Fireworks Safety Promotion Ideas

Organizations and Individuals

Distribute the tips where parents and other caregivers are found, such as

  • Child care centers
  • Community centers
  • Malls
  • Clinics and doctors' offices
  • Local fairs, safety events and other events
  • Swimming pools
  • Sporting events, such as kids' baseball, soccer, and football games

Encourage and participate in local safety events

  • Set up fireworks safety exhibit, booth
  • Include fireworks safety in local safety events
  • Contact local media to cover events that include fireworks safety

Enlist the support of local merchants as partners to:

  • Post the safety tips at checkouts and on bulletin boards
  • Distribute the safety tips handouts to customers
  • Put the safety tips on their shopping bags
  • Reprint the safety tips handout, with their name on it, for customers
  • Contribute money to local groups to reprint the safety tips


Tell your public

  • Hold a news conference
  • Get local radio and TV to cover fireworks safety
  • Issue a news release to local media
  • Prepare talking points for officials' speeches
  • Include the safety tips in your newsletters, magazines
  • Promote the tips and handout at your conferences and meetings; encourage attendees to do the same in their communities
  • Put safety tips on your hotline, recorded phone messages, electronic bulletin board
  • Prepare radio PSAs

Use the Internet

  • Post a feature on fireworks safety on your web site
  • Link to the CPSC web site's fireworks safety page
  • Tell others how to get to CPSC's web site (

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