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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 63· No. 5 > Articles

March/April 2000
Vol. 63· No. 5


Developing an "Operations Vision"

by: Kenneth R. Wykle

The focus is shifting from highway construction to more efficient maintenance and operations.

Safety Leadership Today for a Safer Tomorrow

by: Dwight A. Horne

The Department of Transportation (DOT) has a clear strategic goal about safety and is structured to implement it.

National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week -- April 3-7

FHWA, ATSSA, and AASHTO agreed to designate April 3-7 as National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week.

Basics of Concrete Barriers

by: Charles H. McDevitt

Concrete barriers appear to be simple but in reality, they are sophisticated safety devices.

A Safe Place to Rest

by: Maria Koklanaris

Truckers say that finding an appropriate place to take a much-needed rest is a challenge.

The Quest for Quality: Pennsylvania's Meyersdale Bypass Project

by: Robert R. Long Jr.

The Meyersdale project set a new standard for public-private partnering in Pennsylvania.

Why Asset Management Is More Critically Important Than Ever Before

by: Anthony R. Kane

State DOT's should be leading "change" and thinking of themselves as businesses with billions of dollars of assets.

Beware of Invasive Species

Each year, more than $23 billion nationwide is lost to the effects of invasive plants and animals.

Roadways and the Land: The Landscape Architect's Role

by: Elizabeth E. Fischer, Heidi Hobmann, and P. Daniel Marriott

Landscape architects have been integrally involved in the planning and design of the nation's highways and parkways.

Linking Habitats and Reducing Roadkill

Roads affect animals in several ways, including roadkill, habitat loss, and habitat fragmentation.

Hydraulics Testing of Wilson Bridge Designs

by: J. Sterling Jones

The designs of the new Wilson Bridge on the National Capital Beltway are tested for scour effects.

Wireless Communications: A Modern Necessity

by: Bestir G. Finkle II

A state wireless communications program using highway rights of way can create a win-win situation.


by: Kimberly M. Fisher

TRANSIMS is a series of integrated transportation and air quality analysis and forecasting models.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration