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The U.S. Department of Energy Biological and Environmental Research program funds this site.

Bioinformatics Tools
Tips, Tutorials, and Terminology for Using Selected Resources in Genome Database Guide


The following tutorials are targeted to first-time users of some of the bioinformatics resources described in Genome Database Guide. Each tutorial includes step-by-step instructions and screen shots covering basic skills needed to use each Web site. Links to help files and other Web-based instructions for learning more about the different features of each bioinformatic tool are also provided.


Glossary of Bioinformatics Terms - Serves as a quick reference for some of the terms commonly used in bioinformatics resources to describe genes, sequence data, protein structures, and sequence similarity (BLAST) searching.

Genome Glossary - DOE Human Genome Program glossary of genetics terms. Can be searched or browsed alphabetically; links to other life science glossaries.

Feedback and comments about this site, contact site designer, Jennifer Bownas of HGMIS. To order a poster, click here.

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The online presentation of this poster is a special feature of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Human Genome Project Information Web site. The DOE Biological and Environmental Research program of the Office of Science funds this site.