Analysis & Projections

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Today in Energy - Projections

Short, timely articles with graphs about recent analyses and projections.

Renewable Fuels Module

Released: December 1, 2012

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach, and design of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) Renewable Fuels Module (RFM) as it relates to the production of the Annual Energy Outlook forecasts. (archived versions)

Short-Term Energy Outlook

Released: October 10, 2012

Short-term energy supply, demand, and price projections through 2013 for U.S. and International oil forecasts (archived versions)

Market Prices and Uncertainty Report

Released: October 10, 2012

This is a regular monthly supplement to the EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook. (archived versions)

Natural Gas Exports from Iran

Released: October 9, 2012

This assessment of the natural gas sector in Iran, with a focus on Iran’s natural gas exports, was prepared pursuant to section 505 (a) of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 (Public Law No: 112-158). As requested, it includes: (1) an assessment of exports of natural gas from Iran; (2) an identification of the countries that purchase the most natural gas from Iran; (3) an assessment of alternative supplies of natural gas available to those countries; (4) an assessment of the impact a reduction in exports of natural gas from Iran would have on global natural gas supplies and the price of natural gas, especially in countries identified under number (2); and (5) such other information as the Administrator considers appropriate.

Macroeconomic Activity Module

Released: October 1, 2012

Documents the objectives, analytical approach, and development of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) Macroeconomic Activity Module (MAM) used to develop the Annual Energy Outlook for 2012 (AEO2012). The report catalogues and describes the module assumptions, computations, methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and mainframe source code (archived versions)

Availability and Price of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Produced in Countries Other Than Iran, The

Released: August 24, 2012

This report was prepared in fulfillment of Section 1245(d)(4)(A) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012, which requires that, not later than 60 days from enactment and every 60 days thereafter, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) "submit to Congress a report on the availability and price of petroleum and petroleum products produced in countries other than Iran in the 60-day period preceding the submission of the report." (archived versions)

Integrating Module of the National Energy Modeling System: Model Documentation

Released: August 23, 2012

Provides an overview of the complete National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) model, and includes brief descriptions of the modules with which the Integrating Module interacts. The emphasis and focus, however, is on the structure and function of the Integrating Module of NEMS.

Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook

Released: August 2, 2012

This report presents the major assumptions of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) used to generate the projections in the Annual Energy Outlook 2012, including general features of the model structure, assumptions concerning energy markets, and the key input data and parameters that are the most significant in formulating the model results. (archived versions)

Supplemental Tables to the Annual Energy Outlook

Released: June 25, 2012

The AEO Supplemental tables were generated for the reference case of the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) using the National Energy Modeling System, a computer-based model which produces annual projections of energy markets. Most of the tables were not published in the AEO, but contain regional and other more detailed projections underlying the AEO projections. (archived versions)

Annual Energy Outlook

Released: June 25, 2012

The complete version of Annual Energy Outlook 2012 (AEO2012) which, in addition to the Reference case projections, includes 29 alternative cases which show how different assumptions regarding market, policy, and technology drivers affect projections of energy production, consumption, technology, and market trends and the direction they may take in the future. (archived versions)

Fuel Competition in Power Generation and Elasticities of Substitution

Released: June 21, 2012

This report analyzes the competition between coal, natural gas and petroleum used for electricity generation by estimating what is referred to by economists as the elasticity of substitution among the fuels.

Analysis of the Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012

Released: May 2, 2012

Analyzes the impacts of proposed legislation to enact a Clean Energy Standard (CES), as proposed by Senator Bingaman. This policy would require covered electricity retailers to supply a specified share of their electricity sales from qualifying clean energy resources, including renewable energy and nuclear. Fossil fuels with low carbon intensity (carbon emissions per unit of generation) may also partially qualify as clean energy resources.

Transportation Sector Module

Released: April 23, 2012

Documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) Transportation Model (TRAN). The report catalogues and describes the model assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, model source code, and forecast results generated by the model.

AEO Retrospective Review

Released: March 16, 2012

The Annual Energy Outlook Retrospective Review provides a yearly comparison between realized energy outcomes and the Reference case projections included in previous AEOs beginning with 1982. This edition of the report adds the AEO 2011 projections and updates the historical data to incorporate the latest data revisions. (archived versions)

Sales of Fossil Fuels Produced from Federal and Indian Lands, FY 2003 through FY 2011

Released: March 14, 2012

This paper was prepared in response to recent requests that the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) provide updated summary information regarding fossil fuel production on Federal and Indian lands in the United States. It provides EIA's current best estimates of fossil fuels sales from production on Federal and Indian lands for fiscal year (FY) 2003 through FY 2011.

Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Module

Released: February 29, 2012

Documents the archived version of the Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Model that was used to produce the natural gas forecasts used in support of the Annual Energy Outlook 2011. (archived versions)

Potential Impacts of Reductions in Refinery Activity on Northeast Petroleum Product Markets

Released: February 27, 2012

Potential Impacts of Reductions in Refinery Activity on Northeast Petroleum Product Markets is an update to a previous EIA report, Reductions in Northeast Refining Activity: Potential Implications for Petroleum Product Markets, released in December 2011. This update analyzes possible market responses and impacts in the event Sunocos Philadelphia refinery closes this summer, in addition to the recently idled refineries on the East Coast and in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Effect of Increased Natural Gas Exports on Domestic Energy Markets

Released: January 19, 2012

This report responds to an August 2011 request from the Department of Energys Office of Fossil Energy (DOE/FE) for an analysis of the impact of increased domestic natural gas demand, as exports. Appendix A provides a copy of the DOE/FE request letter. Specifically, DOE/FE asked the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) to assess how specified scenarios of increased natural gas exports could affect domestic energy markets, focusing on consumption, production, and prices.

Reductions in Northeast Refining Activity: Potential Implications for Petroleum Product Markets

Released: December 23, 2011

This report is EIA's initial effort to provide information and analysis on the potential impacts on petroleum product markets from reductions in Northeast petroleum refining activity.

Energy & Financial Markets: What Drives Crude Oil Prices?

Released: December 14, 2011

An assessment of the various factors that may influence oil prices - physical market factors as well as those related to trading and financial markets. The analysis describes 7 key factors that could influence oil markets and explores possible linkages between each factor and oil prices, and includes regularly-updated graphs that depict aspects of those relationships.

Coal Market Module

Released: December 12, 2011

Documents the objectives and the conceptual and methodological approach used in the development of the National Energy Modeling System's (NEMS) Coal Market Module (CMM) used to develop the Annual Energy Outlook 2011 (AEO2011). This report catalogues and describes the assumptions, methodology, estimation techniques, and source code of CMM's two submodules. These are the Coal Production Submodule (CPS) and the Coal Distribution Submodule (CDS). (archived versions)

Smart Grid Legislative and Regulatory Policies and Case Studies

Released: December 12, 2011

In recent years, a number of U.S. states have adopted or are considering smart grid related laws, regulations, and voluntary or mandatory requirements. At the same time, the number of smart grid pilot projects has been increasing rapidly. EIA commissioned SAIC to research the development of smart grid in the United States and abroad. The research produced several documents that will help guide EIA as it considers how best to track smart grid developments.

Commercial Sector Demand Module

Released: December 1, 2011

Documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) Commercial Sector Demand Module. The report catalogues and describes the model assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, model source code, and forecast results generated through the synthesis and scenario development based on these components. (archived versions)

Analysis of Impacts of a Clean Energy Standard as requested by Chairman Bingaman

Released: November 30, 2011

This report addresses an August 2011 request to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) from Senator Jeff Bingaman, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, for an analysis of the impacts of a Clean Energy Standard (CES).

Short-Term Energy Outlook Model Documentation: Other Petroleum Products Consumption Model

Released: November 30, 2011

The other petroleum product consumption module of the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) model is designed to provide U.S. consumption forecasts for 6 petroleum product categories: asphalt and road oil, petrochemical feedstocks, petroleum coke, refinery still gas, unfinished oils, and other miscvellaneous products

Short-Term Energy Outlook Model Documentation: Motor Gasoline Consumption Model

Released: November 30, 2011

The motor gasoline consumption module of the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) model is designed to provide forecasts of total U.S. consumption of motor gasolien based on estimates of vehicle miles traveled and average vehicle fuel economy.

Residential Sector Demand Module

Released: November 22, 2011

Model Documentation - Documents the objectives, analytical approach, and development of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) Residential Sector Demand Module. The report catalogues and describes the model assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and FORTRAN source code.

Analysis of Impacts of a Clean Energy Standard as requested by Chairman Hall

Released: October 25, 2011

This report responds to a request from Chairman Ralph M. Hall for an analysis of the impacts of a Clean Energy Standard (CES). The request, as outlined in the letter included in Appendix A, sets out specific assumptions and scenarios for the study.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: Industrial Model

Released: October 12, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) World Industrial Model (WIM). It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

Petroleum Market Module (Volume 2), Model Documentation

Released: October 3, 2011

Model Documentation Volume II - Defines the objectives of the Petroleum Market Model (PMM), describe its basic approach, and provide detail on how it works. This report is intended as a reference document for model analysts, users, and the public.

Petroleum Market Module (Volume 1), Model Documentation (Volume 1)

Released: October 3, 2011

Model Documentation Volume I - Defines the objectives of the Petroleum Market Model (PMM), describe its basic approach, and provide detail on how it works. This report is intended as a reference document for model analysts, users, and the public.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: Residential Model

Released: September 29, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) Residential Model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: Transportation Model

Released: September 29, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) International Transportation model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: Macroeconomic Model

Released: September 29, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) Macroeconomic Model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: Commercial Model

Released: September 29, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) Commercial Model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

World Energy Projection System Plus: An Overview

Released: September 29, 2011

This report contains a summary description of the methodology and scope of WEPS+ and each of its component models. WEPS+ is a computer-based, energy modeling system of long-term international energy markets for the period through 2035. The system was used to produce the International Energy Outlook 2011. (archived versions)

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: Natural Gas Model

Released: September 29, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) Natural Gas Model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: Greenhouse Gases Model

Released: September 29, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) Greenhouse Gases Model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: Coal Model

Released: September 29, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) Coal Model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: District Heat Model

Released: September 29, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) District Heat Model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: World Electricity Model

Released: September 29, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) World Electricity Model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

International Energy Outlook

Released: September 19, 2011

This report presents international energy projections through 2035, prepared by the Energy Information Administration, including outlooks for major energy fuels and associated carbon dioxide emissions. (archived versions)

Direct Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in Energy in Fiscal Year 2010

Released: August 1, 2011

This report responds to a November 2010 request to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) from U.S. Representatives Roscoe G. Bartlett, Marsha Blackburn, and Jason Chaffetz for an update to a 2008 report prepared by EIA that provided a snapshot of direct federal financial interventions and subsidies in energy markets in fiscal year (FY) 2007, focusing on subsidies to electricity production. As requested, this report updates the previous report using FY 2010 data and is limited to subsidies that are provided by the federal government, provide a financial benefit with an identifiable federal budget impact, and are specifically targeted at energy markets. Subsidies to federal electric utilities, in the way of financial support, are also included as requested.

Oil and Gas Supply Module (OGSM)

Released: July 29, 2011

Defines the objectives of the Oil and Gas Supply Model (OGSM), to describe the model's basic approach, and to provide detail on how the model works. This report is intended as a reference document for model analysts, users, and the public. (archived versions)

Improving the Quality and Scope of EIA Data

Released: July 27, 2011

Section 805(a) of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), Public Law 110-1401 requires the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) to establish a five-year plan to enhance the quality and scope of its data collection necessary to ensure that the scope, accuracy, and timeliness of the information needed for efficient functioning of energy markets and related financial operations. This report is in response to section 805(b) of EISA which calls on EIA to submit to Congress the plan established under subsection (a), including a description of any improvements needed to enhance the ability of the Administrator to collect and process energy information in a manner consistent with the needs of energy markets.

Electricity Market Module

Released: July 25, 2011

Documents the Electricity Market Module as it was used for the Annual Energy Outlook 2010. The Electricity Market Module (EMM) is the electricity supply component of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). The EMM represents the generation, transmission, and pricing of electricity. It consists of four submodules: the Electricity Capacity Planning (ECP) Submodule, the Electricity Fuel Dispatch (EFD) Submodule, the Electricity Finance and Pricing (EFP) Submodule, and the Load and Demand-Side Management (LDSM) Submodule. (archived versions)

International Energy Module

Released: June 28, 2011

Summarizes the overall structure of the International Energy Model and its interface with other NEMS modules, mathematical specifications of behavioral relationships, and data sources and estimation methods. (archived versions)

Industrial Demand Module

Released: June 1, 2011

Documents the objectives, analytical approach, and development of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) Industrial Demand Module. The report catalogues and describes model assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

Short-Term Energy Outlook, Summer Motor Gasoline Outlook, 2011

Released: April 12, 2011

Projection of motor gasoline prices, supply, and demand for the upcoming summer driving season.

World Shale Gas Resources: An Initial Assessment of 14 Regions Outside the United States

Released: April 5, 2011

EIA sponsored Advanced Resources International, Inc., to assess 48 gas shale basins in 32 countries, containing almost 70 shale gas formations. This effort has culminated in the report: World Shale Gas Resources: An Initial Assessment of 14 Regions Outside the United States.

Rising Gasoline Prices and the Role of Available Domestic Oil and Natural Gas Resources

Released: March 17, 2011

Presented by: Richard G. Newell, Administrator, U.S. Energy Information Administration, to: Committee on Natural Resources, United States House of Representatives; Washington, DCMarch 17, 2011

Effects of Middle East Events on U.S. Energy Markets

Released: February 10, 2011

Presented by Richard G. Newell, Administrator, U.S. Energy Information Administration; to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, United States Senate; Washington, D.C.February 3, 2011

Energy and Oil Market Outlook

Released: February 3, 2011

Presented by: Richard G. Newell, Administrator, U.S. Energy Information Administration, to: Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee United States Senate; Washington, D.C.

Long-term Outlook for Natural Gas, The

Released: February 2, 2011

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: Saudi Arabia - United States Energy Consultations; Washington, DC

Short-Term Oil Market Outlook, The

Released: February 2, 2011

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: Saudi Arabia - United States Energy Consultations; Washington, DC

Long-term Outlook for Oil and Other Liquid Fuels, The

Released: February 2, 2011

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator to: Saudi Arabia - United States Energy Consultations

Drivers Behind Growing U.S. Product Exports & Shrinking Light-Heavy Price Differences

Released: January 28, 2011

This presentation for the Argus Americas Crude Summit 2011 explores recent increases in product exports from the United States and the shift in light-heave price differences that began in mid 2008.

Modeling Distributed Electricity Generation in the NEMS Buildings Models

Released: January 25, 2011

This paper presents the modeling methodology, projected market penetration, and impact of distributed generation with respect to offsetting future electricity needs and carbon dioxide emissions in the residential and commercial buildings sector in the Annual Energy Outlook 2000 (AEO2000) reference case.

World Energy Projection System Plus Model Documentation: Main Model

Released: January 20, 2011

This report documents the objectives, analytical approach and development of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) Main Model. It also catalogues and describes critical assumptions, computational methodology, parameter estimation techniques, and model source code.

Annual Energy Outlook 2011, Reference Case Presentation

Released: December 16, 2010

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies; Washington, DC

Shale Gas and the U.S. Energy Outlook: Recent Developments

Released: December 10, 2010

Presented by: Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator, to: The Energy Council, Global Energy and Environmental Issues Conference; Santa Fe, NM

U.S. Electricity Outlook and Issues

Released: December 7, 2010

Presented by: Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator, to: Bipartisan Policy Center, Workshop on Reliability Impacts of Power Sector Developments; Washington, DC

Shale Gas in the United States: Recent Developments and Outlook

Released: December 2, 2010

Presented by: Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator, to: U.S. - Canada Energy Consultative Mechanism; Washington, DC

Changes in Natural Gas Monthly Consumption Data Collection and the Short-Term Energy Outlook

Released: December 1, 2010

Beginning with the December 2010 issue of the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), the Energy Information Administration (EIA) will present natural gas consumption forecasts for the residential and commercial sectors that are consistent with recent changes to the Form EIA-857 monthly natural gas survey.

Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Electricity Generation Plants

Released: November 18, 2010

This paper provides information on the cost of building new electricity power plants. These cost estimates are critical inputs in the development of energy projections and analyses.

Energy and Financial Markets Initiative: Update on Work Related to Oil Markets

Released: November 18, 2010

EIA's Energy and Financial Markets Initiative " Improving information on petroleum storage capacity " Synthesis of our current perspective on oil price formation

Peaks, Plans and (Persnickety) Prices

Released: October 28, 2010

This presentation provides information about EIA's estimates of working gas peak storage capacity, and the development of the natural gas storage industry. Natural gas shale and the need for high deliverability storage are identified as key drivers in natural gas storage capacity development. The presentation also provides estimates of planned storage facilities through 2012.

Analysis of Selected Provisions of the Domestic Manufacturing and Energy Jobs Act of 2010

Released: October 18, 2010

This report responds to a letter dated August 16, 2010, from Janice Mays, Staff Director of the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Ways and Means, requesting that the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze several provisions included in the July 26, 2010, discussion draft of the Domestic Manufacturing and Energy Jobs Act of 2010.

EIA Short-Term and Winter Fuels Outlook

Released: October 18, 2010

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: New York Energy Forum; New York, NY

Outlook for Energy-Related GHG Emissions, The

Released: October 15, 2010

Presented by: Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator. to: USAEE/IAEE North American Conference; Calgary, AB

EIA Short-Term and Winter Fuels Outlook

Released: October 13, 2010

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: NASEO 2010 Winter Fuels Outlook Conference; Washington, DC

Winter Fuels Outlook Conference 2010

Released: October 13, 2010

This presentation at the 2010 Winter Fuels Outlook Conference in Washington, DC, outlined EIA's current forecast for U.S. crude oil, distillate, natural gas, propane and gasoline supply, demand, and markets over the coming winter season.

Outlook for Natural Gas

Released: October 11, 2010

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: American Gas Association Executive Conference; Chicago, IL

Current Global Energy Outlook, The

Released: October 1, 2010

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: Looking Beyond the Deepwater Horizon: Meeting Global Energy Needs in the 21st Century; University of Maryland

North American Energy Outlook

Released: September 14, 2010

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: XXI World Energy Congress; Montreal, Canada

Energy Efficiency in the U.S. Energy Outlook

Released: August 25, 2010

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: MIT-NESCAUM Endicott House; Boston, MA

Shale Gas in the United States: Recent Developments and Outlook

Released: August 23, 2010

Presented by: Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator, to: Global Shale Gas Initiative Conference; Washington, DC

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of the American Power Act of 2010

Released: July 16, 2010

This report responds to a request from Senators Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman for an analysis of the American Power Act of 2010 (APA). APA, as released by Senators Kerry and Lieberman on May 12, 2010, regulates emissions of greenhouse gases through market-based mechanisms, efficiency programs, and other economic incentives.

Natural Gas Data Collection and Estimation

Released: June 9, 2010

This presentation to the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association gives an overview of the EIA natural gas data collection system, Oklahoma natural gas statistics, recent changes in monthly natural gas production statistics, and the May 2010 short-term natural gas forecast. The presentation focuses on the EIA-914, the "Monthly Natural Gas Production Report," and recent changes to this survey's estimation methodology.

2010 Outlook for Hurricane-Related Production Outages in the Gulf of Mexico - Short-Term Energy Outlook Supplement:

Released: June 1, 2010

Projected impacts to Gulf of Mexico crude oil and natural gas production for the 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Importance of Low Permeability Natural Gas Reservoirs (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Production from low-permeability reservoirs, including shale gas and tight gas, has become a major source of domestic natural gas supply. In 2008, low-permeability reservoirs accounted for about 40 percent of natural gas production and about 35 percent of natural gas consumption in the United States. Permeability is a measure of the rate at which liquids and gases can move through rock. Low-permeability natural gas reservoirs encompass the shale, sandstone, and carbonate formations whose natural permeability is roughly 0.1 millidarcies or below. (Permeability is measured in darcies.)

Factors Affecting the Relationship between Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Over the 1995-2005 period, crude oil prices and U.S. natural gas prices tended to move together, which supported the conclusion that the markets for the two commodities were connected. Figure 26 illustrates the fairly stable ratio over that period between the price of low-sulfur light crude oil at Cushing, Oklahoma, and the price of natural gas at the Henry Hub on an energy-equivalent basis.

New EPA Guidelines for Review of Surface Coal Mining Operations in Appalachia (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

On April 1, 2010, the EPA issued a set of new guidelines to several of its Regional offices regarding the compliance of surface coal mining operations in Appalachia with the provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the National Environmental Policy Act, and the environmental justice Executive Order (E.O. 12898). The stated purpose of the guidance was to explain more fully the approach that the EPA will be following in permit reviews, and to provide additional assurance that its Regional offices use clear, consistent, and science-based standards in reviewing the permits. Although the new guidelines go into effect immediately, they will be subjected to review both by the public and by the EPAs Science Advisory Board, with a set of final guidelines to be issued no later than April 1, 2011.

U.S. Nuclear Power Plants: Continued Life or Replacement After 60? (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Nuclear power plants generate approximately 20 percent of U.S. electricity, and the plants in operation today are often seen as attractive assets in the current environment of uncertainty about future fossil fuel prices, high construction costs for new power plants (particularly nuclear plants), and the potential enactment of GHG regulations. Existing nuclear power plants have low fuel costs and relatively high power output. However, there is uncertainty about how long they will be allowed to continue operating.

Energy Intensity Trends in AEO2010 (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Energy intensity (energy consumption per dollar of real GDP) indicates how much energy a country uses to produce its goods and services. From the early 1950s to the early 1970s, U.S. total primary energy consumption and real GDP increased at nearly the same annual rate (Figure 17). During that period, real oil prices remained virtually flat. In contrast, from the mid-1970s to 2008, the relationship between energy consumption and real GDP growth changed, with primary energy consumption growing at less than one-third the previous average rate and real GDP growth continuing to grow at its historical rate. The decoupling of real GDP growth from energy consumption growth led to a decline in energy intensity that averaged 2.8 percent per year from 1973 to 2008. In the AEO2010 Reference case, energy intensity continues to decline, at an average annual rate of 1.9 percent from 2008 to 2035.

Natural Gas as a Fuel for Heavy Trucks: Issues and Incentives (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Environmental and energy security concerns related to petroleum use for transportation fuels, together with recent growth in U.S. proved reserves and technically recoverable natural gas resources, including shale gas, have sparked interest in policy proposals aimed at stimulating increased use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel, particularly for heavy trucks.

Liquid Fuels Taxes and Credits (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Provides a review of the treatment of Federal fuels taxes and tax credits in AEO2010.

Updated State Air Emissions Regulations (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Climate Initiative, and Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord

State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update through 2008 (Update) (released in AEO2009)

Released: May 11, 2010

State RPS programs continue to play an important role in AEO2009, growing in number while existing programs are modified with more stringent targets. In total, 28 States and the District of Columbia now have mandatory RPS programs (Table 3), and at least 4 other States have voluntary renewable energy programs. In the absence of a Federal renewable electricity standard, each State determines its own levels of generation, eligible technologies, and noncompliance penalties. The growth in State renewable energy requirements has led to an expansion of renewable energy credit (REC) markets, which vary from State to State. Credit prices depend on the State renewable requirements and how easily they can be met.

Comparing Efficiency Projections (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Realized improvements in energy efficiency generally rely on a combination of technology and economics [47]. The figure below illustrates the role of technology assumptions in the AEO2010 projections for energy efficiency in the residential and commercial buildings sector. Projected energy consumption in the Reference case is compared with projections in the Best Available Technology, High Technology, and 2009 Technology cases and an estimate based on an assumption of no change in efficiency for building shells and equipment.

Energy Demand (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Growth in U.S. energy use is linked to population growth through increases in demand for housing, commercial floorspace, transportation, manufacturing, and services. This affects not only the level of energy use, but also the mix of fuels and consumption by sector.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Summary of Provisions (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

ARRA, signed into law in mid-February 2009, provides significant new Federal funding, loan guarantees, and tax credits to stimulate investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy. The provisions of ARRA were incorporated initially as part of a revision to the AEO2009 Reference case that was released in April 2009, and they also are included in AEO2010.

No Sunset and Extended Policies Cases (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

The AEO2010 Reference case is best described as a current laws and regulations case, because it generally assumes that existing laws and fully promulgated regulations will remain unchanged throughout the projection period, unless the legislation establishing them specifically calls for them to end or change. The Reference case often serves as a starting point for the analysis of proposed legislative or regulatory changes, a task that would be difficult if the Reference case included projected legislative or regulatory changes.

Clean Air Interstate Rule: Changes and Modeling in AEO2010 (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

On December 23, 2008, the D.C. Circuit Court remanded but did not vacate CAIR, overriding its previous decision on February 8, 2008, to remand and vacate CAIR. The December decision, which is reflected in AEO2010, allows CAIR to remain in effect, providing time for the EPA to modify the rule in order to address objections raised by the Court in its earlier decision. A similar rule, referred to as the CAMR, which was to set up a cap-and-trade system for reducing mercury emissions by approximately 70 percent, is not represented in the AEO2010 projections, because it was vacated by the D.C. Circuit Court in February 2008.

Accounting for Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Biomass Energy Combustion (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

CO2 emissions from the combustion of biomass [75] to produce energy are excluded from the energy-related CO2 emissions reported in AEO2010. According to current international convention, carbon released through biomass combustion is excluded from reported energy-related emissions. The release of carbon from biomass combustion is assumed to be balanced by the uptake of carbon when the feedstock is grown, resulting in zero net emissions over some period of time]. However, analysts have debated whether increased use of biomass energy may result in a decline in terrestrial carbon stocks, leading to a net positive release of carbon rather than the zero net release assumed by its exclusion from reported energy-related emissions.

World Oil Prices and Production Trends in AEO2010 (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

In AEO2010, the price of light, low-sulfur (or sweet) crude oil delivered at Cushing, Oklahoma, is tracked to represent movements in world oil prices. EIA makes projections of future supply and demand for total liquids, which includes conventional petroleum liquidssuch as conventional crude oil, natural gas plant liquids, and refinery gainin addition to unconventional liquids, which include biofuels, bitumen, coal-to-liquids (CTL), gas-to-liquids (GTL), extra-heavy oils, and shale oil.

State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update through 2009 (Update) (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

To the extent possible, AEO2010 incorporates the impacts of State laws requiring the addition of renewable generation or capacity by utilities doing business in the States. Currently, 30 States and the District of Columbia have enforceable RPS or similar laws). Under such standards, each State determines its own levels of generation, eligible technologies, and noncompliance penalties. AEO2010 includes the impacts of all laws in effect as of September 2009 (with the exception of Hawaii, because NEMS provides electricity market projections for the continental United States only).

CAFE Standards (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Pursuant to the Presidents announcement of a National Fuel Efficiency Policy, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the EPA have promulgated nationally coordinated standards for tailpipe CO2-equivalent emissions and fuel economy for light-duty vehicles (LDVs) [16], which includes both passenger cars and light-duty trucks. In the joint rulemaking, EPA is enacting CO2-equivalent emissions standards under the Clean Air Act (CAA), and NHTSA is enacting companion CAFE standards under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as amended by EISA2007.

Probabilities of Possible Future Prices (Released in the STEO April 2010)

Released: April 1, 2010

EIA introduced a monthly analysis of energy price volatility and forecast uncertainty in the October 2009 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO). Included in the analysis were charts portraying confidence intervals around the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) futures prices of West Texas Intermediate (equivalent to light sweet crude oil) and Henry Hub natural gas contracts.

Outlook for Non-OPEC Oil Supply in 2010-2011 (Released in the STEO January 2010)

Released: January 2, 2010

Two large categories define the world's producing countries of crude oil and other liquid fuels (hereafter liquids): those that are members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and those that are outside that group (non-OPEC). This article takes a closer look at the latter category.

Trends, Cycles, and Kinks

Released: October 19, 2009

This presentation given at the OPIS 11th National Supply Summit looks at the impacts of the recent resession and changing market trends on refinery investment and trade patterns in the Atlantic Basin.

Energy Price Volatility and Forecast Uncertainty (Released in the STEO October 2009)

Released: October 6, 2009

EIA Measures Price Uncertainty in Oil and Natural Gas Markets

Understanding the Decline in Carbon Dioxide Emissions in 2009 (Released in the STEO October 2009)

Released: October 6, 2009

EIA Forecasts 5.9 Percent Decline in U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions in 2009

NEMS - National Energy Modeling System: An Overview 2009, The

Released: October 1, 2009

The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview 2009 a summary description of NEMS and each of its components. NEMS is a computer-based, energy-economy modeling system of energy markets for the midterm period through 2030. The NEMS is used to produce the Annual Energy Outlook.

Short-Term Energy Carbon Dioxide Emissions Forecasts August 2009

Released: August 11, 2009

Supplement to the Short-Term Energy Outlook. Short-term projections for U.S. carbon dioxide emissions of the three fossil fuels: coal, natural gas, and petroleum.

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

Released: August 4, 2009

This report responds to a request from Chairman Henry Waxman and Chairman Edward Markey for an analysis of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACESA). ACESA, as passed by the House of Representatives on June 26, 2009, is a complex bill that regulates emissions of greenhouse gases through market-based mechanisms, efficiency programs, and economic incentives.

Importance of Processing Plant Information

Released: June 22, 2009

This presentation provides information about the importance of information about natural gas processing plants, particularly during periods of natural gas supply disruption, such as hurricanes. It also provides information about a relatively new survey instrument to collect information from natural gas processing plants during non-emergency and supply-emergency conditions.

2009 Outlook for Hurricane Production Outages in the Gulf of Mexico, The (Released in the STEO June 2009)

Released: June 1, 2009

Projected impacts to Gulf of Mexico crude oil and natural gas production for the 2009 Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Implications of Lower Natural Gas Prices for Electric Generators in the Southeast, The

Released: May 12, 2009

This supplement to the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) May 2009 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) focuses on changes in the utilization of coal- and natural-gas-fired generation capacity in the electric utility sector as the differential between delivered fuel prices narrows.

Impacts of a 25-Percent Renewable Electricity Standard as Proposed in the American Clean Energy and Security Act Discussion Draft

Released: April 27, 2009

This report responds to requests from Chairman Edward Markey, for an analysis of a 25-percent Federal renewable electricity standard (RES). The RES proposal analyzed in this report is included in the discussion draft of broader legislation, the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACESA) of 2009, issued on the Energy and Commerce Committee website at the end of March 2009.

An Updated Annual Energy Outlook 2009 Reference Case Reflecting Provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and Recent Changes in the Economic Outlook

Released: April 21, 2009

This report updates the Reference Case presented in the Annual Energy Outlook 2009 based on recently enacted legislation and the changing macroeconomic environment.

Biodiesel Supply and Consumption in the Short-Term Energy Outlook

Released: April 1, 2009

The historical biodiesel consumption data published in the EIA Monthly Energy Review ( March 2009 edition were revised to account for imports and exports. Table 10.4 of the Monthly Energy Review was expanded to display biodiesel imports, exports, stocks, stock change, and consumption. Similar revisions were made in the April 2009 edition of the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO).

California's Move Toward E10 (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

In AEO2009, E10a gasoline blend containing 10 percent ethanolis assumed to be the maximum ethanol blend allowed in California RFG, as opposed to the 5.7-percent blend assumed in earlier AEOs. The 5.7-percent blend had reflected decisions made when California decided to phase out use of the additive methyl tertiary butyl ether in its RFG program in 2003, opting instead to use ethanol in the minimum amount that would meet the requirement for 2.0 percent oxygen content under the CAA provisions in effect at that time

Electricity Plant Cost Uncertainties (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

Construction costs for new power plants have increased at an extraordinary rate over the past several years. One study, published in mid-2008, reported that construction costs had more than doubled since 2000, with most of the increase occurring since 2005. Construction costs have increased for plants of all types, including coal, nuclear, natural gas, and wind.

Clean Air Interstate Rule (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

CAIR is a cap-and-trade program promulgated by the EPA in 2005, covering 28 eastern U.S. States and the District of Columbia [29]. It was designed to reduce sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in order to help States meet their National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone and particulate matter (PM2.5) and to further emissions reductions already achieved through the Acid Rain Program and the NOx State Implementation Plan call program. The rule was set to commence in 2009 for seasonal and annual NOx emissions and in 2010 for SO2 emissions.

Clean Air Mercury Rule (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

On February 8, 2008, a three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals issued a decision to vacate CAMR. In its ruling, the panel cited the history of hazardous air pollutant regulation under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) [28]. Section 112, as written by Congress, listed emitted mercury as a hazardous air pollutant that must be subject to regulation unless it can be proved harmless to public welfare and the environment. In 2000, the EPA ruled that mercury was indeed hazardous and must be regulated under Section 112 and, therefore, subjected to the best available control technology for mitigation.

Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008: Summary of Provisions (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-343), which was signed into law on October 3, 2008, incorporates EIEA2008 in Division B. Provisions in EIEA2008 that require funding appropriations to be implemented, whose impact is highly uncertain or that require further specification by Federal agencies or Congress, are not included in AEO2009.

Federal Fuels Taxes and Tax Credits (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

Provides a review and update of the handling of Federal fuels taxes and tax credits, focusing primarily on areas for which regulations have changed or the handling of taxes or credits has been updated in AEO2009.

New NHTSA CAFE Standards (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

EISA2007 requires the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to raise the CAFE standards for passenger cars and light trucks to ensure that the average tested fuel economy of the combined fleet of all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States in model year (MY) 2020 equals or exceeds 35 mpg, 34 percent above the current fleet average of 26.4 mpg. Pursuant to this legislation, NHTSA recently proposed revised CAFE standards that substantially increase the minimum fuel economy requirements for passenger cars and light trucks for MY 2011 through MY 2015.

Updated State Air Emissions Regulations (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and Western Climate Initiative

State Appliance Standards (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

State appliance standards have existed for decades, starting with Californias enforcement of minimum efficiency requirements for refrigerators and several other products in 1979. In 1987, recognizing that different efficiency standards for the same products in different States could create problems for manufacturers, Congress enacted the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA), which initially covered 12 products. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT92), EPACT2005, and EISA2007 added additional residential and commercial products to the 12 products originally specified under NAECA.

Loan Guarantee Program Established in EPACT2005 (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

Title XVII of EPACT2005 [20] authorized DOE to issue loan guarantees to new or improved technology projects that avoid, reduce, or sequester GHGs. In 2006, DOE issued its first solicitation for $4 billion in loan guarantees for non-nuclear technologies. The issue of the size of the program was addressed subsequently in the Consolidated Appropriation Act of 2008 (the FY08 Appropriations Act) passed in December 2008, which limited future solicitations to $38.5 billion and stated that authority to make the guarantees would end on September 30, 2009. The legislation also allocated the $38.5 billion cap as follows: $18.5 billion for nuclear plants; $6 billion for CCS technologies; $2 billion for advanced coal gasification units; $2 billion for advanced nuclear facilities for the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle; and $10 billion for renewable, conservation, distributed energy, and transmission/ distribution technologies. DOE also was required to submit all future solicitations to both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees for approval.

Tax Credits and Renewable Generation (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

Tax incentives have been an important factor in the growth of renewable generation over the past decade, and they could continue to be important in the future. The Energy Tax Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-618) established ITCs for wind, and EPACT92 established the Renewable Electricity Production Credit (more commonly called the PTC) as an incentive to promote certain kinds of renewable generation beyond wind on the basis of production levels. Specifically, the PTC provided an inflation-adjusted tax credit of 1.5 cents per kilowatthour for generation sold from qualifying facilities during the first 10 years of operation. The credit was available initially to wind plants and facilities that used closed-loop biomass fuels [75] and were placed in service after passage of the Act and before June 1999.

World Oil Prices and Production Trends in AEO2009 (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

The oil prices reported in AEO2009 represent the price of light, low-sulfur crude oil in 2007 dollars [50]. Projections of future supply and demand are made for liquids, a term used to refer to those liquids that after processing and refining can be used interchangeably with petroleum products. In AEO2009, liquids include conventional petroleum liquidssuch as conventional crude oil and natural gas plant liquidsin addition to unconventional liquids, such as biofuels, bitumen, coal-to-liquids (CTL), gas-to-liquids (GTL), extra-heavy oils, and shale oil.

Economics of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

PHEVs have gained significant attention in recent years, as concerns about energy, environmental, and economic securityincluding rising gasoline prices have prompted efforts to improve vehicle fuel economy and reduce petroleum consumption in the transportation sector. PHEVs are particularly well suited to meet these objectives, because they have the potential to reduce petroleum consumption both through fuel economy gains and by substituting electric power for gasoline use.

Impact of Limitations on Access to Oil and Natural Gas Resources in the Federal Outer Continental Shelf (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

The U.S. offshore is estimated to contain substantial resources of both crude oil and natural gas, but until recently some of the areas of the lower 48 OCS have been under leasing moratoria. The Presidential ban on offshore drilling in portions of the lower 48 OCS was lifted in July 2008, and the Congressional ban was allowed to expire in September 2008, removing regulatory obstacles to development of the Atlantic and Pacific OCS.

Expectations for Oil Shale Production (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

Oil shales are fine-grained sedimentary rocks that contain relatively large amounts of kerogen, which can be converted into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons (petroleum liquids, natural gas liquids, and methane) by heating the rock, usually in the absence of oxygen, to 650 to 700 degrees Fahrenheit (in situ retorting) or 900 to 950 degrees Fahrenheit (surface retorting) [60]. (Oil shale is, strictly speaking, a misnomer in that the rock is not necessarily a shale and contains no crude oil.) The richest U.S. oil shale deposits are located in Northwest Colorado, Northeast Utah, and Southwest Wyoming. Currently, those deposits are the focus of petroleum industry research and potential future production. Among the three States, the richest oil shale deposits are on Federal lands in Northwest Colorado.

Bringing Alaska North Slope Natural Gas to Market (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

At least three alternatives have been proposed over the years for bringing sizable volumes of natural gas from Alaskas remote North Slope to market in the lower 48 States: a pipeline interconnecting with the existing pipeline system in central Alberta, Canada; a GTL plant on the North Slope; and a large LNG export facility at Valdez, Alaska. NEMS explicitly models the pipeline and GTL options [63]. The what if LNG option is not modeled in NEMS.

Natural Gas and Crude Oil Prices in AEO (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

If oil and natural gas were perfect substitutes in all markets where they are used, market forces would be expected to drive their delivered prices to near equality on an energy-equivalent basis. The price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil generally is denominated in terms of barrels, where 1 barrel has an energy content of approximately 5.8 million Btu. The price of natural gas (at the Henry Hub), in contrast, generally is denominated in million Btu. Thus, if the market prices of the two fuels were equal on the basis of their energy contents, the ratio of the crude oil price (the spot price for WTI, or low-sulfur light, crude oil) to the natural gas price (the Henry Hub spot price) would be approximately 6.0. From 1990 through 2007, however, the ratio of natural gas prices to crude oil prices averaged 8.6; and in the AEO2009 projections from 2008 through 2030, it averages 7.7 in the low oil price case, 14.6 in the reference case, and 20.2 in the high oil price case.

Refinery Investments and Future Market Incentives

Released: March 25, 2009

Presentation given at the Annual NPRA Meeting that discusses factors affecting refinery investments. Refiners have plunged from a seeming "golden age" investment environment to a world with excess capacity, flat to declining demand, and weak margins. What is happening to refining investments in this turbulent and uncertain situation?

Greenhouse Gas Concerns and Power Sector Planning (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 13, 2009

Concerns about potential climate change driven by rising atmospheric concentrations of GHGs have grown over the past two decades, both domestically and abroad. In the United States, potential policies to limit or reduce GHG emissions are in various stages of development at the State, regional, and Federal levels. In addition to ongoing uncertainty with respect to future growth in energy demand and the costs of fuel, labor, and new plant construction, U.S. electric power companies must consider the effects of potential policy changes to limit or reduce GHG emissions that would significantly alter their planning and operating decisions. The possibility of such changes may already be affecting planning decisions for new generating capacity.

Regulations Related to the Outer Continental Shelf Moratoria and Implications of Not Renewing the Moratoria (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 13, 2009

From 1982 through 2008, Congress annually enacted appropriations riders prohibiting the Minerals Management Service (MMS) of the U.S. Department of the Interior from conducting activities related to leasing, exploration, and production of oil and natural gas on much of the Federal OCS. Further, a separate executive ban (originally put in place in 1990 by President George H.W. Bush and later extended by President William J. Clinton through 2012) also prohibited leasing on the OCS, with the exception of the Western Gulf of Mexico, portions of the Central and Eastern Gulf of Mexico, and Alaska. In combination, those actions prohibited drilling along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, and in portions of the central Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-432) imposed yet a third ban on drilling through 2022 on tracts in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico that are within 125 miles of Florida, east of a dividing line known as the Military Mission Line, and in the Central Gulf of Mexico within 100 miles of Florida.

Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles: Market Issues and Potential Energy and Emissions Impacts

Released: February 1, 2009

This report responds to a request from Senator Jeff Sessions for an analysis of the environmental and energy efficiency attributes of light-duty diesel vehicles. Specifically, the inquiry asked for a comparison of the characteristics of diesel-fueled vehicles with those of similar gasoline-fueled, E85-fueled, and hybrid vehicles, as well as a discussion of any technical, economic, regulatory, or other obstacles to increasing the use of diesel-fueled vehicles in the United States.

Major Changes in Natural Gas Pipeline Transportation Capacity, 1998-2008

Released: November 18, 2008

This presentation graphically illustrates the areas of major growth on the national natural gas pipeline transmission network between 1998 and the end of 2008.

Refinery Investments and Future Market Incentives

Released: October 7, 2008

Presentation given at the Platts 2nd Annual Refining Marktets Conference that explored three major factors affecting incentives for refiners to invest in bottoms upgrading or expansion capacity and demand, light-heavy price differentials, and margins.

Trends in Heating and Cooling Degree Days: Implications for Energy Demand Issues (released in AEO2008)

Released: September 24, 2008

Weather-related energy use, in the form of heating, cooling, and ventilation, accounted for more than 40 percent of all delivered energy use in residential and commercial buildings in 2006. Given the relatively large amount of energy affected by ambient temperature in the buildings sector, EIA has reevaluated what it considers normal weather for purposes of projecting future energy use for heating, cooling, and ventilation. In AEO2008, estimates of normal heating and cooling degree-days are based on the population-weighted average for the 10-year period from 1997 through 2006.

Impacts of Uncertainty in Energy Project Costs (released in AEO2008)

Released: September 24, 2008

From the late 1970s through 2002, steel, cement, and concrete prices followed a general downward trend. Since then, however, iron and steel prices have increased by 8 percent in 2003, 10 percent in 2004, and 31 percent in 2005. Although iron and steel prices declined in 2006, early data for 2007 show another increase. Cement and concrete prices, as well as the composite cost index for all construction commodities, have shown similar trends but with smaller increases in 2004 and 2005.

Distributed Generation in Buildings (released in AEO2005)

Released: September 24, 2008

Currently, distributed generation provides a very small share of residential and commercial electricity requirements in the United States. The AEO2005 reference case projects a significant increase in electricity generation in the buildings sector, but distributed generation is expected to remain a small contributor to the sectors energy needs. Although the advent of higher energy prices or more rapid improvement in technology could increase the use of distributed generation relative to the reference case projection, the vast majority of electricity used in buildings is projected to continue to be purchased from the grid.

Impact of Increased Use of Hydrogen on Petroleum Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions, The

Released: September 12, 2008

This report responds to a request from Senator Byron L. Dorgan for an analysis of the impacts on U.S. energy import dependence and emission reductions resulting from the commercialization of advanced hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in the transportation and distributed generation markets.

Global Gas Outlook

Released: July 2, 2008

World natural gas consumption and production are expected to increase by more than 50 percent from 2005 through 2030. Asia is expected to become the world's number one gas consumer, taking over that spot from North America, as China's economy grows 6.4 percent annually. Non-OECD countries are expected to account for more than 70 percent of the world's total growth in consumption and production of natural gas over the forecast period. A significant portion of the non-OECD production growth is expected to be in the form of export projects, particularly LNG projects. World LNG trade is projected to more than double by 2030, with the center of the trade moving away from northeast Asia toward an even Atlantic/Pacific basin split.

Next Stop for Oil Prices: $100 or $150?

Released: June 30, 2008

This presentation provides an analysis of the various factors behind a six year, six-folding in oil prices and the market conditions likely to either accelerate that rise or result in a significant downturn.

Limited Electricity Generation Supply and Limited Natural Gas Supply Cases (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

Development of U.S. energy resources and the permitting and construction of large energy facilities have become increasingly difficult over the past 20 years, and they could become even more difficult in the future. Growing public concern about global warming and CO2 emissions also casts doubt on future consumption of fossil fuelsparticularly coal, which releases the largest amount of CO2 per unit of energy produced. Even without regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, the investment community may already be limiting the future use of some energy options. In addition, there is considerable uncertainty about the future availability of, and access to, both domestic and foreign natural gas resources.

Liquefied Natural Gas: Global Challenges (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

U.S. imports of LNG in 2007 were more than triple the 2000 total, and they are expected to grow in the long term as North Americas conventional natural gas production declines. With U.S. dependence on LNG imports increasing, competitive forces in the international markets for natural gas in general and LNG in particular will play a larger role in shaping the U.S. market for LNG. Key factors currently shaping the future of the global LNG market include the evolution of project economics, worldwide demand for natural gas, government policies that affect the development and use of natural resources in countries with LNG facilities, and changes in seasonal patterns of LNG trade.

Mobile Source Air Toxics Rule (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

On February 9, 2007, the EPA released its MSAT2 rule, which will establish controls on gasoline, passenger vehicles, and portable fuel containers. The controls are designed to reduce emissions of benzene and other hazardous air pollutants. Benzene is a known carcinogen, and the EPA estimates that mobile sources produced more than 70 percent of all benzene emissions in 1999. Other mobile source air toxics, including 1,3-butadiene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and naphthalene, also are thought to increase cancer rates or contribute to other serious health problems.

EPACT2005 Loan Guarantee Program (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

Title XVII of EPACT2005 authorized DOE to issue loan guarantees for projects involving new or improved technologies to avoid, reduce, or sequester GHGs. The law specified that the amount of the guarantee would be up to 80 percent of a project's cost. EPACT2005 also specified that DOE must receive funds equal to the subsidy cost either through the Federal appropriations process or from the firm receiving the guarantee [24]. As discussed in AEO2007, this program, by lowering borrowing costs, can have a major impact on the economics of capital-intensive technologies.

World Oil Prices and Production Trends in AEO2008 (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

AEO2008 defines the world oil price as the price of light, low-sulfur crude oil delivered in Cushing, Oklahoma. Since 2003, both above ground and below ground factors have contributed to a sustained rise in nominal world oil prices, from $31 per barrel in 2003 to $69 per barrel in 2007. The AEO2008 reference case outlook for world oil prices is higher than in the AEO2007 reference case. The main reasons for the adoption of a higher reference case price outlook include continued significant expansion of world demand for liquids, particularly in non- OECD countries, which include China and India; the rising costs of conventional non-OPEC supply and unconventional liquids production; limited growth in non-OPEC supplies despite higher oil prices; and the inability or unwillingness of OPEC member countries to increase conventional crude oil production to levels that would be required for maintaining price stability. EIA will continue to monitor world oil price trends and may need to make further adjustments in future AEOs.

State Regulations on Airborne Emissions: Update Through 2007 (Update) (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

States are moving forward with implementation plans for the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) [42]. The program, promulgated by the EPA in March 2005, is a cap-and-trade system designed to reduce emissions of SO2 and NOx. States originally had until March 2007 to submit implementation plans, but the deadline has been extended by another year. CAIR covers 28 eastern States and the District of Columbia. States have the option to participate in the cap-andtrade plan or devise their own plans, which can be more stringent than the Federal requirements. To date, no State has indicated an intent to form NOx and SO2 programs with emissions limits stricter than those in CAIR, and it is expected that all States will participate in the EPA-administered cap-and-trade program. CAIR remains on schedule for implementation, and AEO2008 includes CAIR by assuming that all required States will meet only the Federal requirement and will trade credits.

Federal Fuels Taxes and Tax Credits (Update) (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

The AEO2008 reference case incorporates current regulations that pertain to the energy industry. This section describes the handling of Federal taxes and tax credits in AEO2008, focusing primarily on areas where regulations have changed or the handling of taxes or tax credits has been updated.

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007: Summary of Provisions (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was signed into law on December 19, 2007, and became Public Law 110-140 [8]. Provisions in EISA2007 that require funding appropriations to be implemented, whose impact is highly uncertain, or that require further specification by Federal agencies or Congress are not included in AEO2008. For example, EIA does not try to anticipate policy responses to the many studies required by EISA2007, nor to predict the impact of research and development (R&D) funding authorizations included in the bill. Moreover, AEO2008 does not include any provision that addresses a level of detail beyond that modeled in NEMS, which was used to develop the AEO2008 projections. AEO2008 addresses only those provisions in EISA2007 that establish specific tax credits, incentives, or standards, including the following:

State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2007 (Update) (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

In recent years, the AEO has tracked the growing number of States that have adopted requirements or goals for renewable energy. While there is no Federal renewable generation mandate, the States have been adopting such standards for some time. AEO2005 provided a summary of all existing programs in effect at that time [29], and subsequent AEOs have examined new policies or changes to existing ones [30,31]. Since the publication of AEO2007, four States have enacted new RPS legislation, and five others have strengthened their existing RPS programs. In total, 25 States and the District of Columb

U.S. Natural Gas Storage and The Global LNG Market

Released: June 24, 2008

U.S. natural gas storage operators are in a good position to take advantage of growing liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade. With the largest storage capacity in the world, the United States has the capability to import LNG in the summer for winter peak use. The normal falloff in global natural gas demand during the summer frees up some LNG supplies, but storage operators in many countries compete for this gas. The ability of U.S. operators to attract LNG supplies depends on the relative prices in the United States and other countries. At the same time, LNG imports compete with domestic supplies.

2008 Outlook for Hurricane Production Outages in the Gulf of Mexico - Short-Term Energy Outlook Supplement

Released: June 10, 2008

EIA estimates of expected production shut-ins of crude oil and natural gas in the U.S. Gulf Coast during the upcoming hurricane season (June through November).

Analysis of Crude Oil Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Released: May 22, 2008

This report responds to a request from Senator Ted Stevens that the Energy Information Administration provide an assessment of Federal oil and natural gas leasing in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska.

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of S.2191, the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2007

Released: April 30, 2008

This report responds to a request from Senators Lieberman and Warner for an analysis of S.2191, the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2007. S.2191 is a complex bill regulating emissions of greenhouse gases through market- based mechanisms, energy efficiency programs, and economic incentives.

Motor Gasoline Consumption 2008 - Historical Perspective and Short-Term Projections

Released: April 8, 2008

This report reviews how gasoline markets relate to population, income, prices, and the growing role of ethanol. It also analyzes the structural shift in motor gasoline markets that took place in the late 1990s

Motor Gasoline Market Spring 2007 and Implications for Spring 2008

Released: April 8, 2008

This report focuses on the major factors that drove the widening difference between wholesale gasoline and crude oil prices in 2007 and explores how those factors might impact gasoline prices in 2008.

Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in Energy Markets 2007

Released: April 1, 2008

This report responds to a request from Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee that the EIA update its 1999 to 2000 work on Federal energy subsidies, including any additions or deletions of Federal subsidies based on Administration or Congressional action since 2000, and providing an estimate of the size of each current subsidy. Subsidies directed to electricity production are estimated on the basis of generation by fuel.

Outlook for Non-OPEC Oil Supply Growth in 2008-2009 (Released in the STEO February 2008)

Released: February 1, 2008

In 2008-2009, EIA expects that non-OPEC petroleum supply growth will surpass that in recent years because of the large number of new oil projects scheduled to come online during the forecast period.

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of S.1766, the Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007

Released: January 10, 2008

This report responds to a request from Senators Bingaman and Specter for an analysis of a bill designed to cap greenhouse gas emissions at approximately 2006 levels in 2020, 1990 levels in 2030, and at least 60 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.

Oil and Natural Gas Market Supply and Renewable Portfolio Standard Impacts of Selected Provisions of H.R. 3221

Released: December 4, 2007

This paper responds to an October 31, 2007, request from Representatives Barton, McCrery, and Young.

Short-Term Energy Outlook Supplement: Why Are Oil Prices So High?

Released: November 6, 2007

Why Are Oil Prices So High?

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of S. 280, the ClimateStewardship and Innovation Act of 2007, Supplement to

Released: November 1, 2007

This paper responds to a September 18, 2007, letter from Senators Barrasso, Inhofe, and Voinovich, seeking further energy and economic analysis to supplement information presented in the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) recent analysis of S.280, the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007.

Natural Gas in the Rocky Mountains: Developing Infrastructure

Released: September 20, 2007

This Supplement to EIA's Short-Term Energy Outlook analyzes current natural gas production, pipeline and storage infrastructure in the Rocky Mountains, as well as prospective pipeline projects in these States. The influence of these factors on regional prices and price volatility is examined.

Energy and Economic Impacts of Implementing Both a 25-Percent RPS and a 25-Percent RFS by 2025

Released: September 11, 2007

This report responds to a request by Senator James Inhofe for analysis of a "25-by-25" proposal that combines a requirement that a 25-percent share of electricity sales be produced from renewable sources by 2025 with a requirement that a 25-percent share of liquid transportation fuel sales also be derived from renewable sources by 2025.

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of S. 280, the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007

Released: August 6, 2007

This report responds to a request from Senators Joseph Lieberman and John McCain for an estimate of the economic impacts of S.280, the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007. S. 280 would establish a series of caps on greenhouse gas emissions starting in 2012 followed by increasingly stringent caps beginning in 2020, 2030 and 2050. The report provides estimates of the effects of S. 280 on energy markets and the economy through 2030.

2007 Outlook for Hurricane Impacts on Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil & Natural Gas Production, The

Released: June 13, 2007

Projected impacts to Gulf of Mexico crude oil and natural gas production for the 2007 Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Impacts of a 15-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard

Released: June 11, 2007

This analysis responds to a request from Senator Jeff Bingaman that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) requiring that 15 percent of U.S. electricity sales be derived from qualifying renewable energy resources.

Analysis of Alternative Extensions of the Existing Production Tax Credit for Wind Generator

Released: May 1, 2007

Requestor: Ms. Janice Mays, Chief Counsel, Committee on Ways & Means, U.S. House of Representatives This is a letter response requesting analysis of alternative extensions of the existing production tax credit (PTC) that would apply to wind generators only.

Refinery Outages: Description and Potential Impact on Petroleum Product Prices

Released: March 27, 2007

This report responds to a July 13, 2006 request from Chairman Jeff Bingaman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources requested that EIA conduct a study of the impact that refinery shutdowns have had on the price of oil and gasoline.

Trends and Transitions in the Diesel Market

Released: March 19, 2007

A presentation at the 2007 NPRA Annual Meeting focusing on trends in the diesel market. The presentation reviews the status of the ULSD program and highlights recent changes and trends in the distillate market that point towards continued strength in diesel prices relative to gasoline for some time.

Industrial Sector Energy Demand: Revisions for Non-Energy-Intensive Manufacturing (released in AEO2007)

Released: March 11, 2007

For the industrial sector, EIAs analysis and projection efforts generally have focused on the energy-intensive industriesfood, bulk chemicals, refining, glass, cement, steel, and aluminumwhere energy cost averages 4.8 percent of annual operating cost. Detailed process flows and energy intensity indicators have been developed for narrowly defined industry groups in the energy-intensive manufacturing sector. The non-energy-intensive manufacturing industries, where energy cost averages 1.9 percent of annual operating cost, previously have received somewhat less attention, however. In AEO2006, energy demand projections were provided for two broadly aggregated industry groups in the non-energy-intensive manufacturing sector: metal-based durables and other non-energy-intensive. In the AEO2006 projections, the two groups accounted for more than 50 percent of the projected increase in industrial natural gas consumption from 2004 to 2030.

Miscellaneous Electricity Services in the Buildings Sector (released in AEO2007)

Released: March 11, 2007

Residential and commercial electricity consumption for miscellaneous services has grown significantly in recent years and currently accounts for more electricity use than any single major end-use service in either sector (including space heating, space cooling, water heating, and lighting). In the residential sector, a proliferation of consumer electronics and information technology equipment has driven much of the growth. In the commercial sector, telecommunications and network equipment and new advances in medical imaging have contributed to recent growth in miscellaneous electricity use

Energy Demand: Limits on the Response to Higher Energy Prices in the End-Use Sectors (released in AEO2007)

Released: March 11, 2007

Energy consumption in the end-use demand sectorsresidential, commercial, industrial, and transportationgenerally shows only limited change when energy prices increase. Several factors that limit the sensitivity of end-use energy demand to price signals are common across the end-use sectors. For example, because energy generally is consumed in long-lived capital equipment, short-run consumer responses to changes in energy prices are limited to reductions in the use of energy services or, in a few cases, fuel switching; and because energy services affect such critical lifestyle areas as personal comfort, medical services, and travel, end-use consumers often are willing to absorb price increases rather than cut back on energy use, especially when they are uncertain whether price increases will be long-lasting. Manufacturers, on the other hand, often are able to pass along higher energy costs, especially in cases where energy inputs are a relatively minor component of production costs. In economic terms, short-run energy demand typically is inelastic, and long-run energy demand is less inelastic or moderately elastic at best.

Loan Guarantees and the Economics of Electricity Generating Technologies (released in AEO2007)

Released: March 11, 2007

The loan guarantee program authorized in Title XVII of EPACT2005 is not included in AEO2007, because the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 requires congressional authorization of loan guarantees in an appropriations act before a Federal agency can make a binding loan guarantee agreement. As of October 2006, Congress had not provided the legislation necessary for DOE to implement the loan guarantee program (see Legislation and Regulations). In August 2006, however, DOE invited firms to submit pre applications for the first $2 billion in potential loan guarantees.

Electricity Prices in Transition (released in AEO2007)

Released: March 11, 2007

The push by some States to restructure electricity markets progressed rapidly throughout the late 1990s. Although the energy crisis in California during 2000 and 2001 slowed the momentum, 19 States and the District of Columbia currently have some form of restructuring in place. In addition, Washington State, which has not restructured its electricity market, allows its largest industrial customers to choose their suppliers.

EPACT2005: Status of Provisions (Update) (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

EPACT2005 was signed into law by President Bush on August 8, 2005, and became Public Law 109-058. A number of provisions from EPACT2005 were included in the AEO2006 projections. Many others were not considered in AEO2006particularly, those that require funding appropriations or further specification by Federal agencies or Congress before implementation.

Impacts of Increased Access to Oil & Natural Gas Resources in the Lower 48 Federal Outer Continental Shelf (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

This analysis was updated for AEO2009: Impact of Limitations on Access to Oil and Natural Gas Resources in the Federal Outer Continental Shelf The OCS is estimated to contain substantial resources of crude oil and natural gas; however, some areas of the OCS are subject to drilling restrictions. With energy prices rising over the past several years, there has been increased interest in the development of more domestic oil and natural gas supply, including OCS resources. In the past, Federal efforts to encourage exploration and development activities in the deep waters of the OCS have been limited primarily to regulations that would reduce royalty payments by lease holders. More recently, the States of Alaska and Virginia have asked the Federal Government to consider leasing in areas off their coastlines that are off limits as a result of actions by the President or Congress. In response, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) of the U.S. Department of the Interior has included in its proposed 5-year leasing plan for 2007-2012 sales of one lease in the Mid-Atlantic area off the coastline of Virginia and two leases in the North Aleutian Basin area of Alaska. Development in both areas still would require lifting of the current ban on drilling.

Alaskan Natural Gas Pipeline Developments (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

The AEO2007 reference case projects that an Alaska natural gas pipeline will go into operation in 2018, based on EIAs current understanding of the projects time line and economics. There is continuing debate, however, about the physical configuration and the ownership of the pipeline. In addition, the issue of Alaskas oil and natural gas production taxes has been raised, in the context of a current market environment characterized by rising construction costs and falling natural gas prices. If rates of return on investment by producers are reduced to unacceptable levels, or if the project faces significant delays, other sources of natural gas, such as unconventional natural gas production and LNG imports, could fulfill the demand that otherwise would be served by an Alaska pipeline.

State Regulations on Airborne Emissions: Update Through 2006 (Update) (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

In May 2005, the EPA published two final rules aimed at reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants. CAIR [51] requires 28 States and the District of Columbia to reduce emissions of SO2 and/or NOx. CAMR [52] requires the States to reduce emissions of mercury from new and existing coal-fired plants.

State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2006 (Update) (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

AEO2006 provided a review of renewable energy programs that were in effect in 23 States at the end of 2005 [37]. Since then (as of September 1, 2006), no new State programs have been adopted; however, several States with renewable energy programs in place have made changes as they have gained experience and identified areas for improvement. Revisions made over the past year range from clarification or modification of program definitions, such as which resources qualify, to substantial increases in targets for renewable electricity generation or capacity. The following paragraphs provide an overview of substantive changes in the design or implementation of State renewable energy programs.

Federal Fuels Taxes and Tax Credits (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

The AEO2007 reference case and alternative cases generally assume compliance with current laws and regulations affecting the energy sector. Some provisions of the U.S. Tax Code are scheduled to expire, or may be subject to adjustment, before the end of the projection period. In general, scheduled expirations and adjustments provided in legislation or regulations are assumed to occur, unless there is significant historical evidence to support an alternative assumption. This section examines the AEO2007 treatment of three provisions that could have significant impacts on U.S. energy markets: the gasoline excise tax, biofuel (ethanol and biodiesel) tax credits, and the PTC for electricity generation from certain renewable resources.

Impacts of Rising Construction and Equipment Costs on Energy Industries (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

Costs related to the construction industry have been volatile in recent years. Some of the volatility may be related to higher energy prices. Prices for iron and steel, cement, and concretecommodities used heavily in the construction of new energy projects rose sharply from 2004 to 2006, and shortages have been reported. How such price fluctuations may affect the cost or pace of new development in the energy industries is not known with any certainty, and short-term changes in commodity prices are not accounted for in the 25-year projections in AEO2007. Most projects in the energy industries require long planning and construction lead times, which can lessen the impacts of short-term trends.

Federal and State Ethanol and Biodiesel Requirements (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

EPACT2005 requires that the use of renewable motor fuels be increased from the 2004 level of just over 4 billion gallons to a minimum of 7.5 billion gallons in 2012, after which the requirement grows at a rate equal to the growth of the gasoline pool. The law does not require that every gallon of gasoline or diesel fuel be blended with renewable fuels. Refiners are free to use renewable fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, in geographic regions and fuel formulations that make the most sense, as long as they meet the overall standard. Conventional gasoline and diesel can be blended with renewables without any change to the petroleum components, although fuels used in areas with air quality problems are likely to require adjustment to the base gasoline or diesel fuel if they are to be blended with renewables.

World Oil Prices in AEO2007 (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

Over the long term, the AEO2007 projection for world oil pricesdefined as the average price of imported low-sulfur, light crude oil to U.S. refinersis similar to the AEO2006 projection. In the near term, however, AEO2007 projects prices that are $8 to $10 higher than those in AEO2006.

Fuel Economy Standards for New Light Trucks (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

In March 2006, NHTSA finalized CAFE standards requiring higher fuel economy performance for light-duty trucks in MY 2008 through 2011. Unlike the proposed CAFE standards discussed in AEO2006 [13], which would have established minimum fuel economy requirements by six footprint size classes, the final reformed CAFE standards specify a continuous mathematical function that determines minimum fuel economy requirements by vehicle footprint, defined as the wheelbase (the distance from the front axle to the center of the rear axle) times the average track width (the distance between the center lines of the tires) of the vehicle in square feet.

Biofuels in the U.S. Transportation Sector (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

Sustained high world oil prices and the passage of the EPACT2005 have encouraged the use of agriculture-based ethanol and biodiesel in the transportation sector; however, both the continued growth of the biofuels industry and the long-term market potential for biofuels depend on the resolution of critical issues that influence the supply of and demand for biofuels. For each of the major biofuelscorn-based ethanol, cellulosic ethanol, and biodieselresolution of technical, economic, and regulatory issues remains critical to further development of biofuels in the United States.

Regulation of Emissions from Stationary Diesel Engines (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

On July 11, 2006, the EPA issued regulations covering emissions from stationary diesel engines  New Source Performance Standards that limit emissions of NOx, particulate matter, SO2, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons to the same levels required for nonroad diesel engines. The regulation affects new, modified, and reconstructed diesel engines. Beginning with MY 2007 [16], engine manufacturers must specify that new engines less than 3,000 horsepower meet the same emissions standard as nonroad diesel engines. For engines greater than 3,000 horsepower, the standard will be fully effective in 2011. Stationary diesel engine fuel will also be subject to the same standard as nonroad diesel engine fuel, which reduces the sulfur content of the fuel to 500 parts per million by mid-2007 and 15 parts per million by mid-2010.

Coal Transportation Issues (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

Most of the coal delivered to U.S. consumers is transported by railroads, which accounted for 64 percent of total domestic coal shipments in 2004. Trucks transported approximately 12 percent of the coal consumed in the United States in 2004, mainly in short hauls from mines in the East to nearby coal-fired electricity and industrial plants. A number of minemouth power plants in the West also use trucks to haul coal from adjacent mining operations. Other significant modes of coal transportation in 2004 included conveyor belt and slurry pipeline (12 percent) and water transport on inland waterways, the Great Lakes, and tidewater areas (9 percent).

Energy Market Impacts of a Clean Energy Portfolio - Follow-up

Released: February 1, 2007

This analysis responds to a request from Senator Coleman that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze a proposed clean energy portfolio standard (CEPS).

Short-Term Energy Outlook Supplement: U.S. LNG Imports - The Next Wave

Released: January 11, 2007

This report was prepared by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), in response to a September 27, 2006, request from Senators Bingaman, Landrieu, Murkowski, Specter, Salazar, and Lugar. The Senators requested that EIA assess the impacts of a proposal that would regulate emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) through an allowance cap-and-trade system.

Energy Market and Economic Impacts Proposal to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Intensity with a Cap and Trade System

Released: January 11, 2007

This report was prepared by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), in response to a September 27, 2006, request from Senators Bingaman, Landrieu, Murkowski, Specter, Salazar, and Lugar. The Senators requested that EIA assess the impacts of a proposal that would regulate emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) through an allowance cap-and-trade system. The program would set the cap to achieve a reduction in emissions relative to economic output, or greenhouse gas intensity.

U.S. LNG Imports - The Next Wave

Released: January 11, 2007

U.S. LNG imports - The Next Wave, is now available as a special supplement to the January 2007 issue of the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO). Although liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports still account for less than three percent of total U.S. natural gas supplies, the global market is growing and the Energy Information Administration (EIA) foresees another wave of U.S. LNG import growth over the next 2 years. The supplement focuses on recent trends in global and U.S. LNG trade, and presents factors expected to influence LNG imports through 2008. EIA expects year-over-year increases in LNG imports of 34.5 and 38.5 percent in 2007 and 2008, respectively.

Understanding the Impacts of Incremental Gas Supply on the Flow Dynamics Across the North American Grid

Released: December 14, 2006

The presentation "Understanding the Impacts of Incremental Gas Supply on the Flow Dynamics Across the North American Grid" was given at the Canadian Institute's BC LNG Forum on November 20, 2006. The presentation provides an overview of EIA's long-term natural gas projections under reference case and sensitivity cases from the Annual Energy Outlook 2006, with special emphasis on natural gas flows in the West Coast.

Northeast Natural Gas Market in 2030

Released: September 27, 2006

LNG imports have grown substantially in recent years and they are expected to grow sevenfold by 2030. A review of the industry and infrastructure in the Northeast shows a region with limited indigenous production, so the region relies on flows into the area for most of the natural gas it consumes. A key source of supply is the LNG import terminal located in Everett, Massachusetts, which provides about 20 percent of regional supply. The United States needs additional LNG imports to meet future natural gas demand, however, building new LNG terminals in the Northeast or elsewhere involves a number of tradeoffs that will depend on energy markets and local acceptance.

Energy and Economic Impacts of H.R.5049, the Keep America Competitive Global Warming Policy

Released: September 5, 2006

This report responds to a May 2, 2006 request from Congressmen Tom Udall and Tom Petri asking EIA to analyze the impacts of their legislation implementing a market-based allowance program to cap greenhouse gas emissions at 2009 levels.

Ethanol, Gasoline, and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Supply Issues in 2006

Released: August 7, 2006

Presentation at the 2006 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference in North Falmouth, Massachusetts, discussing the impact of changing product specifications on U.S. gasoline and diesel fuel supply.

EIA Outlook for U.S. Heating Fuels

Released: August 7, 2006

This presentation at the 2006 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference in North Falmouth, Massachusetts, outlined EIA's current forecast for U.S. crude oil, distillate, propane and gasoline supply, demand, and markets over the coming winter season.

Short-Term Energy Outlook Supplement: Why Are Oil Prices So High?

Released: August 6, 2006

Feature article on the reasons for high oil prices.

Summer 2006 Motor Gasoline Prices (Released in the STEO July 2006)

Released: July 1, 2006

This supplement to the July 2006 ShortTerm Energy Outlook (STEO) examines the various factors that have contributed to this summers high gasoline prices and discusses how they may continue to impact markets over the next several months.

Energy Market Impacts of a Clean Energy Portfolio Standard

Released: June 30, 2006

This analysis responds to a request from Senator Norm Coleman that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze a proposed clean energy resources policy.

Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, The

Released: June 7, 2006

This is a special analysis report on hurricanes and their effects on oil and natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico region.

Reduced Form Energy Model Elasticities from EIA's Regional Short-Term Energy Model (RSTEM)

Released: May 9, 2006

This analysis examines the price and weather elasticities derived from EIA's Regional Short-term Energy Model (RSTEM).

Mercury Emissions Control Technologies (released in AEO2006)

Released: March 20, 2006

The AEO2006 reference case assumes that States will comply with the requirements of the EPAs new CAMR regulation. CAMR is a two-phase program, with a Phase I cap of 38 tons of mercury emitted from all U.S. power plants in 2010 and a Phase II cap of 15 tons in 2018. Mercury emissions in the electricity generation sector in 2003 are estimated at around 50 tons. Generators have a variety of options to meet the mercury limits, such as: switching to coal with a lower mercury content, relying on flue gas desulfurization or selective catalytic reduction equipment to reduce mercury emissions, or installing conventional activated carbon injection (ACI) technology.

Energy Market Impacts of Alternative Greenhouse Gas Intensity Reduction Goals

Released: March 8, 2006

This report responds to a request from Senator Ken Salazar that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze the impacts of implementing alternative variants of an emissions cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gases (GHGs).

State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2005 (Update) (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

AEO2005 provided a summary of 17 State renewable energy programs in existence as of December 31, 2003, in 15 States.

Volumetric Excise Tax Credit for Alternative Fuels (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

On August 10, 2005, President Bush signed into law the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)]. The act includes authorization for a multitude of transportation infrastructure projects, establishes highway safety provisions, provides for R&D, and includes a large number of miscellaneous provisions related to transportation, most of which are not included in AEO2006 because their energy impacts are vague or undefined.

Energy Technologies on the Horizon (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

A key issue in mid-term forecasting is the representation of changing and developing technologies. How existing technologies will evolve, and what new technologies might emerge, cannot be known with certainty. The issue is of particular importance in AEO2006, the first AEO with projections out to 2030.

World Oil Prices in AEO2006 (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

World oil prices in the AEO2006 reference case are substantially higher than those in the AEO2005 reference case. In the AEO2006 reference case, world crude oil prices, in terms of the average price of imported low-sulfur, light crude oil to U.S. refiners, decline from current levels to about $47 per barrel (2004 dollars) in 2014, then rise to $54 per barrel in 2025 and $57 per barrel in 2030. The price in 2025 is approximately $21 per barrel higher than the corresponding price projection in the AEO2005 reference case.

Economic Effects of High Oil Prices (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

The AEO2006 projections of future energy market conditions reflect the effects of oil prices on the macroeconomic variables that affect oil demand, in particular, and energy demand in general. The variables include real GDP growth, inflation, employment, exports and imports, and interest rates.

California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles (Update) (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

The State of California was given authority under CAAA90 to set emissions standards for light-duty vehicles that exceed Federal standards. In addition, other States that do not comply with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) set by the EPA under CAAA90 were given the option to adopt Californias light-duty vehicle emissions standards in order to achieve air quality compliance. CAAA90 specifically identifies hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and NOx as vehicle-related air pollutants that can be regulated. California has led the Nation in developing stricter vehicle emissions standards, and other States have adopted the California standards.

Proposed Revisions to Light Truck Fuel Economy Standard (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

In August 2005, NHTSA published proposed reforms to the structure of CAFE standards for light trucks and increases in light truck CAFE standards for model years 2008 through 2011 [8]. Under the proposed new structure, NHTSA would establish minimum fuel economy levels for six size categories defined by the vehicle footprint (wheelbase multiplied by track width), as summarized in Table 3. For model years 2008 through 2010, the new CAFE standards would provide manufacturers the option of complying with either the standards defined for each individual footprint category or a proposed average light truck fleet standard of 22.5 miles per gallon in 2008, 23.1 miles per gallon in 2009, and 23.5 miles per gallon in 2010. All light truck manufacturers would be required to meet an overall standard based on sales within each individual footprint category after model year 2010.

Advanced Technologies for Light-Duty Vehicles (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

A fundamental concern in projecting the future attributes of light-duty vehiclespassenger cars, sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks, and minivans is how to represent technological change and the market forces that drive it. There is always considerable uncertainty about the evolution of existing technologies, what new technologies might emerge, and how consumer preferences might influence the direction of change. Most of the new and emerging technologies expected to affect the performance and fuel use of light-duty vehicles over the next 25 years are represented in NEMS; however, the potential emergence of new, unforeseen technologies makes it impossible to address all the technology options that could come into play. The previous section of Issues in Focus discussed several potential technologies that currently are not represented in NEMS. This section discusses some of the key technologies represented in NEMS that are expected to be implemented in light-duty vehicles over the next 25 years.

Impact of Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 206 Rebates on Consumers and Renewable Energy Consumption, With Projections to 2010

Released: February 1, 2006

The Energy Information Administration (EIA), with the agreement of the Department, interpreted section 206(d) as calling for a listing of the types of renewable fuels available today, and a listing of those that will be available in the future based on the incentives provided in section 206(d). This report provides that information, and also provides information concerning renewable energy equipment and renewable energy consumption.

U.S. Greenhouse Gas Intensity and the Global Climate Change Initiative (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

On February 14, 2002, President Bush announced the Administrations Global Climate Change Initiative [80]. A key goal of the Climate Change Initiative is to reduce U.S. GHG intensitydefined as the ratio of total U.S. GHG emissions to economic outputby 18 percent over the 2002 to 2012 time frame.

Update on Transition to Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel Fuel (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

On November 8, 2005, the EPA Administrator signed a direct final rule that will shift the retail compliance date for offering ULSD for highway use from September 1, 2006, to October 15, 2006. The change will allow more time for retail outlets and terminals to comply with the new 15 parts per million (ppm) sulfur standard, providing time for entities in the diesel fuel distribution system to flush higher sulfur fuel out of the system during the transition. Terminals will have until September 1, 2006, to complete their transitions to ULSD. The previous deadline was July 15, 2006.

Federal Air Emissions Regulations (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

In 2005, the EPA finalized two regulations, CAIR and CAMR, that would reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants in the United States. Both CAIR and CAMR are included in the AEO2006 reference case. The EPA has received 11 petitions for reconsideration of CAIR and has provided an opportunity for public comment on reconsidering certain aspects of CAIR. Public comments were accepted until January 13, 2006. The EPA has also received 14 petitions for reconsideration of CAMR and is willing to reconsider certain aspects of the rule. Public comments were accepted for 45 days after publication of the reconsideration notice in the Federal Register. Several States and organizations have filed lawsuits against CAMR. The ultimate decision of the courts will have a significant impact on the implementation of CAMR.

Energy Policy Act 2005 Summary (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 6 EH, the Energy Policy Act of 2005, on April 21, 2005, and the Senate passed H.R. 6 EAS on June 28, 2005. A conference committee was convened to resolve differences between the two bills, and a report was approved and issued on July 27, 2005. The House approved the conference report on July 28, 2005, and the Senate followed on July 29, 2005. EPACT2005 was signed into law by President Bush on August 8, 2005, and became Public Law 109-058.

Changing Trends in the Refining Industry (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

There have been some major changes in the U.S. refining industry recently, prompted in part by a significant decline in the quality of imported crude oil and by increasing restrictions on the quality of finished products. As a result, high-quality crudes, such as the WTI crude that serves as a benchmark for oil futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), have been trading at record premiums to the OPEC Basket price.

State Restrictions on Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

By the end of 2005, 25 States had barred, or passed laws banning, any more than trace levels of MTBE in their gasoline supplies, and legislation to ban MTBE was pending in 4 others. Some State laws address only MTBE; others also address ethers such as ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME). AEO2006 assumes that all State MTBE bans prohibit the use of all ethers for gasoline blending.

State Air Emission Regulations That Affect Electric Power Producers (Update) (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

Several States have recently enacted air emission regulations that will affect the electricity generation sector. The regulations govern emissions of NOx, SO2, CO2, and mercury from power plants.

Nonconventional Liquid Fuels (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

Higher prices for crude oil and refined petroleum products are opening the door for nonconventional liquids to displace petroleum in the traditional fuel supply mix. Growing world demand for diesel fuel is helping to jump-start the trend toward increasing production of nonconventional liquids, and technological advances are making the nonconventional alternatives more viable commercially. Those trends are reflected in the AEO2006 projections.

Oil Markets After the Hurricanes: Reversion to the Mean or Return to Recent Trend?

Released: December 14, 2005

This presentation focuses on the impacts Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma will have on oil markets (supply, demand, stocks, and imports) in the fourth quarter of 2005 and into 2006. The presentation looks examines whether oil markets are likely to return to much lower prices (the long term average) or continue the trend of high oil prices seen over the last couple of years.

Road Ahead for Light Duty Vehicle Fuel Demand, The

Released: July 11, 2005

Explores some potential variations in light-duty vehicle demand to illustrate both the magnitude of demand changes and the length of time that it can take to affect demand when different levels of new-vehicle efficiencies and penetrations are assumed

Renewable Fuels Legislation Impact Analysis

Released: July 1, 2005

An analysis based on an extension of the ethanol supply curve in our model to allow for enough ethanol production to meet the requirements of S. 650. This analysis provides an update of the May 23, 2005 analysis, with revised ethanol production and cost assumptions.

Impacts of Modeled Provisions of H.R. 6 EH: The Energy Policy Act of 2005

Released: July 1, 2005

This report responds to a May 2, 2005, request by Chairman Pete Domenici and Ranking Member Jeff Bingaman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for an assessment of the energy supply, consumption, import, price, and macroeconomic impacts of H.R. 6 EH, the Energy Policy Act of 2005, as passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on April 21, 2005.

When Will World Oil Production Peak?

Released: June 13, 2005

When will world oil production peak? EIA's analysis of this critical matter is discussed here.

Assessment of Selected Energy Efficiency Policies

Released: June 1, 2005

This report responds to a request from Senator Byron L. Dorgan, asking the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to undertake a quantitative analysis of a variety of energy efficiency policies using assumptions provided by the Alliance to Save Energy (ASE).

Coal Transportation Rate Sensitivity Analysis

Released: April 1, 2005

On December 21, 2004, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) requested that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze the impact of changes in coal transportation rates on projected levels of electric power sector energy use and emissions. Specifically, the STB requested an analysis of changes in national and regional coal consumption and emissions resulting from adjustments in railroad transportation rates for Wyoming's Powder River Basin (PRB) coal using the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). However, because NEMS operates at a relatively aggregate regional level and does not represent the costs of transporting coal over specific rail lines, this analysis reports on the impacts of interregional changes in transportation rates from those used in the Annual Energy Outlook 2005 (AEO2005) reference case.

Production Tax Credit for Renewable Electricity Generation (released in AEO2005)

Released: April 1, 2005

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, environmental and energy security concerns were addressed at the Federal level by several key pieces of energy legislation. Among them, the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), P.L. 95-617, required regulated power utilities to purchase alternative electricity generation from qualified generating facilities, including small-scale renewable generators; and the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), P.L. 95-618, part of the Energy Tax Act of 1978, provided a 10-percent Federal tax credit on new investment in capital-intensive wind and solar generation technologies.

Impacts of Temperature Variation on Energy Demand in Buildings (released in AEO2005)

Released: April 1, 2005

In the residential and commercial sectors, heating and cooling account for more than 40 percent of end-use energy demand. As a result, energy consumption in those sectors can vary significantly from year to year, depending on yearly average temperatures.

13 SEER Standard for Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps (released in AEO2005)

Released: April 1, 2005

In January 2004, after years of litigation in a case that pitted environmental groups and Attorneys General from 10 States against the U.S. Secretary of Energy, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reestablished the central air conditioner and heat pump standard originally set in January 2001 [3]. The Courts ruling, which struck down a May 2002 rollback of the 2001 standard to a 12 SEER, mandates that all new central air conditioners and heat pumps meet a 13 SEER standard by January 2006, requiring a 30-percent increase in efficiency relative to current law. The AEO2005 reference case incorporates the 13 SEER standard as mandated by the Courts ruling.

Impacts of Modeled Recommendations of the National Commission on Energy Policy

Released: April 1, 2005

This report provides EIA's analysis of those National Commission on Energy Policy (NCEP) energy policy recommendations that could be simulated using the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS).

Petroleum and Natural Gas Outlook

Released: February 18, 2005

A presentation to the National Association of State Energy Officials 2005 Energy Outlook Conference, in Washington, DC, on February 17, 2005, giving EIA's outlook for petroleum and natural gas supply, demand, and prices.

Petroleum Supply and Market Outlook

Released: February 9, 2005

A presentation to the 7th Annual International Airport Operations/Jet Fuel Conference, in Orlando, Florida, on February 3, 2005, giving EIAÂżs outlook for petroleum supply and prices, with particular attention to jet fuel.

World Oil Price Cases (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

World oil prices in AEO2005 are set in an environment where the members of OPEC are assumed to act as the dominant producers, with lower production costs than other supply regions or countries. Non-OPEC oil producers are assumed to behave competitively, producing as much oil as they can profitability extract at the market price for oil. As a result, the OPEC member countries will be able effectively to set the price of oil when they can act in concert by varying their aggregate production. Alternatively, OPEC members could target a fixed level of production and let the world market determine the price.

Changing Trends in the Bulk Chemicals and Pulp and Paper Industries (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

Compared with the experience of the 1990s, rising energy prices in recent years have led to questions about expectations of growth in industrial output, particularly in energy-intensive industries. Given the higher price trends, a review of expected growth trends in selected industries was undertaken as part of the production of AEO2005. In addition, projections for the industrial value of shipments, which were based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system in AEO2004, are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) in AEO2005. The change in industrial classification leads to lower historical growth rates for many industrial sectors. The impacts of these two changes are highlighted in this section for two of the largest energy-consuming industries in the U.S. industrial sectorbulk chemicals and pulp and paper.

California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

In July 2002, California Assembly Bill 1493 (A.B. 1493) was signed into law. The law requires that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) develop and adopt, by January 1, 2005, greenhouse gas emission standards for light-duty vehicles that provide the maximum feasible reduction in emissions. In estimating the feasibility of the standard, CARB is required to consider cost-effectiveness, technological capability, economic impacts, and flexibility for manufacturers in meeting the standard.

Fuel Economy of the Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

The U.S. fleet of light-duty vehicles consists of cars and light trucks, including minivans, sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and trucks with gross vehicle weight less than 8,500 pounds. The fuel economy of light-duty vehicles is regulated by the CAFE standards set by NHTSA. Currently, the CAFE standard is 27.5 miles per gallon (mpg) for cars and 20.7 mpg for light trucks. The most recent increase in the CAFE standard for cars was in 1990, and the most recent increase in the CAFE standard for light trucks was in 1996.

Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

On June 29, 2004, the EPA issued a comprehensive final rule regulating emissions from nonroad diesel engines and sulfur content in nonroad diesel fuel. The nonroad fuel market makes up more than 18 percent of the total distillate pool. The rule applies to new equipment covering a broad range of engine sizes, power ratings, and equipment types. There are currently about 6 million pieces of nonroad equipment operating in the United States, and more than 650,000 new units are sold each year.

Multi-Pollutant Legislation and Regulations (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

The 108th Congress proposed and debated a variety of bills addressing pollution control at electric power plants but did not pass any of them into law. In addition, the EPA currently is preparing two regulationsa proposed Clean Air Interstate Rule (pCAIR) and a Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR)to address emissions from coal-fired power plants. Several States also have taken legislative actions to limit pollutants from power plants in their jurisdictions. This section discusses three Congressional air pollution bills and the EPAs pCAIR and CAMR regulations.

Restricted Natural Gas Supply Case (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

The restricted natural gas supply case provides an analysis of the energy-economic implications of a scenario in which future gas supply is significantly more constrained than assumed in the reference case. Future natural gas supply conditions could be constrained because of problems with the construction and operation of large new energy projects, and because the future rate of technological progress could be significantly lower than the historical rate. Although the restricted natural gas supply case represents a plausible set of constraints on future natural gas supply, it is not intended to represent what is likely to happen in the future.

Update on State Air Emission Regulations That Affect Electric Power Producers (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

Several States have recently enacted air emission regulations that will affect the electricity generation sector. The regulations are intended to improve air quality in the States and assist them in complying with the revised 1997 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone and fine particulates. The affected States include Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, and Washington. The regulations govern emissions of NOx, SO2, CO2, and mercury from power plants.

State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2003 (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

As of the end of 2003, 15 States had legislated programs to encourage the development of renewable energy for electricity generation. Of the 17 programs (two States have multiple programs), 9 are renewable portfolio standards (RPS), 4 are renewable energy mandates, and 4 are renewable energy goals.

Military Construction Appropriations and Emergency Hurricane Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005 (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

H.R. 4837, The Military Construction Appropriations and Emergency Hurricane Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005 [19], was signed into law on October 13, 2004. The Act provides for construction to support the operations of the U.S. Armed Forces and for military family housing. It also provides funds to help citizens in Florida and elsewhere in the aftermath of multiple hurricanes and other natural disasters. In addition, it authorizes construction of an Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline.

Climate Stewardship Act of 2004 (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

The Climate Stewardship Act of 2004 [64] would establish a system of tradable allowances to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The bill includes requirements for mandatory emissions reporting by covered entities and for voluntary reporting of emissions reduction activities by noncovered entities; a national greenhouse gas database and registry of reductions; and a research program on climate change and related activities.

American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 was signed into law on October 22, 2004. Most of the 650 pages of the Act are related to tax legislation. Provisions pertaining to energy are detailed in this analysis.

Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

The Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 was signed into law on October 13, 2004. Primarily, the Act reduces taxes for individuals and businesses. At least two provisions relate to energy: Depletion of marginal properties and qualified vehicles.

Maximum Achievable Control Technology for New Industrial Boilers (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

As part of CAAA90, the EPA on February 26, 2004, issued a final rulethe National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)to reduce emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from industrial, commercial, and institutional boilers and process heaters. The rule requires industrial boilers and process heaters to meet limits on HAP emissions to comply with a MACT floor level of control that is the minimum level such sources must meet to comply with the rule. The major HAPs to be reduced are hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, and nickel. The EPA predicts that the boiler MACT rule will reduce those HAP emissions from existing sources by about 59,000 tons per year in 2005.

U.S. Greenhouse Gas Intensity and the Global Climate Change Initiative (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

On February 14, 2002, President Bush announced the Administrations Global Climate Change Initiative [91]. A key goal of the Climate Change Initiative is to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas intensity by 18 percent over the 2002 to 2012 time frame. For the purposes of the initiative, greenhouse gas intensity is defined as the ratio of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to economic output.

Analysis of Alternative Mercury Control Strategies

Released: January 1, 2005

This analysis responds to a September 14, 2004, request from Chairmen James M. Inhofe and George V. Voinovich asking the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to analyze the impacts of different approaches for removing mercury from coal-fired power plants.

EIA's Natural Gas Outlook Through 2025

Released: November 1, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: WPS Energy Services Meeting Worthington, OH November 16, 2004

World Petroleum Market Changes and Impact on U.S.

Released: October 12, 2004

This presentation was given at the Oil Price Information Service National Supply Summit by Joanne Shore and John Hackworth. It covers the world oil market changes and the impact on domestic outlook for petroleum supply.

Northeast Energy Outlook Panel

Released: August 10, 2004

Presented by: Doug Macintyre, Senior Oil Market Analyst Presented to: Council of State Governments Eastern Regional Conference Springfield, MA August 10, 2004

Long-Term World Oil Supply Scenarios

Released: August 1, 2004

Analysis of long term world oil supply.

U.S. Refining Capacity

Released: July 15, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality Committee on Energy and Commerce U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC July 15, 2004

U.S. Oil Markets

Released: July 7, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Government Reform Committee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC July 7, 2004

Natural Gas Outlook

Released: June 24, 2004

Southeastern Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners SEARUC 2004 June 14,2004 Presented by: Barbara Mariner-Volpe, Energy Information Administration

Outlook for U.S. Oil Markets

Released: June 15, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate Washington, DC June 15 , 2004

Analysis of S. 1844, the Clear Skies Act of 2003; S. 843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003; and S. 366, the Clean Power Act of 2003

Released: May 1, 2004

Senator James M. Inhofe requested that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) undertake analysis of S.843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003, introduced by Senator Thomas Carper; S.366, the Clean Power Act of 2003, introduced by Senator James Jeffords; and S.1844, the Clear Skies Act of 2003, introduced by Senator James M. Inhofe. The EIA received this request on March 19, 2004. This Service Report responds to his request.

Update of Summer Reformulated Gasoline Supply Assessment for New York and Connecticut

Released: May 1, 2004

In October 2003, EIA published a review of the status of the methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) ban transition in New York (NY) and Connecticut (CT) that noted significant uncertainties in gasoline supply for those States for the summer of 2004. To obtain updated information, EIA spoke to major suppliers to the two States over the past several months as the petroleum industry began the switch from winter- to summer-grade gasoline.

Analysis of Senate Amendment 2028, the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003

Released: May 1, 2004

On May 11, 2004, Senator Landrieu asked EIA to evaluate SA.2028. This paper responds to that request, relying on the modeling methodology, data sources, and assumptions used to analyze the original bill, as extensively documented in EIA's June 2003 report.

Oil Market Outlook

Released: April 27, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: CSIS - US Saudi Arabian Business Council US - Saudi Relations and Global Energy Security April 27, 2004

U.S. Petroleum Supply and Market Outlook

Released: April 15, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: North American Energy Summit April 15, 2004

U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas Outlook

Released: March 24, 2004

Presented by: Mark Rodekohr Presented to: 14th International Conference on Liquefied Natural Gas Doha, Qatar March 23, 2004

Natural Gas Outlook

Released: March 12, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Ohio Oil & Gas Association Conference March 12, 2004

Natural Gas Outlook

Released: March 12, 2004

Presented to: Ohio Oil & Gas Association Conference, March 12, 2004 Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, Administrator, Energy Information Administration

Outlook for U.S. Energy Markets

Released: March 4, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate Washington, DC March 4, 2004

Analysis of Oil and Gas Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Released: March 1, 2004

This study analyzed the impact on future oil imports and expenditures of opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to petroleum development. High, low, and mean ANWR oil resource case projections were compared to the Annual Energy Outlook 2004 reference case. The study also examined whether potential synergies exist in opening ANWR to petroleum development and the construction of an Alaska gas pipeline from the North Slope to the lower 48 States.

Crude & Natural Gas Outlook: More Tightness Ahead

Released: March 1, 2004

Presentation by Guy Caruso Administrator Energy Information Administration NPRA Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas March 2004

Analysis of Restricted Natural Gas Supply Cases

Released: March 1, 2004

The four cases examined in this study have progressively greater impacts on overall natural gas consumption, prices, and supply. Compared to the Annual Energy Outlook 2004 reference case, the no Alaska pipeline case has the least impact; the low liquefied natural gas case has more impact; the low unconventional gas recovery case has even more impact; and the combined case has the most impact.

Natural Gas Outlook

Released: February 25, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Ohio Management and Restructuring Conference February 25, 2004

Short and Mid-Term US Energy Outlook

Released: February 23, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: National Governor's Association 2004 Winter Meeting February 23, 2004

U.S. and World Energy Outlook

Released: February 17, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: 9th Annual RFA National Ethanol Conference February 17, 2004

Outlook for U.S. Energy Markets

Released: February 12, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Committee on Resources U.S. House of Representatives February 12, 2004

Importance of Information for Well-Functioning Markets, The

Released: February 9, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Cambridge Energy Research Associates Houston, Texas February 9, 2004

Summary Impacts of Modeled Provisions of the 2003 Conference Energy Bill

Released: February 1, 2004

This service report was undertaken at the February 2, 2004, request of Senator John Sununu to perform an assessment of the Conference Energy Bill of 2003. This report summarizes the CEB provisions that can be analyzed using the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) and have the potential to affect energy consumption, supply, and prices. The impacts are estimated by comparing the projections with the CEB provisions to the AEO2004 Reference Case.

Analysis of Five Selected Tax Provisions of the Conference Energy Bill of 2003

Released: February 1, 2004

This special report was undertaken at the January 29, 2004, request of Senator John Sununu to perform an assessment of five specific tax provisions of the Conference Energy Bill of 2003.

EIA's Natural Gas Outlook Through 2025

Released: January 1, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Western States Petroleum Association, California Independent Petroleum Association - Petroleum Standards Advisory Committee

Short-Term Natural Gas Outlook

Released: December 5, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: CBI Gas Outlook 2004 Conference Houston, Texas December 5, 2003

Natural Gas Supply Outlooks Compared: AEO2004P, AEO2003, and NPC

Released: December 4, 2003

Presented by: Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy EIA Administrator Presented to: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston, Massachusetts December 4, 2003

Inquiry into August 2003 Gasoline Price Spike

Released: December 1, 2003

U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham requested that EIA conduct an inquiry into the causes of the price increases of gasoline in In July and August of 2003.

Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status and Outlook, The

Released: December 1, 2003

The Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status & Outlook was undertaken to characterize the global LNG market and to examine recent trends and future prospects in the LNG market.

Overview of World and U.S. Energy Data and Projections

Released: November 24, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Santa Fe Energy Seminar - Nuclear Power Competitive Prospects November 24, 2003

Short-Term Natural Gas Outlook

Released: November 19, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: CWC North American Natural Gas Conference Houston, Texas November 19, 2003

EIA's Natural Gas Outlook Through 2025

Released: November 5, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Oil & Money 2003 London, England November 5, 2003

Natural Gas Outlook - Presented to: Kansas Corporation Commission

Released: November 1, 2003

Presented to: Kansas Corporation Commission, October 28, 2003, Presented by: William Trapmann, Energy Information Administration

U.S. Natural Gas Outlook

Released: October 24, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: SAIS/ESAI Seminar October 24, 2003

Preparations for Meeting New York and Connecticut MTBE Bans

Released: October 1, 2003

In response to a Congressional request, EIA examined the progress being made to meet the bans on the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) being implemented in New York and Connecticut at the end of 2003.

China's Energy Needs and Strategies - Presentation

Released: October 1, 2003

Presentation by Guy Caruso, EIA Administrator

China's Energy Needs and Strategies - Testimony

Released: October 1, 2003

Testimony of Guy Caruso Administrator, Energy Information Administration Before the Commission on US-China Economic and Security Review Hearing on China's Energy Needs and Strategies Thursday, October 30, 2003

Price Responsiveness in the AEO2003 NEMS Residential and Commercial Buildings Sector Models

Released: October 1, 2003

This paper describes the demand responses to changes in energy prices in the Annual Energy Outlook 2003 versions of the Residential and Commercial Demand Modules of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). It updates a similar paper completed for the Annual Energy Outlook 1999 version of the NEMS.

Why Events Overseas Matter to Gasoline Retailers and Consumers

Released: October 1, 2003

Attempts to explain how changes in the global supply and demand of crude oil can affect retail gasoline prices in various parts of the country. It does this by exploring 3 recent gasoline price spikes: Spring 2001, March 2003, and August 2003. The presentation compares and contrasts these price spikes in order to give the audience an understanding of the various reasons behind gasoline price increases.

Energy Forum

Released: September 25, 2003

Natural Gas, Forecast Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Energy Forum New York, New York

Gas Week

Released: September 24, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Gas Week Houston, Texas September 24, 2003

Natural Gas Outlook North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Annual Meeting

Released: September 17, 2003

North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Annual Meeting September 17, 2003 Barbara Mariner-Volpe, Energy Information Administration

NASEO 2003 Annual Meeting

Released: September 15, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: National Association of State Energy Officials Austin, Texas September 15 , 2003

Analysis of S. 485, the Clear Skies Act of 2003, and S. 843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003

Released: September 1, 2003

On July 30, 2003, Senator James M. Inhofe requested the Energy Information Administration to undertake analyses of S.843, The Clean Air Planning Act of 2003, introduced by Senator Thomas Carper, and S.485, Clear Skies Act of 2003. Senator Inhofe also asked the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to analyze S. 485 without the mercury provisions and S. 843 without the mercury and carbon dioxide provisions. This service report responds to both requests.

Analyses of Selected Provisions of Proposed Energy Legislation: 2003

Released: September 1, 2003

This study responds to a July 31, 2003 request from Senator Byron L. Dorgan. The study is based primarily on analyses EIA has previously done for studies requested by Congress. It includes analysis of the Renewable Portfolio Standard, Renewable Fuels Standard, production in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge, the construction of an Alaskan Natural Gas pipeline, and various tax provisions.

EIA's Natural Gas Outlook Through 2025

Released: August 5, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association Denver, Colorado August 5, 2003

System for the Analysis of Global Energy Markets - Vol. II, Model Documentation

Released: August 1, 2003

The second volume provides a data implementation guide that lists all naming conventions and model constraints. In addition, Volume 1 has two appendixes that provide a schematic of the SAGE structure and a listing of the source code, respectively.

System for the Analysis of Global Energy Markets - Vol. I, Model Documentation

Released: August 1, 2003

Documents the objectives and the conceptual and methodological approach used in the development of projections for the International Energy Outlook. The first volume of this report describes the SAGE methodology and provides an in-depth explanation of the equations of the model.

Outlook On Natural Gas, Arkansas Public Service Commission,

Released: July 3, 2003

Winter 2002/2003 status of working gas storage, natural gas market outlook.

Analysis of a 10-Percent RPS - Response letter summarizing principal conclusions of supplement

Released: June 30, 2003

Transmittal letter for the supplement to the Service Report 'Analysis of a 10-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard'

EIA's Natural Gas Outlook Through 2025

Released: June 30, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Independent Petroleum Association of America Boca Raton, Florida June 20, 2003

Analysis of a 10-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard, Supplement to

Released: June 30, 2003

On June 10, 2003, Senator Pete Domenici, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, requested additional analysis of a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), expected to be proposed as an amendment to energy legislation currently pending before the U.S. Senate.1 This request asked the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to provide additional results from two previously released EIA analyses2 of the proposed legislation, and to conduct further analyses with modified assumptions.

Natural Gas Summit Short-Term Energy Outlook, 2003

Released: June 26, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Natural Gas Summit Washington, DC June 26, 2003

Outlook On Gas Pricing and Storage Deliverability

Released: June 17, 2003

Presented by: William Trapmann Presented to: Infocast Conference Boston, Massachusetts June 17, 2003

Outlook for the U.S. Natural Gas Market

Released: June 10, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: The Committee On Energy And Commerce U. S. House Of Representatives Washington, DC June 10, 2003

Analysis of S.139, the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003

Released: June 1, 2003

On January 9, 2003, Senators John McCain and Joseph I. Lieberman introduced Senate Bill 139 (S.139), the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003, in the U.S. Senate. S.139 would require the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to promulgate regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions. On January 28, 2003, Senator James M. Inhofe requested that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) perform a comprehensive analysis of S.139. On April 2, 2003, Senators McCain and Lieberman, cosponsors of S.139, made a further request for analyses of their bill. This Service Report responds to both requests.

Analysis of a 10-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard, Addendum

Released: June 1, 2003

On May 8, 2003, Senator Jeff Bingaman, the Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, requested an analysis of a nationwide Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) program proposed to be amended to energy legislation currently pending before the U.S. Senate1. With his request Sen. Bingaman provided specific information on the program to be analyzed. This analysis was prepared in response to his request and projects the impact of the proposed program on energy supply, demand, prices, and emissions. The analysis is based on the Annual Energy Outlook 2003 (AEO2003) projections of energy supply, demand, and prices through 2025, as updated in May 2003.

Outlook for Natural Gas and Petroleum

Released: May 19, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: IOGCC Conference Williamsburg, Virginia May 19, 2003

U.S. Natural Gas Markets and Industry, The

Released: May 13, 2003

Presented by: Barbara Mariner-Volpe and William Trapmann May 13, 2003

World Oil Market Outlook

Released: May 4, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: The Committee On Energy And Commerce U. S. House Of Representatives Washington, DC May 4 2003

Analysis of a 10-percent Renewable Portfolio Standard

Released: May 1, 2003

On May 8, 2003, Senator Jeff Bingaman, the Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, requested an analysis of a nationwide Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) program proposed to be amended to energy legislation currently pending before the U.S. Senate1. With his request Sen. Bingaman provided specific information on the program to be analyzed. This analysis was prepared in response to his request and projects the impact of the proposed program on energy supply, demand, prices, and emissions. The analysis is based on the Annual Energy Outlook 2003 (AEO2003) projections of energy supply, demand, and prices through 2025, as updated in May 2003.

Natural Gas Prices and Supplies in the Northeast-Midwest Region

Released: April 7, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator April 7, 2003

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook 2003

Released: April 1, 2003

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2003/04. It was given at the 2003 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Asheville, NC on August 11, 2003.

Motor Gasoline Outlook and State MTBE Bans

Released: April 1, 2003

The U.S. is beginning the summer 2003 driving season with lower gasoline inventories and higher prices than last year. Recovery from this tight gasoline market could be made more difficult by impending State bans on the blending of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) into gasoline that are scheduled to begin later this year.

Status and Impacts of State MTBE Bans

Released: March 1, 2003

This paper describes legislation passed in 16 States banning or restricting the use of MTBE in gasoline. Analysis of the status and impact of these State MTBE bans is provided concerning the supply and potential price changes of gasoline.

Forecasting Crude Oil Spot Price Using OECD Petroleum Inventory Levels

Released: March 1, 2003

This paper presents a short-term monthly forecasting model of West Texas Intermediate crude oil spot price using OECD petroleum inventory levels.

Outlook for Natural Gas Supply and Prices

Released: February 25, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Committee On Energy And Natural Resources United States Senate Washington, DC February 25, 2003

Natural Gas Update: EIA NARUC Winter Meeting

Released: February 23, 2003

Prices, Storage, Consumption

Outlook for Transportation Fuel Supplies, 2003 and Beyond

Released: February 18, 2003

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Acting EIA Administrator Washington, DC February 18, 2003

Interim Data Changes in the Short-term Energy Outlook Data Systems Related to Electric Power Sector and Natural Gas Demand Data Revisions (Released in the STEO December 2002)

Released: December 1, 2002

Beginning with the December 2002 issue of EIAs Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), electricity generation and related fuel consumption totals will be presented on a basis that is consistent with the definitions and aggregates used in the 2001 edition of EIAs Annual Energy Review (AER). Particularly affected by these changes are the demand and balancing item totals for natural

Natural Gas Storage at the North American Gas Strategies Conference

Released: October 29, 2002

Presented by: William Trapmann Presented to: North American Gas Strategies Conference October 29, 2002

Review of the EIA Weekly Survey of Natural Gas In Underground Storage, A

Released: October 8, 2002

Presented by: William Trapmann Presented to: 22nd Annual North American Conference of the IAEE/USAEE Vancouver, British Columbia October 8, 2002

Derivatives and Risk Management in the Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Electricity Industries

Released: October 1, 2002

In February 2002 the Secretary of Energy directed the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to prepare a report on the nature and use of derivative contracts in the petroleum, natural gas, and electricity industries. Derivatives are contracts ('financial instruments') that are used to manage risk, especially price risk.

Supply Impact of Losing MTBE and Using Ethanol

Released: October 1, 2002

Presented by: Joanne Shore Presented to: OPIS National Supply Summit San Antonio, Texas October 2002

Timing for Startup of the Renewable Fuel Standard

Released: September 15, 2002

This paper responds to whether or not moving the start date of the Renewable fuel standard (RFS) from its currently proposed January 2004 to October 2004 would improve the chances of a smooth transition.

Timing of Startups of the Low-Sulfur and RFS Programs

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper focuses on whether supply problems could be reduced during the startup stage phases of these programs through timing changes.

Supply Impacts of an MTBE Ban

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper analyzes the supply impacts of removing MTBE from gasoline.

Analysis of Selected Transportation Fuel Issues Associated with Proposed Energy Legislation -Summary

Released: September 1, 2002

Summary of a series of 8 papers discussing the market impacts the Senate-passed fuels provisions of H.R.4, the Energy Policy Act of 2002.

Review of Transportation Issues & Comparison of Infrastructure Costs for a Renewable Fuels Standard

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper analyzes the inter-regional transportation issues and associated costs for increased distribution of renewable fuels with the assumption that ethanol will be used to meet the standards.

Renewable Motor Fuel Production Capacity Under H.R.4

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper analyzes renewable motor fuel production capacity with the assumption that ethanol will be used to meet the renewable fuels standard.

Reformulated Gasoline Use Under the 8-Hour Ozone Rule

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper focuses on the impact on gasoline price and supply when additional ozone non-attainment areas come under the new 8-hour ozone standard.

Potential Supply Impacts of Removal of 1-Pound RVP Waiver

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper provides background on the 1-pound waiver and how It can affect gasoline volumes.

Gasoline Type Proliferation and Price Volatility

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper focuses on the potential effect/role of implementation of a national menu of fuels to address the proliferation of boutique fuels.

Refining Challenges: Changing Crude Oil Quality & Product Specifications

Released: September 1, 2002

Presented by: Joanne Shore World Fuels Conference Washington, DC September 2002

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook

Released: August 21, 2002

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2002/03. It was given at the 2002 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Kennebunkport, ME on August 12, 2002.

Meeting The Challenges Of A Changing Energy Industry

Released: August 19, 2002

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Acting EIA Administrator Washington, DC August 19, 2002

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook 2002

Released: August 1, 2002

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2002/03. It was given at the 2002 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Kennebunkport, ME on August 12, 2002.

Measuring Changes in Energy Efficiency for the Annual Energy Outlook 2002

Released: July 1, 2002

This paper describes the methodology used to develop the NEMS estimate of projected aggregate energy efficiency and to describe the results of applying it to the Annual Energy Outlook 2002 (AEO2002) reference case.

Mid-term Outlook for Natural Gas Markets in the United States

Released: July 1, 2002

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Acting EIA Administrator Presented to: The House Committee On Resources Subcommittee On Energy And Mineral Resources Washington, DC July 16, 2002

Delivered Energy Consumption Projections by Industry in the Annual Energy Outlook 2002

Released: June 1, 2002

This paper presents delivered energy consumption and intensity projections for the industries included in the industrial sector of the National Energy Modeling System.

Hearing on the Current Situation In U.S. Motor Gasoline Markets

Released: April 23, 2002

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Acting EIA Administrator Washington, DC April 23, 2002

Impact of Renewable Fuels Standard/MTBE Provisions of S. 517 Requested by Sens. Daschle & Murkowski

Released: April 1, 2002

Additional analysis of the impact of the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) ban provisions of S. 517.

Petroleum Outlook: Increased Inter-PADD Movements

Released: April 1, 2002

Presented by: Joanne Shore Presented to: API Annual Pipeline Conference Dallas, Texas April, 2002

Energy Information Administration's Weekly Storage Survey and Web-based Information Dissemination

Released: March 20, 2002

Presented by: Roy Kass Presented to: Gasmart Reno, NV March 20, 2002

Petroleum Outlook 2002: On the Road to Pamplona

Released: March 18, 2002

Presented by: John Cook Presented to: NPRA Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas March 18, 2002

Impact of Renewable Fuels Standard/MTBE Provisions of S. 1766

Released: March 12, 2002

This service report addresses the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS)/methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) provisions of S. 1766. The 'S. 1766' Case reflects provisions of S. 1766 including a renewable fuels standard (RFS) reaching five billion gallons by 2012, a complete phase-out of MTBE within four years, and the option for States to waive the oxygen requirement for reformulated gasoline (RFG).

Lower 48 Natural Gas Supply Outlook Through 2020

Released: March 2, 2002

Presented by: James Kendall Presented to: Canadian Energy Research Institute Calgary, Alberta March 4, 2002

Availability of Gasoline Imports in the Short to Mid Term: U.S. Perspective

Released: March 1, 2002

Analyzes changes in gasoline markets, both here in the United States and abroad, that might affect the availability of gasoline imports between now and 2007. This includes changes in gasoline specifications both here and in other countries that supply imported gasoline, as well as growing demand in these countries.

Analysis of Efficiency Standards for Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps, and Other Products

Released: March 1, 2002

A series of analyses showing the impacts of each of the selected provisions of the bills on energy supply, demand, and prices, macroeconomic variables where feasible, import dependence, and emissions.

Effects of Alaska Oil and Natural Gas Provisions of H. R. 4 and S. 1766 on U.S. Energy Markets

Released: March 1, 2002

On December 20, 2001, Sen. Frank Murkowski, the Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources requested an analysis of selected portions of Senate Bill 1766 (S. 1766, the Energy Policy Act of 2002) and House Bill H.R. 4 (the Securing America's Future Energy Act of 2001)1. In response, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has prepared a series of analyses showing the impacts of each of the selected provisions of the bills on energy supply, demand, and prices, macroeconomic variables where relevant, import dependence, and emissions. The analysis provided is based on the Annual Energy Outlook 2002 (AEO2002) midterm forecasts of energy supply, demand, and prices through 2020.

Impacts of a 10-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard

Released: March 1, 2002

This service report addresses the renewable portfolio standard provision of S. 1766. At Senator Murkowski's request it also includes an analysis of the impacts of a renewable portfolio standard patterned after the one called for in S. 1766, but where the required share is based on a 20 percent RPS by 2020 rather than the 10 percent RPS called for in S. 1766.

Impacts of Energy Research and Development With Analyses of Price-Andersen Act & Hydro Relicensing

Released: March 1, 2002

This report deals primarily with the Research and Development provisions of S. 1766, organized across four areas: energy efficiency, renewable energy, fossil energy, and nuclear energy. The provisions are assessed using the results from AEO2002 and other side cases, rather than a direct quantitative analysis.

Analysis of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards for Light Trucks and Increased Alternative Fuel Use

Released: March 1, 2002

Sen. Frank Murkowski, the Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources requested an analysis of selected portions of Senate Bill 1766 (S. 1766, the Energy Policy Act of 2002), House Resolution 4 (the Securing America's Future Energy Act of 2001) and Senate Bill 517 (S. 517, the Energy Policy Act of 2002).1,2,3 In response, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has prepared a series of analyses showing the impacts of each of the selected provisions of the bills on energy supply, demand, and prices, macroeconomic variables where feasible, import dependence, and emissions.

Effects of Alaska Oil and Natural Gas Provisions of H. R. 4 and S. 1766on U.S. Energy Markets, Addendum

Released: March 1, 2002

This addendum provides projections on the increase in U.S. oil production from opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the decease in net petroleum imports, and the change in net petroleum expenditures across a range of cases.

Methodology for the Assessment of the Macroeconomic Impacts of Stricter CAFE Standards - Addendum

Released: March 1, 2002

This assessment of the economic impacts of CAFÉ standards marks the first time EIA has used the new direct linkage of the DRI-WEFA Macroeconomic Model to NEMS in a policy setting. This methodology assures an internally consistent solution between the energy market concepts forecast by NEMS and the aggregate economy as forecast by the DRI-WEFA Macroeconomic Model of the U.S. Economy.

Jet Fuel Supply/Price Outlook: Fueling the Recovery

Released: February 11, 2002

Presented to: Tithe 4th International Jet Fuel Conference February 11, 2002

North American Gas Storage Conference

Released: February 1, 2002

Presentation by William Trapmann to the North American Gas Storage Conference

U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Mid-Term Prospects for Natural Gas Supply

Released: December 1, 2001

This service report describes the recent behavior of natural gas markets with respect to natural gas prices, their potential future behavior, the potential future supply contribution of liquefied natural gas and increased access to Federally restricted resources, and the need for improved natural gas data.

Hearing on Alternative and Renewable Energy on Federal Lands

Released: October 3, 2001

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Acting EIA Administrator Presented to: Committee on Resources U.S. House of Representatives October 3, 2001

Natural Gas Transportation - Infrastructure Issues and Operational Trends

Released: October 1, 2001

This report examines how well the current national natural gas pipeline network has been able to handle today's market demand for natural gas. In addition, it identifies those areas of the country where pipeline utilization is continuing to grow rapidly and where new pipeline capacity is needed or is planned over the next several years.

Short-Term Integrated Forecasting System -- Model Documentation

Released: October 1, 2001

Documentation of the modules that comprise the Short-Term Integrated Forecasting System (archived versions)

Reducing Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Mercury from Electric Power Plants

Released: October 1, 2001

This analysis responds to a request from Senators Bob Smith, George Voinovich, and Sam Brownback to examine the costs of specific multi-emission reduction strategies

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants with Advanced Technology

Released: October 1, 2001

This analysis responds to a request of Senators James M. Jeffords and Joseph I. Lieberman. This report describes the impacts of technology improvements and other market-based opportunities on the costs of emissions reductions from electricity generators, including nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, mercury, and carbon dioxide.

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook 2001

Released: August 1, 2001

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2001/02. It was given by Doug MacIntyre at the 2001 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Wilmington, DE on August 13, 2001.

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants: SO2, Nox, CO2

Released: July 1, 2001

This report responds to a request received from Senator David McIntosh on June 29, 2000 to analyze the impacts on energy consumers and producers of coordinated strategies to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide at U.S. power plants.

Analysis of Strategies for Multiple Emissions from Electric Power SO2, NOX, CO2, Mercury and RPS

Released: July 1, 2001

At the request of the Subcommittee, EIA prepared an initial report that focused on the impacts of reducing power sector NOx, SO2, andCO2 emissions.2 The current report extends the earlier analysis to add the impacts of reducing power sector Hg emissions and introducing RPS requirements.

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants: Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Dioxide, and Mercury and a Renewable Portfolio Standard-Chapter 4-Fuel Market and Macroeconomic Impacts

Released: July 1, 2001

This chapter discusses the projected impacts of new emission caps on nitrogen oxides (Nox), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and mercury (Hg) and the adoption of a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) on the U.S. markets for those fuels, including industry employment levels

U.S. Gasoline Supply and Prices in the Summer of 2001

Released: June 14, 2001

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Office of Oil and Gas Presented to: Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs United States House of Representatives June 14, 2001

EIA's Testimony on Current Gasoline Situation

Released: June 14, 2001

Statement of John Cook Before the Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs U.S. House of Representatives June 14, 2001

Electricity Shortage in California: Issues for Petroleum and Natural Gas Supply

Released: June 1, 2001

This report addresses the potential impact of rotating electrical outages on petroleum product and natural gas supply in California.

Natural Gas Productive Capacity for the Lower 48 States

Released: May 20, 2001

Presented by: John Wood, Gary Long, Hafeez Rahman, and Velton Funk May 2001

What Factors Are Affecting Gasoline And Natural Gas Markets?

Released: May 15, 2001

Testimony before the Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality.

Hearing on Sources of Energy Supply and Consumption

Released: May 3, 2001

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Director Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Presented to: Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee On Select Revenue Measures May 3, 2001

U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Recent Trends and Prospects for the Future

Released: May 1, 2001

The purpose of this study is to examine recent trends and prospects for the future of the U.S. natural gas market. Natural gas prices rose dramatically in 2000 and remained high through the first part of 2001, raising concerns about the future of natural gas prices and potential for natural gas to fuel the growth of the U.S. economy. Pages

Power Plant Emission Reductions Using a Generation Performance Standard

Released: May 1, 2001

In an earlier analysis completed in response to a request received from Representative David McIntosh, Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs, the Energy Information Administration analyzed the impacts of power sector caps on nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide emissions, assuming a policy instrument patterned after the sulfur dioxide allowance program created in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. This paper compares the results of that work with the results of an analysis that assumes the use of a dynamic generation performance standard as an instrument for reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Transition to Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel Fuel: Effects on Prices and Supply, The

Released: May 1, 2001

This report discusses the implications of the new regulations for vehicle fuel efficiency and examines the technology, production, distribution, and cost implications of supplying diesel fuel to meet the new standards.

Why Is West Coast Gasoline So Expensive?

Released: April 25, 2001

Testimony on current gasoline prices as well as the unique situations on the West Coast with regard to prices.

EIA's Testimony on Current Gasoline Situation

Released: April 25, 2001

On April 25, Dr. John Cook, Petroleum Division Director in the Office of Oil and Gas, testified on West Coast gasoline prices before the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs , Foreign Commerce, and Tourism. This Subcommittee is under the jurisdiction of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. Dr. Cook provided the Subcommittee with information on the current gasoline price situation as well as identified unique characteristics of the West Coast gasoline market that help make its gasoline prices generally higher than other regions of the United States.

MTBE Production Economics (Released in the STEO April 2001)

Released: April 1, 2001

The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the causes of MTBE price increases in 2000.

Energy Price Impacts on the U.S. Economy

Released: April 1, 2001

A brief analysis of energy price impacts on the U.S. economy.

EIA's Testimony on Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Markets

Released: March 30, 2001

Summary Statement of John Cook Director Petroleum Division Energy Information Administration Department of Energy before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality Committee on Energy and Commerce U.S. House of Representatives March 30, 2001

Hearing on a National Energy Strategy

Released: March 29, 2001

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Director Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Presented to: House Committee On Appropriations Subcommittee On Interior And Related Agencies March 29, 2001

EIA's Testimony on Natural Gas - House Subcommittee on Energy and the Air Quality

Released: March 28, 2001

Statement of Beth Campbell, Energy Information Administration; Department of Energy Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality; Committee on Energy and Commerce U. S. House of Representatives - Hearing on Natural Gas February 28, 2001

Hearing on Nuclear Power

Released: March 27, 2001

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Presented to: Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, Committee on Energy and Commerce U. S. House of Representatives March 27, 2001

Natural Gas Supply Conference

Released: March 22, 2001

Presented by: William Trapmann March 22, 2001

Hearing on Current U.S. Energy Trends

Released: March 21, 2001

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Presented to: Senate Energy And Natural Resources Committee United States Senate March 21, 2001

Petroleum Outlook: More Volatility?

Released: March 19, 2001

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Office of Oil and Gas Presented to: NPRA Annual Meeting March 19, 2001

Hearing on Coal

Released: March 14, 2001

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Presented to: Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, Committee on Energy and Commerce U. S. House of Representatives March 14, 2001

EIA's Testimony on Federal Tax Laws

Released: March 5, 2001

Statement of John S. Cook Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration before the House Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight; United States House of Representatives hearing on federal tax laws; March 5, 2001

EIA's Testimony on Natural Gas

Released: February 28, 2001

Statement of Beth Campbell, Energy Information Administration; Department of Energy Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality; Committee on Energy and Commerce U. S. House of Representatives - Hearing on Natural Gas February 28, 2001

NASEO Energy Outlook Conference

Released: February 1, 2001

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Office of Oil and Gas February 26, 2001

Natural Gas Futures Market

Released: February 1, 2001

Presentation by James Todaro, February 2001, to the Bangladesh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

Natural Gas Imports and Exports (Presentation)

Released: February 1, 2001

Natural gas imports and exports in North America

Natural Gas Market Information

Released: February 1, 2001

Presentation by Barbara Mariner-Volpe, February 2001, to the Bangladesh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

EIA's Testimony on The Nation's Energy Future: Role of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Released: February 1, 2001

Statement of Mary J. Hutzler, Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration Before the House Committee on Science United States House of Representatives Hearing on The Nation's Energy Future: Role of Renewable Energy And Energy Efficiency

Impact of Interruptible Natural Gas Service on Northeast Heating Oil Demand

Released: February 1, 2001

Assesses the extent of interruptible natural gas contracts and their effect on heating oil demand in the Northeast.

Natural Gas Spot Market

Released: February 1, 2001

Setting Natural Gas Prices and Supply - Bangladesh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

U.S. Natural Gas Markets Developments and Outlook

Released: February 1, 2001

Presented by Barbara Mariner-Volpe to the Bangladesh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources - February 2001

U.S. Natural Gas Markets

Released: February 1, 2001

Dr. Mark Rodekohr Presented to the Philippines Department of Energy February 2001

Natural Gas Conveyance and Restructuring

Released: February 1, 2001

Presentation by Barbara Mariner-Volpe to the Bangladesh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, February 2001

Natural Gas Conveyance and Rates

Released: February 1, 2001

Natural gas transportation market; Competition vs. market power; Rate structures Cost-of-service Performance based rates

Presentation for National Governors' Association

Released: January 26, 2001

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Office of Oil and Gas Presented to: National Governors' Association January 26, 2001

Natural Gas Market Status and Outlook

Released: January 24, 2001

Presented by: Barbara Mariner-Volpe January 24, 2001

Risk of Infrastructure Failure in the Natural Gas Industry

Released: January 22, 2001

Presented by: Aileen Alex January 22, 2001

Summary Short-Term Petroleum and Natural Gas Outlook

Released: January 12, 2001

Presented by: Mark J. Mazur, Acting EIA Administrator January 12, 2001

Presentation to the National Conference of State Legislators - December 2000 Short-Term Energy Outlook

Released: December 18, 2000

Presentation to the National Conference of State Legislators by Mark Masur, Acting Administrator

EIA's Testimony on Natural Gas Supply and Demand Before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee

Released: December 12, 2000

Statement of Mark J. Mazur Acting Administrator Energy Information Administration Department of Energy before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources U.S. Senate December 12, 2000

Regional Energy Profile Forum on Energy Preparedness

Released: December 1, 2000

Presented by: Alice Lippert and Douglas MacIntyre December 1, 2000

Impacts of Unconventional Gas Technology in the Annual Energy Outlook 2000

Released: November 1, 2000

This paper describes the methodology used in the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) to represent unconventional gas technologies and their impacts on projections in the Annual Energy Outlook 2000 (AEO2000).

Natural Gas Winter Outlook 2000-2001

Released: October 1, 2000

This article is based on the Winter Fuels Outlook published in the 4th Quarter Short-Term Energy Outlook and discusses the supply and demand outlook from October 2000 through March 2001.

EIA's Testimony on Crude Oil, Heating and Transportation Fuel Markets - House Subcommittee

Released: September 28, 2000

Statement of Mark J. Mazur Acting Administrator Energy Information Administration Before the Committee on Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power U.S. House of Representatives September 28, 2000

PPMCSA Presentation on Winter Distillate Outlook

Released: September 15, 2000

Presented by: Joanne Shore Presented to: PPMCSA Annual Meeting and Trade Show September 15, 2000

Winter Fuels Market Assessment 2000 (September 7, 2000)

Released: September 7, 2000

Presented by: Mark Rodekohr Presented to: The New England Council & Governor's Conference Boston, MA September 7, 2000

Winter Distillate and Propane Outlook

Released: September 7, 2000

Presentation by Joanne Shore, Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas.

Winter Fuels Market Assessment 2000

Released: September 7, 2000

Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas.

Crude Oil Market Outlook

Released: September 1, 2000

Presentation by Douglas MacIntyre, Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas.

EIA's Testimony on Crude Oil, Heating and Transportation Fuel Markets - Senate Committee

Released: September 1, 2000

Statement of Mark J. Mazur Acting Administrator Energy Information Administration before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources U.S. Senate September 26, 2000

Natural Gas Data Systems Conceptual Framework, Measurement and Dissemination

Released: September 1, 2000

Measurement and Dissemination Current Developments and Changes

Outlook for Natural Gas: Winter 2000

Released: August 21, 2000

Presented by: Barbara Mariner-Volpe Presented to: State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference Wrightsville Beach, NC August 21, 2000

U.S. Refining Industry: Developments and Outlook, 1998-2001, The

Released: August 11, 2000

Presented by: Neal Davis Presented to: Valve Manufacturers Association of America Chicago, IL August 10-11, 2000

Supply of Chicago/Milwaukee Gasoline Spring 2000

Released: August 9, 2000

Presented by: Joanne Shore August 9, 2000

Winter Distillate and Natural Gas Outlook

Released: July 27, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division; EIA's Office of Oil and Gas July 27, 2000

EIA's Senate Testimony on Prospects for Natural Gas Supply

Released: July 26, 2000

Statement of Mary J. Hutzler Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting, Energy Information Administration; Department of Energy before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; U.S. Senate July 26, 2000

Propane Market Status Report

Released: July 26, 2000

Presented by: Alice Lippert July 26, 2000

EIA's Senate Testimony About Rising Crude Oil and Gasoline Prices

Released: July 13, 2000

Statement of John Cook, Director Petroleum Division; Energy Information Administration before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate July 13, 2000

Accelerated Depletion: Assessing Its Impacts on Domestic Oil and Natural Gas Prices and Production

Released: July 1, 2000

Analysis of the potential impacts of accelerated depletion on domestic oil and natural gas prices and production.

EIA's Senate Testimony About Rising Crude Oil and Gasoline Prices

Released: June 29, 2000

Statement of John Cook, Director Petroleum Division; Energy Information Administration before the Committee on Governmental Affairs U.S. Senate June 29, 2000

Update: A Year of Volatility - Oil Markets and Gasoline

Released: June 20, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas June 21, 2000

Natural Gas Markets and Reliability of the Electric Power Industry

Released: June 1, 2000

Prices, Resources & Reserves, Exploration & Production, Imports & Exports, Storage, Consumption/Use

Statement of Jay E. Hakes Before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

Released: May 25, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: United States Senate Washington, DC May 25, 2000

Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power

Released: May 24, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC May 24, 2000

World Oil Market, The

Released: May 11, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator San Diego, CA May 11, 2000

Northeast Heating Fuel Market, The Assessment and Options

Released: May 1, 2000

In response to the President's request, this study examines how the distillate fuel oil market (and related energy markets) in the Northeast behaved in the winter of 1999-2000, explains the role played by residential, commercial, industrial, and electricity generation sector consumers in distillate fuel oil markets and describes how that role is influenced by the structure of the energy markets in the Northeast

Potential Oil Production from Coastal Plain of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Updated Assessment

Released: May 1, 2000

EIA received a letter (dated March 10, 2000) from Senator Frank H. Murkowski as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources requesting an EIA Service Report with plausible scenarios for ANWR supply development consistent with the most recent U.S. Geological Survey resource assessments. This service report is prepared in response to the request of Senator Murkowski. It focuses on the ANWR coastal plain, a region currently restricted from exploration and development, and updates EIA's 1987 ANWR assessment.

Increased Potential for Gasoline Price Spikes -- Spring & Summer, Update

Released: April 18, 2000

Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas.

U.S. Distillate Market Update

Released: April 7, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Providence, RI April 7, 2000

Energy Consumption and Renewable Energy Development Potential on Indian Lands

Released: April 1, 2000

Includes information on the electricity use and needs of Indian households and tribes, the comparative electricity rates that Indian households are paying, and the potential for renewable resources development of Indian lands.

Update: Increased Potential for Gasoline Price Spikes -- Spring & Summer

Released: April 1, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas April 18, 2000

Long Term World Oil Supply

Released: April 1, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator American Association of Petroleum Geologists by New Orleans, Louisiana April 18, 2000

Outlook for Biomass Ethanol Production and Demand

Released: April 1, 2000

This paper presents a midterm forecast for biomass ethanol production under three different technology cases for the period 2000 to 2020, based on projections developed from the Energy Information Administration's National Energy Modeling System. An overview of cellulose conversion technology and various feedstock options and a brief history of ethanol usage in the United States are also presented.

Analysis of the Climate Change Technology Initiative: Fiscal Year 2001

Released: April 1, 2000

Analysis of the potential impacts of Climate Change Technology Initiative, relative to the baseline energy projections in the Annual Energy Outlook 2000 (AEO2000).

Testimony on Senate Bills S.882 and S.1776 and Their Impact on EIA's Programs

Released: March 30, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator March 30, 2000

Testimony on Increases in Crude Oil, Distillate Fuels and Gasoline Prices, Senate Committee

Released: March 24, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC March 24, 2000

Why Are Heating Oil Prices Spiking in the Northeast

Released: March 6, 2000

Presentation on Northeast heating oil price spikes.

EIA's House of Representatives Testimony About Rising Heating Oil, Diesel, and Gasoline Prices

Released: March 1, 2000

Statement of John Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Energy Information Administration before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power Committee on Commerce U.S. House Of Representatives March 9, 2000

Natural Gas Markets and EIA's Information Program

Released: March 1, 2000

Prices, Imports & Exports, Pipelines, Storage

EIA's Senate Testimony About Rising Heating Oil, Diesel, and Gasoline Prices

Released: February 24, 2000

Statement of John Cook, Petroleum Division Director, Energy Information Administration before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate February 24, 2000

U.S. Distillate Market Testimony for New York Assembly Hearing

Released: February 24, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas February 24, 2000

Presentation to the Boston Heating Oil Summit

Released: February 16, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator February 16, 2000

Statement Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, & Reg. Affairs

Released: February 2, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC February 2, 2000

Impact of Technological Change and Productivity on the Coal Market

Released: January 1, 2000

This paper examines the components of past gains in productivity, including regional shifts, the exit of less productive producers, and technological progress Future prospects for continuing productivity gains at sustained, but lower, rates of improvement are discussed.

Statement Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment

Released: October 5, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC October 5, 1999

MTBE, Oxygenates, and Motor Gasoline (Released in the STEO October 1999)

Released: October 1, 1999

The blending of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) into motor gasoline has increased dramatically since it was first produced 20 years ago. MTBE usage grew in the early 1980's in response to octane demand resulting initially from the phaseout of lead from gasoline and later from rising demand for premium gasoline. The oxygenated gasoline program stimulated an increase in MTBE production between 1990 and 1994. MTBE demand increased from 83,000 in 1990 to 161,000 barrels per day in 1994. The reformulated gasoline (RFG) program provided a further boost to oxygenate blending. The MTBE contained in motor gasoline increased to 269,000 barrels per day by 1997.

Impact of Temperature Trends on Short-Term Energy Demand, The (Released in the STEO September 1999)

Released: September 1, 1999

The past few years have witnessed unusually warm weather, as evidenced by both mild winters and hot summers. The analysis shows that the 30-year norms--the basis of weather-related energy demand projections--do not reflect the warming trend or its regional and seasonal patterns.

Comprehensive Electricity Competition Act: A Comparison of Model Results, The

Released: September 1, 1999

This report describes EIA's use of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) to evaluate the effects of the Administration's restructuring proposal using the parameter settings and assumptions from the Policy Office Electricity Modeling System (POEMS) analysis.

Statement Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources

Released: August 5, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC August 5, 1999

Demand and Price Outlook for Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline, 2000 (Released in the STEO August 1999)

Released: August 1, 1999

This article presents projections of demand and the market price premium for Phase 2 RFG in the year 2000. The projections in this article are based on forecasts in the Short-Term Energy Outlook, which is published monthly by the Energy Information Administration.

Issues in Midterm Analysis and Forecasting

Released: August 1, 1999

Final issue of this report. Presents a series of eight papers, which cover topics in analysis and modeling that underlie the Annual Energy Outlook 1999, as well as other significant issues in midterm energy markets. (archived versions)

Presentation to the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners,

Released: July 21, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Staff Subcommittee on Gas San Francisco, CA July 21, 1999

Testimony Before the House Government Reform Committee

Released: July 15, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC July 15, 1999

Analysis of the Impacts of an Early Start for Compliance with the Kyoto Protocol

Released: July 1, 1999

This report describes EIA's analysis of the impacts of an early start, using the same methodology as in Impacts of the Kyoto Protocol on U.S. Energy Markets and Economic Activity, with only those changes in assumptions caused by the early start date.

Areas Participating in the Oxygenated Gasoline Program (Released in the STEO July 1999)

Released: July 1, 1999

Section 211(m) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q) requires that gasoline containing at least 2.7 percent oxygen by weight is to be used in the wintertime in those areas of the county that exceed the CO NAAQS. The winter oxygenated gasoline program applies to all gasoline sold in the larger of the Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) or Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) in which the nonattainment area is located.

Statement Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, U.S. Senate

Released: June 24, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC June 24, 1999

Outlook for Coal Markets Through 2020, The

Released: June 1, 1999

This paper provides a mid-term framework for examining some of the issues confronting the coal industry based on projections from the Annual Energy Outlook 1999.

Areas Participating in the Reformulated Gasoline Program (Released in the STEO June 1999)

Released: June 1, 1999

Section 107(d) of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990 (the Act), required States to identify all areas that do not meet the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for ozone, and directed EPA to designate these areas as ozone nonattainment areas. Section 181 of the Act required EPA to classify each area as a marginal, moderate, serious, severe or extreme ozone nonattainment area. EPA classified all areas that were designated as in nonattainment for ozone at the time of the enactment of the 1990 Amendments, except for certain "nonclassifiable" areas (56 FR 56694, November 6, 1991).

Natural Gas Data Systems Midwest Workshop, May 20-21, 1999

Released: June 1, 1999

Measurement and Dissemination Current Developments and Changes

High Propane Stocks: Structural Change or Cycle - OPIS NGL Supply Summit

Released: May 18, 1999

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas May 17-18, 1999

Statement Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, U.S. Senate

Released: April 21, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC April 21, 1999

North American Gas Strategies Conference

Released: April 19, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Houston, TX April 19, 1999

Statement Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, House Committee on Science

Released: April 14, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC April 14, 1999

Analysis of the Climate Change Technology Initiative

Released: April 1, 1999

Analysis of the impact of specific policies on the reduction of carbon emissions and their impact on U.S. energy use and prices in the 2008-2012 time frame. Also, analyzes the impact of the President's Climate Change Technology Initiative, as defined for the 2000 budget, on reducing carbon emissions from the levels forecast in the Annual Energy Outlook 1999 reference case.

Statement Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, House Committee on Commerce

Released: March 26, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC March 26, 1999

Statement Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, U.S. Senate

Released: March 25, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC March 25, 1999

Statement of Jay Hakes, Former EIA Administrator, Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, United States Senate

Released: March 25, 1999

Discussion of the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) analysis of carbon emissions from energy and the potential impacts of the Kyoto Protocol.

Statement Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, House Committee on Commerce

Released: March 10, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC March 10, 1999

Natural Gas Pipeline and Storage Deliverability

Released: February 24, 1999

This presentation was given before the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC*) Winter Meeting held in Washington, February 21-24, 1999.

Statement Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, U.S. Senate

Released: January 28, 1999

Statement of Jay Hakes Administrator, Energy Information Administration Department of Energy Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee U.S. Senate January 28, 1999

Adams and Reese Annual Energy Conference

Released: November 20, 1998

Adams and Reese Annual Energy Conference, New Orleans, LA - Jay E. Hakes, Administrator, Energy Information Administration - November 20, 1998

North American Gas Strategies Conference - Outlook for Natural Gas Supply

Released: October 19, 1998

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Calgary, Alberta October 19, 1998

Price Volatility in Natural Gas Markets - DOE/NARUC Conference

Released: October 5, 1998

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: DOE/NARUC Conference October 5, 1998

Impacts of the Kyoto Protocol on Energy Markets and Economic Activity

Released: October 1, 1998

Analyzes the impacts on the Kyoto Protocol on U.S. energy markets and the economy in the 2008-2012 time frame

What Does the Kyoto Protocol Mean to U.S. Energy Markets and the U.S. Economy?

Released: October 1, 1998

A Briefing Paper on the Energy Information Administration's Analysis and Report Prepared for the Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives

Statement Before the Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives

Released: October 1, 1998

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator October 9, 1998

Environmental Regulations and Changes in Petroleum Refining Operations (Released in the STEO June 1998)

Released: June 1, 1998

Changes in domestic refining operations are identified and related to the summer Reid vapor pressure (RVP) restrictions and oxygenate blending requirements. This analysis uses published EIA survey data and linear regression equations from the Short-Term Integrated Forecasting System (STIFS). The STIFS model is used for producing forecasts appearing in the Short-Term Energy Outlook.

Oxygenate Supply/Demand Balances in the Short-Term Integrated Forecasting Model (Released in the STEO March 1998)

Released: March 1, 1998

The blending of oxygenates, such as fuel ethanol and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), into motor gasoline has increased dramatically in the last few years because of the oxygenated and reformulated gasoline programs. Because of the significant role oxygenates now have in petroleum product markets, the Short-Term Integrated Forecasting System (STIFS) was revised to include supply and demand balances for fuel ethanol and MTBE. The STIFS model is used for producing forecasts in the Short-Term Energy Outlook. A review of the historical data sources and forecasting methodology for oxygenate production, imports, inventories, and demand is presented in this report.

Statement of Jay Hakes, Former EIA Administrator, Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, United States Senate

Released: February 4, 1998

Discussion of the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) projections of energy consumption and carbon emissions and our analysis of some factors that could influence these projections.

Modifications To Incorporate Competitive Electricity Prices In The Annual Energy Outlook 1998

Released: February 1, 1998

The purpose of this report is to describe modifications to the Electricity Market Module (EMM) for the Annual Energy Outlook 1998. It describes revisions necessary to derive competitive electricity prices and the corresponding reserve margins.

Reformulated Gasoline Foreign Refinery Rules (Released in the STEO January 1998)

Released: January 2, 1998

On August 27, 1997, the EPA promulgated revised the rules that allow foreign refiners to establish and use individual baselines, but it would not be mandatory (the optional use of an individual refinery baseline is not available to domestic refiners.) If a foreign refiner did not establish and use an individual baseline, the gasoline they export to the U.S. would be regulated through the importer, and subject to the importer's baseline (most likely the statutory baseline). Specific regulatory provisions are implemented to ensure that the option to use an individual baseline would not lead to adverse environmental impacts. This involves monitoring the average quality of imported gasoline, and if a specified benchmark is exceeded, remedial action would be taken by adjusting the requirements applicable to imported gasoline.

Refiners Switch to RFG Complex Model

Released: January 2, 1998

On January 1, 1998, domestic and foreign refineries and importers must stop using the "simple" model and begin using the "complex" model to calculate emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC), toxic air pollutants (TAP), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from motor gasoline. The primary differences between application of the two models is that some refineries may have to meet stricter standards for the sulfur and olefin content of the reformulated gasoline (RFG) they produce and all refineries will now be held accountable for NOx emissions. Requirements for calculating emissions from conventional gasoline under the anti-dumping rule similarly change for exhaust TAP and NOx. However, the change to the complex model is not expected to result in an increase in the price premium for RFG or constrain supplies.

Value of Information in Changing Markets, The

Released: September 23, 1997

Barbara Mariner-Volpe Energy Information Administration U.S. Department of Energy; September 23, 1997

West Texas Market Centers Interplay With North and East Texas and Louisiana Market Centers

Released: June 24, 1997

The presentation, titled "West Texas Market Centers Interplay With North and East Texas and Louisiana Market Centers" describes new trading environments for natural gas commodity and transportation services. It also identifies the factors that influenced the development of these environments.

How Big is the Decontracting/Turnback Problem?

Released: June 18, 1997

Presented by: Barbara Mariner-Volpe Presented to: Gas Pipeline Capacity `97 Conference Houston, TX June 17-18, 1997

Impacts on U.S. Energy Markets and the Economy of Reducing Oil Imports

Released: September 1, 1996

This study was undertaken at the request of the General Accounting Office (GAO). Its purpose is to evaluate the impacts on U.S. energy markets and the economy of reducing oil imports. The approach and assumptions underlying this report were specified by GAO and are attached as an Appendix. The study focuses on two approaches: (1) a set of cases with alternative world crude oil price trajectories and (2) two cases which investigate the use of an oil import tariff to achieve a target reduction in the oil imports. The analysis presented uses the National Energy Modeling System, which is maintained by the Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting within the Energy Information Administration (EIA), and the DRI/McGraw Hill Macroeconomic Model of the U.S. Economy, a proprietary model maintained by DRI and subscribed to by EIA.

Outlook for Natural Gas Markets

Released: May 1, 1996

Paper presented at the 49th Annual Symposium of the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners, Inc., in Vermont.

DRI Model of the U.S. Economy -- Model Documentation:

Released: December 1, 1993

Provides documentation on Data Resources, Inc., DRI Model of the U.S. Economy and the DRI Personal Computer Input/Output Model. It also describes the theoretical basis, structure and functions of both DRI models; and contains brief descriptions of the models and their equations.

A Comparison of Measures by Consumption and Supply Surveys

Released: June 15, 1988

This report was prepared in response to a request from the Office of Policy Integration in the U.S. Department of Energy for an analysis of how Energy Information Administration data from its consumption surveys compares with data from its supply surveys.


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