
Common Access Card (CAC) Developer Support

Developer Support Material

CAC Developer Kit (CDK) - This CDK contains documentation and software needed to interact with the CAC's machine-readable media smart card chip, magnetic stripe, and barcodes. The kit is designed for developers of client-side workstation applications using the CAC data and services, and developers of card-side applets and middleware. It includes technical information on data content and formats, card applets, middleware, APIs, and smart card readers. It also includes procedural information on how to obtain support and approvals for user-developed components. It is assembled for distribution on compact disk and is included with each shipment of test CACs. It is also available for download as a compressed zip file.

CAC Other Information

Technical Implementation Guide for CAC PIV Endpoint (as of April 2010)

Technical Implementation Guide for CAC PIV Transitional (as of November 2006)

Technical Notification of CAC 2.6.2.b Applet Structure (as of June 2009)

Latest CAC card specification

  • See CDK

Listing of all CAC platforms/configurations (as of June 2016)

CAC middleware requirements (as of May 2011)

CAC smart card reader requirements (as of August 2007)

Test Material

Which DoD test infrastructure is best for my development/testing needs?

Requesting Test Software PKI Certificates

Requesting Test CACs

Links to DoD Component PKI/PKE Websites and Subject Matter Experts

Trouble with the CAC?

Anyone with questions or inquiries, and anyone encountering problems with the CAC smart card functions, applets, or middleware should outline the issues in an e-mail to DMDC at: