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U.S. Institute of Peace Press

Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam

Edited by Qamar-ul Huda

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$24.95 $20.00 (Paperback)

USIP Press Books
October 2010
336 pp. , 6" x 9"

"Crescent and Dove, a groundbreaking book edited by Qamar-ul Huda, is a ‘must read’ for policymakers, scholars, and students of international affairs in a world that too often fails to distinguish between the acts of a tiny minority of extremists and the religion of Islam."
John Esposito, Georgetown University

In the face of overwhelming attention to extremist movements and the fundamentalist Islam they often espouse, exploration of peacemaking and conflict resolution in Muslim communities is especially timely. Crescent and Dove looks at the relationship between contemporary Islam and peacemaking by tackling the diverse interpretations, concepts, and problems in the field of Islamic peacemaking.

Although Islamic law requires followers to preserve and protect life, and peacemaking efforts arise in Muslim communities everywhere, those who advocate for Islamic principles of nonviolence and peacebuilding, as well as traditional methods of conflict resolution, face serious challenges. Writing from their perspective as Muslim scholars and peacebuilding practitioners, the contributors offer critical perspectives on what works, what opportunities exist, and what areas are fertile for effective peacebuilding efforts. Their experience and analysis demonstrate that fostering a culture of peace in Muslim communities and building effective conflict resolution practices must occur within an Islamic framework and must engage Muslim leaders.

Crescent and Dove addresses both theory and practice by delving into the intellectual heritage of Islam to discuss historical examples of addressing conflict in Islam and exploring the practical challenges of contemporary peacemaking in Arab countries, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and Indonesia. These groundbreaking essays offer possibilities for nonviolent interventions, peacemaking, the implementation of human rights, the reinterpretation of texts, peace education instruction, and employing successful mediation, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills in an Islamic context.


Qamar-ul Huda is a senior program officer in the Religion and Peacemaking Program and a scholar of Islam at United States Institute of Peace. His area of expertise is Islamic theology, comparative ethics, the language of violence, interfaith studies, conflict resolution and nonviolence in contemporary Islam. He is an adjunct faculty member of Georgetown University’s Conflict Resolution Program and has taught at Boston College, Brandeis University, and the College of Holy Cross.

Browse Inside the Book


  • Preface - HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal
  • Introduction: The Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution Field and Islam - Qamar-ul Huda
  • Part I: Sources of Peace, Islamic Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding
  • Islam and Peace: A Survey of the Sources of Peace in the Islamic Tradition - Ibrahim Kalin
  • Recovering the Early Semantic Purview of Jihad and Martyrdom: Challenging Statist-Military Perspectives - Asma Afsaruddin
  • Revisiting the Qur'anic Basis for the Use of War Language - Waleed El-Ansary
  • An Islamic Model of Conflict Resolution: Principles and Challenges - Mohammed Abu-Nimer
  • Part II: Peace Education, Nonviolent Action, Human Rights, and Peacemaking Training
  • Bediu¨zzaman Said Nursi's Paradigm of Islamic Nonviolence - Zeki Saritoprak
  • Economics and the Clash of Civilizations: Reexamining Religion and Violence - Waleed El-Ansary
  • Human Rights and Islamic Reform - Reza Eslami-Somea
  • Islamic Peace Education: Changing Hearts and Minds - Asna Husin
  • Muslim Women Peacemakers as Agents of Change - Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana and Meena Sharify-Funk
  • Enhancing Skills and Capacity Building in Islamic Peacemaking - Qamar-ul Huda

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