban Heat Island Program: Updates and Resources (PDF) (14 pp, 356K)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Neelam Patel's Webcast presentation (wmv) (1.1MB); Transcript (PDF) (4 pp, 88K)

Neelam Patel (EPA)

November 2008

EPA’s Sustainable Skylines Initiative Program (PDF) (11 pp, 384K)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Yvonne Johnson's Webcast presentation (wmv) (2.4MB); Transcript (PDF) (6 pp, 148K)

Yvonne Johnson (EPA)

November 2008

Updates on EPA's UHI Activities (PDF) (10 pp, 84K)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Eva Wong's Webcast presentation (wmv) (2.1MB); Transcript (PDF) (8 pp, 122K)

Eva Wong (EPA)

January 2008

State and Local Activities

Urban Heat Island and Climate Change: Planning for Extreme Heat in Cities (PDF) (17 pp, 1.6MB)
Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.
Audio of Brian Stone’s presentation (mp3) (6MB); Transcript (PDF) (6 pp, 61K)
Audio of Questions and Answers (mp3) (9.6MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)

Brian Stone (Georgia Tech University)

August 2012

Linking Urban Heat Islands to Climate Adaptation Planning (PDF) (9 pp, 1.1MB)
Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.
Audio of Brendan Reed’s presentation (mp3) (8.3MB); Transcript (PDF) (6 pp, 61K)
Audio of Questions and Answers (mp3) (9.6MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)

Brendan Reed (City of Chula Vista, California)

August 2012

Tree Strategies for Heat Island Reduction (PDF) (17 pp, 3.2MB)
Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.
Audio of Matt Grubisich’s presentation (mp3) (8.4MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)
Audio of Questions and Answers (mp3) (9.6MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)

Matt Grubisich (Texas Tree Foundation)

August 2012

Austin Heat Island Mitigation (PDF) (15 pp, 430K)
Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.
Audio of Norman Muraya’s presentation (mp3) (8.4MB); Transcript (PDF) (7 pp, 98K)
Audio of Questions and Answers (mp3) (9.6MB); Transcript of Questions and Answers (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)

Norman Muraya (Austin Energy)

August 2012

Houston Downtown Management District's Vertical Garden (Green Wall) grant program (PDF) (34 pp, 2.2MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Anton Sinkewich's Webcast presentation (wmv) (5.2MB); Transcript (PDF) (11 pp, 153K)

Anton Sinkewich (Central Houston Inc.)

January 2008

Seattle's new landscaping requirement for Seattle's
commercial areas (PDF)
(10 pp, 1.1MB)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Steve Moddemeyer's Webcast presentation (wmv) (4.5MB); Transcript (PDF) (10 pp, 184K)

Steve Moddemeyer (Seattle Department of Planning and Development)


January 2008
Portland, Oregon’s Green Roof Activities Tom Liptan (City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services) April 2007
Sacramento’s Urban Forests for Clean Air Project Charles Anderson (Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District) April 2007
Tree Canopy Programs in the Washington DC-MD-VA Air Quality Plan Gary Allen (Center for Chesapeake Communities) April 2007
Sustainable South Bronx, NYC NGO Rob Crauderueff (Sustainable South Bronx) January 2006
Austin Energy’s Cool Roof Rebate Program Dr. Norman Muraya (Austin Energy) October 2005
Chicago’s Latest Cool Roof Requirements Brendan Daley (Chicago Department of Environment) January 2005

Non-Governmental Activities

American Meteorological Society Urban Environment Symposium, Jan 11-15, 2009 (PDF) (14 pp, 492K)

Note: this presentation was also given by webcast.

Dr. Tony Brazel's Webcast presentation (wmv) (1MB); Transcript (PDF) (3 pp, 88K)

Dr. Tony Brazel (Arizona State University)

November 2008

Top of page

Pre-2005 Conference Calls*

Topics Speakers Date
Mitigation Impact Screening Tool (MIST); UHI modeling in CA; ICLEI Workshops (PDF) (4 pp, 1MB) David Sailor (Portland State University), Haider Taha (Altostratus), Ryan Bell (ICLEI) October 2004
Lessons learned from European heat wave; Sacramento UHI strategy; EPA Supplemental Environmental Projects (PDF) (4 pp, 127K) Larry Kalkstein (U of Delaware), Misha Sarkovich (SMUD), Hyatt Nolan (EPA), Joyce Rosenthal (Columbia University), Eva Wong (EPA), David Hitchcock (HARC) December 2003
University of MD research on urbanization and land use on surface temperature; CA’s Title-24 cool roof standards (PDF) (3 pp, 552K) Eugenia Kalnay (U of MD), Hashem Akbari (LBNL), David Sailor (Portland State University), Eva Wong (EPA) September 2003
OUTCOMES model, UHI and urban sprawl research in New Jersey; New York City green roof study(PDF) (4 pp, 205K) Gordon Heisler (USDA Forest Service), William Solecki (Montclair University), Colin Cheney (Earth Pledge), Ryan Bell (ICLEI), David Brosch (City of Baltimore), Eva Wong (EPA) June 2003
Philadelphia Cool Homes program; Urban forest research; Chicago’s cool roof amendment (PDF) (4 pp, 1MB) Liz Robinson (Philadelphia Energy Coordinating Agency), Greg McPherson (USDA Forest Service), Gerry Bakker (City of Chicago) March 2003
UHI and LEED; Penn State green roof research; Baltimore’s cool roof pilot (PDF) (4 pp, 339K) Peter Templeton (USGBC), Dave Beattie (Penn State), David Brosch (City of Baltimore), Ken Sandler, Vinnie Hunt (City of Tucson) September 2002
UHI research in Washington, DC; Climate & public health in NYC region; Atlanta green roof objectives; Toronto UHI Summit (PDF) (4 pp, 335K) Ivan Cheung (George Washington University), Joyce Rosenthal (Columbia University), Ben Taube (City of Atlanta), Catherine Wood (Toronto Atmospheric Fund), Ryan Bell (ICLEI), Ann Dougherty (Environmental Council of Concrete Organizations), Eva Wong (EPA) June 2002
Pavement reflectance study; Land use and energy studies; CA Cool Savings Program; UHI in Gilbert, AZ’s general plan; Houston Cool Cities Update (PDF) (4 pp, 226K) Mel Pomerantz (LBNL), Hashem Akbari (LBNL), Kris Kiehne (Sacramento Cool Community Program), Paul Hollar (City of Gilbert, AZ), Dana Easley (HARC), Jim Scapaleto (ACPA) March 2002
Heat health watch/warning systems; Philadelphia Cool Homes pilot program; Austin UHI mitigation (PDF) (4 pp, 279K) Larry Kalkstein (U of Delaware), Liz Robinson (Philadelphia Energy Coordinating Agency), Fred Blood (City of Austin), Esther Matthews (Austin Energy) December 2001
Florida Power & Light reflective roof study; Chicago energy code; research on designing thermally efficient cities (PDF) (4 pp, 268K) Craig Muccio (Florida Power & Light), Brendan Daley (Chicago Department of Environment), Brian Stone (University of Wisconsin), Jeff Luvall (NASA), Jerriann Ernsten (Salt Lake City), Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Maria Sanders (ICLEI) September 2001
Biogenic emissions and large-scale urban tree planting; California cool roof retrofit program; Toronto Heat Island Summit; ICLEI Policy Adoption Campaign (PDF) (4 pp, 264K) Arthur Winer (UCLA), John Karlick(U of CA Cooperative Extension), Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Maria Sanders (ICLEI), Eva Ligetti (Toronto Atmospheric Fund), Niko Dietsch (EPA), Kris Kiehne (Sacramento Cool Community Program)   July 2001
CA AB970 & cool roof rebates; Fair Oaks Village cool parking lot; UHI modeling techniques (PDF) (4 pp, 18K) Kris Kiehne (Sacramento Cool Community Program), Andy Youngs (CA Cement Promotion Council), Maria Sanders (ICLEI), Eva Wong (EPA), Niko Dietsch (EPA) April 2001
Chicago green & cool roof requirements; pilot project updates (PDF) (3 pp, 31K) Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Alex Holt (City of Chicago), Fran Stewart (City of Baton Rouge), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Maury Estes (NASA), Jeremy Castle (EPA), Edgar Mercado (EPA)  May 2000
Los Angeles air quality modeling; Department of Energy grant for carbon sequestration; other city updates (PDF) (3 pp, 67K) Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), Haider Taha (Altostratus), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Gary Gero (City of Los Angeles), Fran Stewart (City of Baton Rouge), Tina Davies (City of Houston), Alex Holt (City of Chicago) March 2000
Los Angeles urban airshed modeling; Sacramento and Salt Like City proposals (PDF) (3 pp, 72K) Gary Gero (City of Los Angeles), Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Maury Estes (NASA), Lucie Griggs (City of Atlanta) February 2000
Salt Lake City demonstration projects; Sacramento cool pavements research and NASA analysis (PDF) (3 pp, 63K) Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Maury Estes (NASA), Virginia Gorsevski (EPA) January 2000
Sacramento, Salt Like City, Atlanta, and Miami Cool Community programs (PDF) (3 pp, 62K) Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Ray Tretheway (City of Sacramento), Meryl Redisch (Salt Lake City), Lucie Griggs (City of Atlanta), Fran Stewart (City of Baton Rouge), Stacey Mandell (City of Miami), Tina Davies (City of Houston), Alexandra Holt (City of Chicago) December 1999
Sacramento Cool Community showcase and rooftop gardens; Cool Communities web site; urban development software (PDF) (4 pp, 65K) Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), Martha Turner (City of Sacramento), Lucie Griggs (City of Atlanta), Tina Davies (City of Houston), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Gary Gero (City of Los Angeles), Matt Nichols (ICLEI) October 1999
Presentation to Sacramento City Council on UHI; Chicago UHI mitigation projects and City Hall rooftop garden; Atlanta UHI mitigation project and brownfields (PDF) (5 pp, 71K) Martha Turner (City of Sacramento), Alex Holt (City of Chicago), Fran Stewart (City of Baton Rouge), Lucie Griggs (City of Atlanta), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Maury Estes (NASA), Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), September 1999
Sacramento cool roofing residential shingles; Baton Rouge GIS day; Los Angeles air quality modeling (PDF) (5 pp, 27K) Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Fran Stewart (City of Baton Rouge), Maury Estes (NASA), Gary Gero (City of Los Angeles), Tina Davies (City of Houston) August 1999
Reflective roofing data collection in Baton Rouge; UHI outreach kits developed in Atlanta; EPA UHI strategy (PDF) (5 pp, 27K) Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), Fran Stewart (City of Baton Rouge), Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Lucie Griggs (City of Atlanta), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Martha Turner (City of Sacramento) July 1999
Los Angeles UHI grants; heat island reduction strategies in the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality building (PDF) (3 pp, 19K) Gary Gero (City of Los Angeles), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Fran Stewart (City of Baton Rouge), Stacey Mandell (City of Miami) June 1999
Life cycle cost analysis of asphalt and concrete; NASA creating interactive temperature profiles (PDF) (3 pp, 18K) Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Lucy Griggs (City of Atlanta), Lisa Gartland (PositivEnergy), Fran Stewart (City of Baton Rouge), Maury Estes (NASA) May 1999
Salt Lake City Cool Communities outreach presentations; paving workshop results; Sacramento UHI strategic plan (PDF) (5 pp, 27K) Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Meryl Redisch (Salt Lake City), Alan Hirsch (City of Sacramento), Ray Tretheway (City of Sacramento), Virginia Gorsevski (EPA) April 1999
Salt Lake City “Kool Kids” curriculum; Utah Transit Authority addresses UHI; ENERGY STAR and UHI (PDF) (4 pp, 20K) Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), Gary Gero (City of Los Angeles), Alan Hirsch (City of Sacramento), Lucy Griggs (City of Atlanta) February 1999
UHI database and map development; reflective roofs in Salt Lake City (PDF) (2 pp, 11K) Meryl Redisch (Salt Lake City), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Alan Hirsch (City of Sacramento), Ray Thretheway (City of Sacramento), Maury Estes (NASA), Virginia Gorsevski (EPA) January 1999
Q&A on ENERGY STAR Roof Products Program; Q&A on urban fabric analysis and air quality modeling (PDF) (8 pp, 42K) Rachel Schmeltz (EPA), Haider Taha (Altostratus), Meryl Redisch (Salt Lake City), Maury Estes (NASA), Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Ray Tretheway (City of Sacramento), Tom Whitney (Sacramento Tree Foundation), Mark Guillory (City of Baton Rouge) August 1998
Lessons learned from successful Salt Lake City flyover; discussion on roofing materials (PDF) (4 pp, 24K) Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Mark Guillory (City of Baton Rouge), Maury Estes (NASA), Meryl Redisch (Salt Lake City) July 1998
UHI modeling software; pilot city updates (PDF) (4 pp, 26K) Virginia Gorsevski (EPA), Tom Whitney (Sacramento Tree Foundation), Camille Russell (Utah Office of Energy Services), Mark Guillory (City of Baton Rouge) June 1998

*Prior to 2005, the conference call summaries were titled "Heat Island Reduction Initiative (HIRI) News" and were prepared as PDFs. These files are organized by date instead of by topic due to the limitations of the PDF format. The headings in the "Topics" highlight just some of the material discussed during the conference call.

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