
Women in Physics Resources/Statistics

Photo: Women in Physics


APS Women in Physics

APS, through the Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP) is committed to encouraging the recruitment, retention, and career development of women physicists at all levels.

Article; Jan 16, 2007: “Women on the challenges of being a scientist in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science, Engineering and Technology Development (CAWMSET)

Group researches and recommends ways to improve the recruitment, retention, and representation of women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities in science, engineering, and technology (SET), education and employment.

Committee on Women in Science and Engineering

The Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine (CWSEM) is a standing committee of the National Research Council (NRC). Its mandate is to coordinate, monitor, and advocate action to increase the participation of women in science, engineering, and medicine. Established in 1990 as CWSE, the committee expanded its scope in 2007 to include medicine.

Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics

European Commission on Women in Science (stopped updating in 2003)

International body undertaking a series of measures to promote women's participation in reasrch.

Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science (IWITTS)

Provides training, e-strategies, publications and technical assistance nationally to the education system and employers to integrate women into technology and law enforcement centers.


The group’s mission is to survey the situation for women in physics in IUPAP member countries. To analyze and report the data collected along with suggestions on how to improve the situation. To suggest ways that women can become more involved in IUPAP, including the Liaison Committees, the Commissions, the Council, and the General Assemblies.

IUPAP Working Group: 3rd International Conference on Women in Physics

The International Organizing Committee consists of the IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics, which was established in 1999 to address the severe under representation of women in physics and develop strategies to increase women physicists worldwide. Conferences provide an opportunity to share the scientific accomplishments of participants as well as analyzing international progress in promoting women in physics.

NSF Women, Minorites, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering

Web site houses statistics on enrollment, postdoc status and employment.

The President’s Interagency Council on Women

The President's Interagency Council on Women was established to ensure the implementation of the Platform for Action of the 1995 UN Fourth World Conference on Women. The Council consists of high-level representatives from Federal agencies working within the government to develop policies and programs for the advancement of women and girls. The Council engages in public education and outreach to support the successful implementation of the Platform for Action and solicits the views of non-governmental organizations.

The 3rd IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics 2008

UK Resource Center for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology

A well-established European network, which undertakes projects to address the balance of women studying and working in science, engineering and technology.

UNESCO- Women, Science and Technology

The Women in Science blog takes a look at women scientists, engineers and mathematicians of the past, present and future. The blog highlights news articles and links to resources.

Wired Woman

Canadian online group with a mission to create an environment that encourages women to explore opportunities in technology, science and new media and to build successful careers that will allow them to become a driving force in these expanding sectors.

Women of the Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project Heritage Preservation Association created a Web page to celebrate the contributions of women to the war-time research, including female physicists, engineers and military personnel.

Women's Center at the California Institute of Technology

In 1993, the Women's Center was founded to work for the advancement of women in science and engineering. The Center supports the primary research and educational mission of Caltech, and provides students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty and staff with opportunities, programs, and services that address gender issues and promote success, equity and safety.

Women in Global Science and Technology (WIGSAT)

A consulting group with the guiding principle that women should have the opportunity to make full, active, informed and creative contributions to the science and technology-based knowledge society. They should be able to benefit from its advantages equally with men, including access to and use of technologies and full participation in innovation systems.Houses a lot of reports and statistics from across the globe, including National Statistics on Gender Trends in Science, Technology and ICT: 2004-2008


Article, 2000: “Gender Equity in Science and Technology: Does it Matter?”

From United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development’s Gender Advisory Board.

Article; Jan 16, 2007: “Women on the challenges of being a scientist in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Article, 2009: "A Threat in Title IX" (What's good for women's basketball will be good for nuclear physics)

A Washington Post editorial argues that Title IX, which requires equal funding for men's and women's school athletics programs, could be a model for parity for women in science and engineering.

Article, 2009 “Women in Physics

Article, 2008: The Large Hadron Collider runs on woman power

Article, 2008: “The Role of Women in Physics”

Article, 2008: "Senator Barack Obama Responses to Questions from The Association for Women in Science & The Society of Women Engineers"

Obama says he supports "a range of proactive measures that will open opportunities in science to women, such as requiring minority and female representation on government panels developing innovation and competitiveness strategies, and establishing mentoring programs to support women and underrepresented groups in STEM education..."

Article, 2007: "Study Reveals Reasons for Women's Departure from the Sciences"

Women scientists are not pursuing advanced research careers because of a heavier burden of family responsibility and lower confidence compared to men, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Report, 2007: "Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering."

National Academies Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy recommendations on how to make the fullest possible use of a large source of our nation's talent: women in academic science and engineering.

Article, 2007: "Hearing on Barriers to Women's Advancement in Academic Positions"

American Institute of Physics article on the 2007 hearing before the House Subcommittee Research and Science Education, which listed implicit bias, rather than explicit prejudice, as a major barrier for women.

Article, 2007: “ Power and prejudice: women in physics”

Article: 2007: "New Database Reveals State Variations in the U.S. Science and Engineering Labor Force"

Population Reference Bureau reveals geographic differences in characteristics of people working in the science and engineering labor force in the United States. The data, from the Census Bureau's 2005 American Community Survey, highlight state-level variations in earnings, education, and the participation of minorities, women, and foreign-born workers in the high-tech economy.

Article, 2006: "Science Education and Young People's Identity Construction - Two Mutually Incomparable Projects".

Article, 2005: “Women in Physics Match Men in Success”

Report, 2005 “Strengthening international science for the benefit of society” from: International Council on Science

Report, 2007: “Women in Science”

Report, 2007: “Women researchers absent from highest rungs of the profession” from United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization”

Report on ASWISH, The Russian Association for the Support of Women in Science and the Humanities

Report, 2007: “Women researchers absent from highest rungs of the profession” from United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization”