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Division Office


The mission of the Sensor Science Division is to develop and provide national measurement standards and services to advance physical science and technology in optical radiation, temperature, pressure, vacuum, flow, and related physical phenomena.

Strategic goals:

1. Advance, maintain, and disseminate standards for the kelvin (unit of temperature) and candela (unit of luminous intensity) SI base units and for various optical, humidity, pressure, vacuum and flow quantities.

2. Advance applications of optical, temperature, humidity, pressure, vacuum and flow measurements and sensors in technology areas of national importance, including climate-change research, environmental monitoring, greenhouse gas measurement, defense and homeland security, lighting, astronomy, and health and safety.

3. Build and maintain state-of-the-art measurement infrastructure to meet the emerging optical power, temperature, humidity, pressure, vacuum, flow and related measurement needs of industry, government, and academia.

4. Support international efforts through the Consultative Committee for Photometry and Radiometry (CCPR), for Thermometry (CCT), and for Mass and Related Quantities (CCM), including participating in appropriate measurement comparisons designed to secure the worldwide acceptance of US products and practices that are reliant upon NIST measurements.


 Temperature and humidity thumbnail

Temperature and Humidity – The Temperature and Humidity Group realizes, maintains, and disseminates the national measurement standards for temperature and humidity. The Group advances temperature and humidity measurements and...

 Fluid metrology thumbnail

Fluid Metrology – The Fluid Metrology Group provides calibration services for fluid flow, airspeed, liquid density and volume measurements. The Group develops models, reference data, and novel techniques...

 Optical Radiation thumbnail

Optical Radiation – The Optical Radiation Group maintains, improves, and disseminates the Nation’s scales for the measurement of optical radiation sources and radiance temperature. The Group provides visible...

 Infrared technology thumbnail

Infrared Technology – The Infrared Technology Group develops and disseminates the measurement science and standards for infrared radiation and infrared materials properties. In support of this effort...

 Lighting and color thumbnail

Lighting and Color – The Lighting and Color Group provides the measurement science and standards infrastructure to advance the development and commercialization of lighting and lighting applications. The Group maintains...

 Laser applications group

Laser Applications – The Laser Applications Group advances the application of laser technology in optical radiation and optical properties of materials measurements. The Group uses laser technology to...

 Ultraviolet Radiation Group 

Ultraviolet Radiation – The Ultraviolet Radiation Group Provides the national basis for absolute radiometric measurements in the ultraviolet, extreme ultraviolet, and soft x-ray spectral regions. In support of...

 Pressure and Vacuum Group 

Pressure and Vacuum – The Pressure & Vacuum Group develops and maintains primary standards for pressure, vacuum, and small gas flow and disseminates the measurement capability of these standards...


International Standardization Activities

Strategic Plan, 2010

Technical Activities Report, 2007-2009


General Information:
Gerald Fraser, Division Chief
301-975-3797 Telephone

Tina Pipes, Division Secretary
301-975-2316 Telephone

Arvella Kuehl, Administrative Specialist
301-975-2165 Telephone

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8440
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8440
301-208-1023 Facsimile