DOE Genomes
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The U.S. Department of Energy Biological and Environmental Research program funds this site.

Chromosome Links

Chromosome Launchpad
This site is provided as a single-source launchpad to information about each human chromosome. Each chromosome page provides links to gene maps, sequences, associated genetic disorders, nonhuman genetic models, identified genes, research efforts, laboratories, and other information as available.

A brief overview of eukaryotic chromosome structure. From Kimball's Biology Pages, an online biology text book by Dr. John W. Kimball.

General Cytogenetics Information
A brief introduction to chromosomes and chromosome abnormalities. Also available en Español.

Cytogenetics Gallery: What is a chromosome?
An introduction to chromosomes from the University of Washington Department of Pathology.

Chromosome Browser
This interactive browser from The Wellcome Trust describes select genes found on each human chromosome. Select the View Tour link to open the browser in a new window. Requires Flash 5 or higher.

Chromosome Disorders

Chromosome Deletion Outreach
A non-profit organization that provides support to individuals and families affected by chromosome disorders. See Introduction to Chromosomes for basics on chromosomes and chromosome aberrations.

A support group based in the United Kingdom that focuses on rare chromosome disorders. Membership is free for affected families. Download The Little Yellow Book (PDF) which provides basic information on chromosomes and rare chromosome disorders.

Animations of Chromosomal Structural Abnormalities
Generalized graphic animations of select chromosome aberrations from the Tokyo Medical University Department of Paediatircs Genetics Study Group.

Chromosomal Variation in Man
This database of chromosomal variants and anomalies is an online version of the book Catalog of Chromosomal Variants and Anomalies, 8th Edition (1997) by Digamber S. Borgaonkar, Ph.D. This is a more technical resource that serves as a compilation of world literature on chromosomal alterations and abnormalities.

Resources for Learning about Genes on Chromosomes

OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man), a database of human genes, traits, and heritable disorders, is the primary information source for the online version of the Human Genome Landmarks poster. To learn more about searching OMIM, see the step-by-step tutorial Searching OMIM: Finding Information about Genes, Traits, and Disorders.

Gene Resources
This section of the Gene and Protein Database Guide at Gene Gateway describes different databases that you can use to learn about specific genes.

Educational Activities
See also Human Genome Project Education Resources

What Can Our Chromosomes Tell Us?
This activity from the Genetic Science Learning Center introduces some chromosome basics. Online and paper-based karyotyping activities also are included.

Match Up Chromosome Pairs
This activity from the Genetic Science Learning Center describes what scientists look for when comparing chromosomes.

Finding a Gene on a Chromosome Map
This activity from the Genetic Science Learning Center uses a puzzle analogy to explain the processes used by scientists to find genes that cause genetic disorders.

Human Chromosome Karyotyping Activity
This activity from The Biology Project uses digital images of chromosomes to simulate human karyotyping. Also available en Español.

Last modified: September 11, 2003

Feedback and comments about this site, contact site designer, Jennifer Bownas of HGMIS. To order a poster, click here.

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The online presentation of this poster is a special feature of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Human Genome Project Information Web site. The DOE Biological and Environmental Research program of the Office of Science funds this site.