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Implementation of Conference Oversight Requirements and Delegation of Conference Authority
Provides direction ensure that conferences the Department sponsors are executed in a responsible manner and that we are prudent when sending personnel to conferences hosted by others, to include validating that a conference is a necessary and cost-effective way to achieve a particular mission objective.
Department of Defense Management of Unobligated Funds; Obligation Rate Tenets
The purpose of this memorandum is to address a long-standing Department of Defense (DoD) problem regarding the way we manage unobligated funds
DoDD 5000.71, Rapid Fulfillment of Combatant Commander Urgent Operational Needs
Establishes the Warfighter Senior Integration Group (SIG) as a standing DoD-wide forum and establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides direction to facilitate the rapid delivery of capabilities in response to UONs, consistent with all applicable laws and governing regulations.
DoDI 4165.03, DoD Real Property Categorization
Establishes the DoD Real Property Categorization System (RPCS) for the categorization of real property and the Real Property Categorization Panel (RPCP), in accordance with DoD Instruction 5105.18, “DoD Intergovernmental and Intragovernmental Committee Management Program,” July 10, 2009, as the group responsible for the development and maintenance of the RPCS and the assignment of categories to real property inventories.
DoD Instruction 5230.24, Distribution Statements on Technical Documents
This Instruction:

a. Reissues DoD Directive (DoDD) 5230.24 (Reference (a)) as a DoD Instruction (DoDI) in accordance with the authority in DoDD 5134.01 (Reference (b)) and pursuant to section 133 of title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.) (Reference (c)) to establish DoD policies, assign responsibilities, and prescribe procedures for marking and managing technical documents, including research, development, engineering, test, sustainment, and logistics information, to denote the extent to which they are available for secondary distribution, release, and dissemination without additional approvals or authorizations.

b. Establishes a standard framework and markings for managing, sharing, safeguarding, and disseminating technical documents in accordance with policy and law.

c. Facilitates implementation of DoDD 5230.25 (Reference (d)) by enabling document originators to signify to what extent technical documents must be controlled in accordance with procedures of that Directive.
DoD Manual 4140.65, Issue, Use, and Disposal of Wood Packaging Material (WPM)
Reissues DoD 4140.65-M (Reference (a)) in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5134.12 (Reference (b)) to establish guidance for the issuance, use, and disposal of wood packaging material (WPM) in compliance with International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) Number 15 (Reference (c)).
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (SD-22)
SD-22 "Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages: A Guidebook of Best Practices for Implementing a Robust DMSMS Management Program".Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) problems can be caused by many factors, but they will happen. Robust DMSMS management is crucial. Without it, the readiness of our weapons systems will be degraded, hampering the ability of our warfighters to accomplish their mission and putting their safety at risk. Further, failure to continually address DMSMS issues throughout a system’s life cycle can sometimes cost taxpayers millions of dollars.
Calculation of the Fully Burdened Cost of Energy in Analyses of Alternatives and Acquisition Programs (FBCE)
As we examine our acquisition processes for opportunities to deliver more capable forces for less cost, the cost of energy, and specifically fuel, is of particular concern. Our current total ownership cost estimation practices do not give us enough insight into the second and third order cost of design, technology and performance decisions on the energy demand of systems. As the conflicts of the last decade have demonstrated, the cost of fuel itself, plus the logistics costs, force protection costs, and losses of U.S. personnel and contractors add greater cost and operational risk than our decision processes currently consider.

To address this challenge section 332 of Public Law 110-417 requires the Components to perform Fully Burdened Cost of Energy (FBCE) analyses to help inform cost, schedule and performance trade decisions in Analyses of Alternatives and acquisition programs, consistent with. This direction applies to all Acquisition Category (ACAT) I and II systems that may demand fuel or electric power in an operational environment.
Fully Burdened Cost of Energy in Analyses of Alternatives and Acquisition Programs
To address this challenge section 332 of Public Law 110-417 requires the Components to perform Fully Burdened Cost of Energy (FBCE) analyses to help inform cost, schedule and performance trade decisions in Analyses of Alternatives and acquisition programs, consistent with. This direction applies to all Acquisition Category (ACAT) I and II systems that may demand fuel or electric power in an operational environment.
DoD Contractor Disclosure Program
This Instruction, in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5106.01 (Reference (a)), establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for receiving, reporting, and investigating contractor disclosures of a violation of Federal criminal law involving fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, or gratuity violations found in title 18, United States Code (U.S.C.) (Reference (b)) or a violation of the False Claims Act, section 3729 of title 31, U.S.C. (Reference (c)), in connection with the award, performance, or closeout of any contract or subcontract.
Reduction of Social Security Number (SSN) Use Within DoD
This Instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for SSN use reduction in the Department of Defense in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124.02, establishes a DoD SSN Use Reduction Plan, Incorporates and cancels Directive-Type Memorandum 07-015.
Scientific and Engineering Integrity
This Instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities concerning the integrity of scientific and engineering activities that the DoD conducts, and science and engineering information it uses to support public policy and management decisions in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5134.01 (Reference (a)), and the guidance in Presidential Memorandum (Reference (b)) and Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy Memorandum (Reference (c)).
Issuance of Fully Burdened Cost of Energy Methodological Guidance
Updated methodological guidance to calculate the Fully Burdened Cost of Energy (FBCE) in Analysis of Alternatives (AOAs) and in other acquisition tradespace decisions, with CAPE has now approved.
Increasing Opportunities for Small Business through Small Business Set-asides under the Simplified Acquisition Threshold
The purpose of this memorandum is to remind everyone of the longstanding statutory requirements to set  aside contracts for small business where the contract value is equal to or less than the simplified acquisition threshold unless the "rule of two" is not met, and to request that efforts are redoubled to ensure these requirements are followed consistently.
AF Policy Directive 63-1 Integrated Life Cycle Management
This Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) provides an AF acquisition and sustainment integrated life cycle management (ILCM) framework for Air Force systems, subsystems, end-items, services and activities (referred to as programs throughout this document).  It applies to all Air Force military and civilian personnel; members of the Air Force Reserves; members of the air National Guard; and other individuals or organizations as required by binding agreement or obligation with the Department of the Air Force.
Delegation of Title 40/CCA Confirmations for Major Defense Automation Program/Major Automation Information Systems Programs
The requirement in reference (a) for the Department of Defense Chieflnformation Officer (DoD CIO) to confirm Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAP) and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS) programs for Title 40/CCA compliance is cancelled. Henceforth, the DoD CIO and Component CIO will use a tiered-accountability approach to execute risk-based oversight described in reference (b), for all programs that acquire information technology including National Security Systems, regardless of Acquisition Category (ACA T) level.
Endorsement of Next-Generation Performance-Based Logistics Strategies
Operations and Support (O&S) costs comprise 60 to 70 percent of total ownership costs. We must find ways to lower our O&S expenditures while maintaining the right readiness for our Warfighters. A key method to lowering O&S costs is the implementation of sustainment strategies that optimize readiness at best value. Appropriate use of Performance-Based Logistics (PBLs) will help to achieve affordable sustainment strategies and is a method for achieving our Better Buying Power (BBP) goals.
Myth-Busting 2: Addressing Misconceptions and Further Improving Communication During the Acquisition Process
The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) last year issued the “Myth-Busting” memorandum on “Addressing Misconceptions to Improve Communication with Industry during the Acquisition Process.” In the subsequent months, Federal agencies have taken significant additional steps to improve communications between Federal agencies and the vendor community. These developments are discussed further below.

To continue to make progress in improving these communications, OFPP is issuing this second “Myth-Busting” memorandum. Whereas we focused last year on the misconceptions on the part of Federal agencies, we want to continue the discussion by addressing in this memorandum the misconceptions that may be held by some in the vendor community. As we did last year, we highlight the misconceptions in the Attachment and, for each one, provide the facts about the Federal procurement process, with the goal of improving the productivity of our communications. The Attachment also provides additional information and strategies for both agencies and vendors to promote more effective communication.

We encourage you to share this information with current and potential industry partners – especially those new to government contracting – as part of your outreach efforts to ensure that we are collectively making the best use of our engagement opportunities.
Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Oversight List
This memorandum supersedes the December 26, 2007, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration memorandum, "Designation of Major Automated Information System Programs and Information Technology Services Acquisitions Oversight List."

The definitions of a MAIS program and Other Major Information Technology Investment Program have been codified in section 2445a of title 10, U.s.C. The updated MAIS Oversight List (Attachment I) includes baselined and un-baselined programs that meet these definitions and must report under chapter 144A of title 10, U.S.c. The list is sorted by the lead DoD acquisition component and indicates each program's Acquisition Category, Milestone Decision Authority, Overarching Integrated Product Team, and Joint Capability Area assignments.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 20 12 Implementation Guidance for Depot-Level Maintenance
Subtitle C of Title III of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA FY 2012) amended title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), in several areas that significantly impact our planning, performance, and reporting of depot-level maintenance. The amended statutes are 10 U.S.C. § 2460,10 U.S.C. § 2464, 10 U.S.C. § 2366 and 10 U.S .C. § 2474. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a standard DoD-wide interpretation and guidance related to the revised language in these statutes and to delegate the waiver authority provided for at 10 U.S.C. § 2464(b)(I)(A) and (B), as enacted in section.327 of the NDAA FY 2012, relating to the determination that a weapon system or item of military equipment is not an enduring element of the national defense strategy and that, in the case of nuclear aircraft carrier refueling, fulfilling the requirement is not economically feasible.
MARCORSYSCOM Acquisition Guidebook (MAG) - v1.0 March 2012
This Guidebook provides:
 - A consolidated overview of internal Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM) acquisition processes. The Guidebook is designed to leverage and support Competency Aligned Organization (CAO) principles (Reference (a)).
 - A quick, ready reference for identifying the major reviews, approval levels, and documentation requirements.
 - Helpful advice from our "corporate memory" to Program Managers (PMs) and their Integrated Product Teams (IPTs), as well as team members who are new to MARCORSYSCOM and/or to the acquisition process. For example, Enclosure (o) of this Guidebook ―12 Steps to Program Success - Tips for the PM‖ provides lessons learned and advice to assist the PM in executing a successful program.
- Hyperlinks to MARCORSYSCOM guidance and higher level policy and references.
 - A list of key acquisition experts and process managers to assist the PMs/IPTs.
Counterfeit Prevention Guidance
While the Department is concerned about counterfeits in all supply classes, particular focus is required for mission critical components, critical safety items, electronic parts, and load bearing mechanical parts. DoD Components should immediately take action to decrease the probability of counterfeit items across the Department to including the actions prescribed in this memorandum.
The Acquisition Implications of the DoD Strategic Guidance And The FY 2013 Budget
Frank Kendall, Acting Undersecretary of Defense (AT&L), discusses his priorities in relation to the recently released defense strategy. At a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Kendall said his highest priority program is the government workforce and having a more capable and qualified acquisition community.

Kendall said, “If we’re going to be successful, we’re going to have to change. We have to change how we think about the money, how we value it, how we spend it and how we do our business. The change has to be real. It can’t be superficial...we’ve got to change what we actually do. It takes a lot of work. It takes tenacity.”
Should-Cost Templates
On September 14,2010, the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) directed the manager of each major program to conduct a Should-Cost analysis justifying each element of program cost and showing how it is improving year by year or meeting other relevant benchmarks for value. Attached Should-Cost Templates are provided to guide PMs of ACAT I programs to prepare their Should-Cost information for presentation to the Milestone Decision Authority at decision meetings and execution reviews (MS B and later). PMs for ACAT II and III programs are also encouraged to use the templates as guidance.

MEMO: https://dap.dau.mil/policy/Lists/Policy%20Documents/Attachments/3310/ShouldCostTemplMemo.pdf
Training Course Change for Level II DAWIA Program Management Certification
Starting in November 2011 , CON 115, Contracting Fundamentals, will replace CON 110, Mission Support Planning, as a core training requirement for PM Level II DA WIA certification. After December 2011, Defense Acquisition University (DAU) will no longer offer CON 110. More details appear in the attached memo.
Cancellation of DoD Handbook 4245.8-H "Value Engineering"
The proposed cancellation of DoD Handbook 4245.8-H, "Value Engineering" is submitted for your review at TAB B.

This handbook has served the purpose for which it was intended and is no longer required. R&E is reissuing this handbook as a DoD Instruction. The Instruction is currently in formal coordination and expected to be published February 2012. This outdated handbook is not required for the new Instruction to be published.

Due to its length, a complete copy of the 139-page handbook can be found in SACPP: USA005993-11 or can be provided upon request.

The cancellation of this issuance is in response to the DepSecDefs Initiative for Improving Departmental Guidance, which calls for the cancellation or reissuance of all DoD issuances 20+ years old.
Implementation of International Data Collection and Reporting for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAP) and Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Programs
This memorandum provides direction and procedures for collecting and reporting the international aspects ofMDAP and MAIS programs for Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics (OUSD(A T &L» management and oversight. This information will inform analyses and analytics to ensure the programs' international cooperative strategy is sufficient to satisfy the statutory requirement for a Cooperative Opportunities Document (Title 10 USC 2350a), requirements for coalition interoperability for DoD systems, units, and forces (DoD Directive 5000_01 and DoD Instruction 5000.02) and requirements for program protection (DoD Instruction 5200.39).

Within 60 days of the date of this memorandum, Components shall report the data elements listed in Attachment 1. Thereafter, International Program Aspects (IPA) data shall be submitted and validated as current at least quarterly. This data will be reviewed in conjunction with the monthly DAES meeting review process. Components using AV Web Services for data submission will continue to do so. Components lacking such capabilities shall manually enter IPA data into the DAMIR FMS data entry screen, as described in Attachment 2.

MEMO: https://dap.dau.mil/policy/Lists/Policy%20Documents/Attachments/3311/a_Implementation_MDAP-MAIS_Programs_10-20-2011.pdf


ATTACHMENT 2: https://dap.dau.mil/policy/Lists/Policy%20Documents/Attachments/3311/c_Attachment2_IPAMemo.pptx
Naming of Katrina McFarland to ASD(A) and Delegation of Authorities to Alan F. Estevez, ASD(L&MR)
Effective immediately, Mrs. Katrina McFarland shall perform the duties of the ASD(A) and may discharge all of the duties of the ASD(A) except those duties, if any, that qualify as "statutory" for purposes of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, as amended. Mrs. McFarland will continue to serve as the President, Defense Acquisition University. More on Mrs. McFarland's appointment can be found in the attached memo at https://dap.dau.mil/policy/Lists/Policy%20Documents/Attachments/3308/AssistantSecyOfDefenseAcq.pdf. Additionally, and effective immediately, additional authorities have been delegated to Alan F. Estevez, ASD(L&MR), and will remain in effect for the period during which Mr. Frank Kendall serves as Acting USD(AT&L) or until otherwise terminated. More details on Mr. Estevez's additional authorities can be found in the attached memo at https://dap.dau.mil/policy/Lists/Policy%20Documents/Attachments/3308/DelOfAuth-ASD(LMR).pdf.
NAVAIR Acquisition Guide 2012-2013
Initial Guidance from Acting USD(AT&L) Mr. Frank Kendall
With the appointment of The Honorab le Ashton B. Carter to the position of Deputy Secretary of Defense, I begin a period of service as Acting USD(AT&L). Please join me in congratulating Dr. Carter as he moves into his new position. After more than 40 years working in the defense area, in or out of uniform and in or out of government, it is a great honor for me to have the opportunity to serve with and lead the men and women, military and civilian, who work daily to equip and support our Warfighters, address future threats, and ensure that the American taxpayers' interests are always protected. I have total confidence in our workforce's ability to implement and continuously improve on the initiatives Dr. Carter and I started, and to adapt to the challenging fiscal environment we confront.
Memorandum for Acquisition Professionals from Dr. Ashton B. Carter
A memorandum of thanks from Dr. Carter as he transitions from his USD(AT&L) role to Deputy Secretary of Defense.
2011 Secretary of Defense Performance-Based Logistics Awards Selection
Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) is the Department of Defense strategy to improve weapon system readiness by obtaining life cycle product support of weapon systems, subsystems, and components as an integrated package based on output measures, such as materiel availability, materiel reliabi lity, and reduced ownership cost. The Secretary of Defense PBL Awards recognize government/industry teams that have demonstrated outstanding achievements in providing our warfighters with exceptional operational capability through PBL agreements and are examples of "Better Buying Power" in action. We received 2011 PBL award nomination packages from the Services and the Missile Defense Agency, and evaluations were conducted by a team of representatives from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Defense Acquisition University (DAU), and the Aerospace Industries Association (AlA). The winners resulting from those evaluations are contained in this memo.
Document Streamlining - Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP)
On September 14, the PDUSD(AT&L) issued Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) guidance and a newly developed LCSP outline. The guidance references earlier PDUSD(AT&L) direction to separate the LCSP from the Acquisition Strategy and requires an LCSP for all acquisition programs. The outline is designed to be a tool for programs to effectively and affordably satisfy life-cycle sustainment requirements. The PDUSD(AT&L) memo provides additional implementation detail.
Time Extension to Complete Certification Requirements
Acquisition workforce members have been unable to complete required online certification training due to lack of access to the online training system. In recognition of the impact on workforce members, the Defense Acquisition Workforce Management Group (WMG) recommended that the workforce receive an extension of time to allow for completion of online training and requesting/receiving certification under FY 2011 certification requirements. This memorandum includes details for that extension.
SECNAVINST 5000.2E September 1, 2011
Implementation and Operation of the Defense Acquisition System and JCIDS  SECNAVINST 5000.2E September 1, 2011

Implementation of the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009
This DTM implements and institutionalizes selected requirements of the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of2009 (Public Law 111-23) (Reference (a)). The law established a number of requirements that directly impact the operation of the Defense Acquisition System and the duties of key officials that support it.

• This DTM amends the Acquisition Policy in DoD Instruction 5000.02 (Reference (b)), the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) (Reference (c)), and the associated business practices contained in the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (Reference (d)).

• This DTM is effective immediately and shall be incorporated into References (b), (c), and (d) within 180 days.
Clarification Memorandum on Should Cost and Affordability
For product development programs, some understandable confusion exists as to how to implement both "should-cost" and "affordability as a requirement," particularly early in a program's life cycle before engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) and production. The two are compatible, but they must be balanced differently across the product life cycle. The emphasis prior to Milestone B should be on defining and achieving affordability targets. Past this point, the emphasis shifts to defining and achieving should-cost estimates. This memorandum offers greater detail on should cost and affordability.
Earned Value Management (EVM) Systems Performance, Oversight, and Governance
This memorandum provides guidance that will improve the effectiveness of EVM across the Department. To be successful, EVM practices and competencies must be integrated into the program manager's acquisition planning and execution processes; the data provided by EVM must be accurate, reliable, and timely; and EVM must be implemented in a disciplined manner. The Office of Performance Assessment and Root Cause Analysis (PARCA) was created in December 2009 as the principal DoD office for conducting performance assessments and root cause analyses of Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MOAPs) as statutorily required by the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act (WSARA) of 2009, Public Law 111-23. A key element of PARCA's statutory responsibility entails evaluating the utility of performance metrics for cost, schedule, and performance of MDAPs. The implementation and use of EVM across the acquisition community falls within PARCA's area of responsibility. PARCA is responsible and accountable for EVM performance, oversight, and governance across the Department.
Roles and Responsibilities of OSD Overarching OIPT Team Leaders, Teams & Team Members
For those programs where the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) is the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA), OIPTs are a wellestablished and integral part of our defense acquisition oversight and milestone decision review process. While OIPTs are not decision-making bodies, they provide a mechanism to coordinate and conduct staff preparation for DAE program decisions and to help execute those decisions. This memorandum is intended to clarify the expectations for OSD OIPT Leaders and the respective OIPTs that they lead.
Document Streamlining - Program Protection Plan (PPP)
On July 18th, the PDUSD(AT&L) issued Program Protection Plan (PPP) guidance and a newly developed PPP outline. The guidance increases emphasis on early program protection planning and reflects a more comprehensive approach to delivering trusted systems. Like the previously issued TDS/AS and SEP outlines, the PPP outline constitutes expected business practice and is effective immediately. The PDUSD(AT&L) memo provides additional implementation detail.
Revised Requirements for Level III Program Management Certification
The Program Management (PM) Functional Integrated Product Team (FIPT) met on September 8, 2010. The Component and 4th Estate Directors, Acquisition Career Management, agreed that several online courses (BCF 102, BCF 103, and LOG 103) be added as requirements for PM Level III certification, and that two courses (ACQ 265 and ACQ 370) be added as PM Level III Core Plus beginning in Fiscal Year 2012. More information can be found in the attached memo.
DTM 11-009 Acquisition Policy for Defense Business Systems 23 June 2011
On June 23rd, the Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Mr Frank Kendall, signed Directive Type Memorandum 11-009 establishing the Business Capability Lifecycle model as the acquisition process for Defense Business Systems (DBS). The policy is tailored to the unique requirements of DBS and specifies procedures for DBS development, testing, production and support.  The new policy cancels previously issued memoranda on DBS and is immediately effective.
Improving Milestone Process Effectiveness
On June 23, 2011, PDUSD(AT&L) issued this direction designed to improve the effectiveness of the milestone review process. The new procedures ensure that there is an adequate opportunity for MDA review of program plans prior to release of the Final RFP, the point at which the Department's requirements, schedule, planned program content, and available funding should be firm and available for review. These procedural changes constitute expected business practice and shall be applied to programs in acquisition categories I and IA and II-IV.
DTM 10-017 Development Planning to Inform Materiel Development Decision (MDD) Reviews and Support Analyses of Alternatives (AoA)
This DTM, in accordance with the authority in Reference (a) and pursuant to Reference (b), establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides guidance for development planning in support of defense acquisition. This DTM is effective upon its publication to the DoD Issuances Website and shall be incorporated into Reference (c). This DTM shall expire effective March 5, 2012.
Improving Technology Readiness Assessment Effectiveness
As noted in the "Better Buying Power" memorandum issued last year, the process for conducting Technology Readiness Assessments (TRAs) has strayed from its original intent and should be reformed. TRAs should focus only on technology maturity, as opposed to engineering and integration risk, and the responsibility for ensuring that technology maturity risk is adequately identified and mitigated should rest with the Program Manager (PM), Program Executive Officer, and Component Acquisition Executive, subject to ASD(R&E) review. New instructions for conducting TRAs are contained in updated "TRA Guidance" (http://www.acq.osd.mil/ddre/publications/docs/TRA2011.pdf).
DTM 10-015 – Requirements for Life Cycle Management and Product Support
Establishes policy in accordance with DoD Directive 5134.01 (Reference (a)) to implement and institutionalize the requirements of section 805 of Public Law 111-84 (Reference (b)). Reference (b) directs a number of changes to DoD policies designed to improve weapon systems life cycle management and product support by establishing new requirements that directly impact acquisition, fielding, and sustainment decisions.

Is effective upon its publication to the DoD Issuances Website; it shall be incorporated into DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 (Reference (c)), DoDI 5000.66 (Reference (d)), the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (Reference (e)), and the Defense Acquisition Workforce Career Management Manual (Reference (f)). This DTM shall expire effective March 5, 2012.
Cash Flow Tool for Evaluating Alternative Financing Arrangements
On September 14, 2010, Dr. Ashton Carter, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, issued a memorandum on the subject of Better Buying Power for the Department. In that memorandum, the Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy was directed to develop a cash flow model to be used by all contracting officers contemplating financing other than customary progress payments, such as Performance Based Payments (PBP). In addition, guidance was to be developed that ensures that the improved cash flow opportunities provide benefit to both industry (at both the prime and subcontractor level) and the taxpayer. Further details on that guidance are provided within this memorandum.
Improving Competition in Defense Procurements - Amplifying Guidance
This memorandum provides amplifying guidance to the contracting community regarding the November 24, 2010, DPAP memorandum "Improving Competition in Defense Procurement."  It clarifies that the November 24, 2010, guidance is applicable only to competitive procurements above the simplified acquisition threshold and specifically identifies its applicability to commercial items. Further details are provided within the memorandum.
Joint Memorandum on Savings Related to "Should Cost"
The purpose of this memorandum is to establish policy with regard to achieved savings as a result of successful "should-cost" program execution. At some point, Service Acquisition Executives will declare that program should-cost savings have been achieved (for example, the negotiated price of an annual production lot of a system is equal to or better than a should-cost program target). That assertion should be validated by the Service Assistant Secretary (Financial Management and Comptroller). Savings would then generally be retained by the Service and reallocated to the highest priority needs as determined by the Service Secretary or a senior leader designated by the Service Secretary.

An exception to the aforementioned guidance would apply if the Secretary of Defense or appropriate designee determines that the savings are required to meet high-priority Department-wide needs, such as financial requirements generated by Joint Urgent Operational Needs. In that case, the savings would be diverted to these departmental requirements.
Document Streamlining - Program Strategies & Systems Engineering Plan Sample Outlines
The September 14th Better Buying Power memorandum directed a review of the documentation required by DoDI 5000.02 in support of the acquisition process.  On April 20, 2011, the PDUSD(AT&L) issued streamlined, annotated outlines for the Technology Development Strategy/Acquisition Strategy (found at https://dap.dau.mil/policy/Lists/Policy%20Documents/Attachments/3282/PDUSD-Approved.TDS_AS_Outline.docx) and the Systems Engineering Plan (https://dap.dau.mil/policy/Lists/Policy%20Documents/Attachments/3283/PDUSD-Approved.SEP%20Outline.docx).  These outlines have been completely re-written and re-focused on information central to the purpose of the document.  The outlines constitute expected business practice and are effective immediately.  Additional document outlines will be distributed as they are completed.  They will be included in the Defense Acquisition Guidebook and referenced in the next update to DoDI 5000.02.  This PDUSD(AT&L) memo provides additional implementation detail.
Systems Engineering Plan Sample Outline
The September 14th Better Buying Power memorandum directed a review of the documentation required by DoDI 5000.02 in support of the acquisition process.  On April 20, 2011, the PDUSD(AT&L) issued streamlined, annotated outlines for the Technology Development Strategy/Acquisition Strategy and the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) - the LATTER is attached to this post.  These outlines have been completely re-written and re-focused on information central to the purpose of the document.  The outlines constitute expected business practice and are effective immediately.  Additional document outlines will be distributed as they are completed.  They will be included in the Defense Acquisition Guidebook and referenced in the next update to DoDI 5000.02.  The PDUSD(AT&L) memo provides additional implementation detail.
Technology Development Strategy/Acquisition Strategy Sample Outline
The September 14th Better Buying Power memorandum directed a review of the documentation required by DoDI 5000.02 in support of the acquisition process.  On April 20, 2011, the PDUSD(AT&L) issued streamlined, annotated outlines for the Technology Development Strategy/Acquisition Strategy and the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) - the FORMER is attached to this post.  These outlines have been completely re-written and re-focused on information central to the purpose of the document.  The outlines constitute expected business practice and are effective immediately.  Additional document outlines will be distributed as they are completed.  They will be included in the Defense Acquisition Guidebook and referenced in the next update to DoDI 5000.02.  The PDUSD(AT&L) memo provides additional implementation detail.
DoD Demilitarization (DEMIL) Program
This Instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the DoD DEMIL program in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5134.01 (Reference (a)) for mandatory DEMIL training, oversight of DEMIL functions, DEMIL code assignment accuracy, and DEMIL life cycle planning in accordance with section 1051 of Public Law 105-261 (Reference (b)).
Use of Acquisition Program Transition Workshops (APTWs)
The purpose of this memorandum is to encourage maximum use of APTWs. These workshops address the importance of quickly establishing effective working relationships and task priorities between government and industry program offices immediately after contract award or re-baseline actions. APTWs were initiated by the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) in 2004 to assist government and industry program managers and staffs in aligning program expectations, organizations, processes, and functional lines of communication. Seventeen tailored workshops have been completed to date with positive results and feedback. Some of the many benefits include: early alignment of government and industry team organizations; publication of roadmaps to Integrated Baseline Review and other near-term planning events; agreement on management review scope and processes; and resolution of issues including differences in interpretation of contracts and other documents. APTWs are an assist effort and, as such, any conclusions and recommendations are only provided to the government and industry program managers, thus encouraging open and candid communication.
Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 11-003 – Reliability Analysis, Planning, Tracking, and Reporting
In accordance with the authority in Reference (a), this DTM, consistent with the direction of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics to immediately enhance reliability in the acquisition process and with recent Secretary of Defense direction to improve the efficiency of the Defense acquisition system:

• Amplifies procedures in Reference (b) and is designed to improve reliability analysis, planning, tracking, and reporting.
• Institutionalizes reliability planning methods and reporting requirements timed to key acquisition activities to monitor reliability growth.
• Is effective upon its publication to the DoD Issuances Website; it shall be incorporated into Reference (b). This DTM shall expire effective November 23, 2011.

This DTM applies to:

• OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD (hereafter referred to collectively as the “DoD Components”).
• Major Defense Acquisition Programs (except Information Systems) and designated special interest programs.

The Heads of the DoD Components shall implement and ensure Component compliance with the procedures in the Attachment. These procedures shall be applied to other than Acquisition Category I programs by designation of the Component Acquisition Executive.
DoD Efficiency Initiative - CSE Personnel
In August 2010, Secretary Robert M. Gates announced a set of initiatives aimed at reducing overhead costs and improving efficiency across the Department as a whole - with special attention to the massive headquarters and support bureaucracies outside the military services. On March 14, 2011, the Secretary announced the results of a number of studies being conducted as part of the DoD Efficiency Initiative (attached). Among other things, the Secretary directed the elimination or downgrading of approximately 200 civilian Senior Executive Service or equivalent (Civilian Senior Executive/Equivalent (CSE)) positions. The Secretary has designated the Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel and Readiness to lead the implementation of this reduction, and the guidance in this memorandum deals specifically with the Secretary's direction to reduce the Department's CSE workforce. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Civilian Personnel Policy (DASD(CPP)) will lead the Implementation Plan for achieving the directed reductions, and detailed guidance regarding that Plan will be issued by DASD(CPP). Implementation Plan activities are to consider all flexibilities available to support the Secretary's direction to ensure the best possible outcomes for impacted employees.
Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-013, “Registration of Architecture Descriptions in the DoD Architecture Registry System (DARS)”
Department of Defense Source Selection Procedures
The Source Selection Joint Analysis Team (JAT) ws established on November 10, 2008, by the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics). The objective of the JAT was to standardize the methodology and approach the Department uses to conduct competitively negotiated source selections. The JAT has concluded its examination of the current source selection processes utilized within the Department and identified the key elements of a successful source selection. The attached document provides the procedures to be used within the Department when conducting negotiated, competitive acquisitions utilizing FAR Part 15 procedures.
Expected Business Practice: Post-Critical Design Review Reports and Assessments
Consistent with the Department of Defense's (DoD) intent to obtain greater efficiency and productivity in defense acquisition, I am eliminating the Program Manager's (PM) reporting responsibility for the Post-Critical Design Review (CDR) Report currently required by DoD Instruction 5000.02, Enclosure 2, para 6.c.(6)(c)(l). The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Engineering) (DASD(SE)) will participate in program CDRs and prepare a brief assessment of the program's design maturity and technical risks which may require Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) attention. Consequently, PMs of Major Defense Acquisition Programs shall be required to invite DASD(SE) engineers to their system-level CDRs and make available CDR artifacts. The draft CDR assessments will be coordinated with the PM prior to forwarding to the MDA. PMs shall continue to document CDRs in accordance with component best practices.

This procedural change is effective immediately and constitutes expected business practice. It will be documented in the Defense Acquisition Guidebook and institutionalized in the next update to DoDI 5000.02. I encourage Component MDAs to consider similar assignment of CDR reporting responsibilities for acquisition programs under their cognizance.
Dr. Carter Speech Better Buying Power Initiatives
Beginning in May of last year at his speech at the Eisenhower Library, Secretary of Defense Gates has been signaling loudly and clearly that we are entering a new era in defense. President
Obama’s planned defense budgets are robust and strong, and will stay so. We are, after all, involved in two conflicts and several smaller ones, and the world is dangerous. But we won’t
have the ever-increasing defense budgets of the past decade and need to be attentive to the nation’s other needs. In Deputy Secretary of Defense Lynn’s words, we are at an historical
inflection point but one that can be different if managed proactively.

Secretary Gates launched a many-pronged Efficiency Initiative to ensure the Department is managing the budget in a manner that is, as he put it, “respectful of the taxpayer at a time of
economic and fiscal distress.” As one of those prongs, he tasked me, the Acquisition Executive, to devise a plan for the $400 billion out of the approximately $700 billion base-plus-wartime budget that is contracted out. This led to BETTER BUYING POWER, introduced by Secretary Gates and me on September 14, 2010. It is guidance from me to the acquisition workforce in the Defense Department on how we can get “MORE WITHOUT MORE.”
"Myth-Busting": Addressing Misconceptions to Improve Communication with Industry during the Acquisition Process
With expenditures of over $500 billion annually on contracts and orders for goods and services, the federal government has an obligation to conduct our procurements in the most effective, responsible, and efficient manner possible. Access to current market information is critical for agency program managers as they define requirements and for contracting officers as they develop acquisition strategies, seek opportunities for small businesses, and negotiate contract terms. Our industry partners are often the best source of this information, so productive interactions between federal agencies and our industry partners should be encouraged to ensure that the government clearly understands the marketplace and can award a contract or order for an effective solution at a reasonable price. Early, frequent, and constructive engagement with industry is especially important for complex, high-risk procurements, including (but not limited to) those for large information technology (IT) projects. This is why increasing communication, in the form of a “myth-busters” educational campaign, is one of the key tenets of the Office of Management and Budget’s 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal IT Management.

The purposes of this memorandum are to:

1) identify common misconceptions about vendor engagement that may be unnecessarily hindering agencies’ appropriate use of the existing flexibilities, and provide facts and strategies to help acquisition professionals benefit from industry’s knowledge and insight;

2) direct agencies to remove unnecessary barriers to reasonable communication and develop vendor communications plans, consistent with existing law and regulation, that promote responsible and constructive exchanges; and

3) outline steps for continued engagement with agencies and industry to increase awareness and education.
JCIDS Manual - updated 31 January 2011
This manual sets forth guidelines and procedures for operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) regarding the analysis, development, and staffing of JCIDS documents in support of reference a. This Manual replaces the cancelled CJCSM 3170.01C.
Congressional New Start Notification Business Rules (Investment)
This document provides the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for managing Congressional new start notification letters (Investment) for new start requests below the threshold requiring prior approval. SOPs include the rules of engagement for receiving, staffing, controlling, and final disposition. Due to the fact SAF/FMBI is responsible for new start notifications (Investment), they are also the OPR for the SOPs. SOPs pertain to the overall coordination process; the new start notification letter originator may have internal coordination procedures as well.

These SOPs were coordinated with SAF/LL and SAF/FMBL as the Air Force Congressional liaison offices; they are the authority on any direct liaison activities with Congress. This SOP applies to all members of 2 Letter SAF/HAF Organizations.
Present a Competitive Acquisition Strategy at Each Program Milestone
Congressional New Start Notification Process Memo SAF LL and SAF FM
Item Unique Identification (IUID) of Tangible Personal Property
Item Unique Identification (IUID) of Tangible Personal Property - Policy Refinement for Secondary Items in Use or in Inventory - Policy Refinement - AT&L.


(a) DoD Instruction 8320.04, "Item Unique Identification Standards for Tangible Personal Property," June 16,2008

(b) DoD 4140.1-R, "Supply Chain Materiel Management Regulation," May 23, 2003

(c) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, Subpart 211.274, "Item Identification and Valuation Requirements," August 12,2008

(d) DoD Instruction 4151.19, "Serialized Item Management (SIM) for Materiel Maintenance," December 26, 2006
Consideration of Costs in DoD Decision-Making
On August 9, 2010, I directed that any new proposal or initiative, large or small, be it policy, program or ceremony, come with a cost estimate. To implement this plan, the Director, Cost Assessment & Program Evaluation, working with the MILDEPs, established a Cost Guidance Group to develop guidance, methods and tools that assist DoD employees in estimating costs associated with the Department's business activities. This memorandum outlines the resulting guidance and support tools that have been made available on an internal DoD website (https://www.cape.osd.mil/costguidance) to any DoD employee who has a Common Access Card.
DoDD 5100.01 Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components
This Directive:

a. Reissues DoD Directive (DoDD) 5100.1 (Reference (a)).

b. Establishes the functions of the Department of Defense and its major Components, supporting the core mission areas of the Armed Forces, which are broad DoD military operations and activities required to achieve the strategic objectives of the National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and National Military Strategy (References (b), (c), and (d)), in accordance with title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.) (Reference (e)).
A New Approach for Delivering Information Technology Capabilities in the DoD
The DoD has prepared the following report, “A New Approach for Delivering Information Technology Capabilities in the DoD,” to provide an update on progress toward developing a new acquisition process for information capabilities, to discuss the timeframe for implementation, and anticipates the legislative changes that will be required to fully implement the new acquisition process. The Department considers IT critical to accomplishing its national security mission, and is committed to working with Congress to build a process that matches the dynamic nature of today’s information age and the evolving needs of our forces.
Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Contracting Dec 9, 2010
Selection of New DAU President
Mr. Frank Kendall, Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, has announced that Ms. Katrina McFarland has been selected as the President of the Defense Acquisition University (DAU). In this capacity, Ms. McFarland will be responsible for continuing and building upon DAU's outstanding reputation as DoD's primary learning institution for the 147,000 members of the Defense Acquisition Workforce while overseeing the development of new curriculum and learning opportunities that facilitate implementation of the Under Secretary of Defense's (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) "Better Buying Power" initiatives.
Improving Competition in Defense Procurements
This memorandum provides additional guidance for competitive situations in which only one offer is received in response to a solicitation and is based on the direction provided in the USD(AT&L) memorandum "Better Buying Power: Guidance for Obtaining Greater Efficiency and Productivity in Defense Spending" dated September 14, 2010. To maximize the savings that are obtained through competition, contracting officers will no longer use the standard at FAR 15.403-1(c)(1)(ii) or (iii) to determine that the offered price is based on adequate competition when only one offer is received.
Improving Department of Defense Acquisition Requirements Development Nov 19, 2010
Section 813 ofthe John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 directed the Secretary of Defense to establish a "Panel on Contracting Integrity" to conduct reviews ofthe progress made by the Department of Defense (DoD) to eliminate areas of vulnerability ofthe defense contracting system that allow fraud, waste, and abuse to occur. As part of these reviews, the Panel determined the need to address requirements development, which has been identified as a weakness in the Department and has led to cost and schedule overruns on many programs. Requirements development is paramount to successful acquisition outcomes. Properly developed requirements enhance competition, ensure sound business strategies, provide the basis for realistic Government estimates, mitigate requirements creep, and help enable the Department meet critical acquisition timelines.
Acquisition Guidance for Defense Business Systems (DBS) Nov 15, 2010
Purpose: To provide interim guidance pending formal issuance of Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) policy in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5134.01 (Reference (a) and the guidance in DoDD 5000.01 (Reference (b).

This guidance:
•   Establishes interim guidance requiring the use ofthe Business Capability Lifecycle (BCL) model as the acquisition process for DBS, and assigns responsibilities and provides procedures for meeting BCL and DBS requirements. BCL provides the framework for structuring the definition, development, testing, production, deployment, and support of DBS. This model is a guideline and is not intended to preclude tailoring, consistent with statute and sound business practice.

• Incorporates and cancels Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L) memorandums (References (c) and (d).

• Is effective immediately until formally issued as a DTM and incorporated into DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 (Reference (e).
Implementation Directive for Better Buying Power Nov 03, 2010
Dr. Carter: As detailed in my September 14, 2010 Guidance to acquisition professionals, I am seeking to obtain greater efficiency and productivity in defense spending by pursuing initiatives in the following five areas: (l) Target Affordability and Control Cost Growth; (2) Incentivize Productivity and Innovation in Industry; (3) Promote Real Competition; (4) Improve Tradecraft in Services Acquisition; and (5) Reduce Non-Productive Processes and Bureaucracy.
This memorandum specifies actions that I expect you to execute either immediately or in the time frame indicated in order to implement the September 14 Guidance. Additional actions in support of these five initiatives will be developed over the next few weeks and months.
DTM 09-25 - Space Systems Acquisition Policy Oct 18, 2010
Dr. Ashton Carter, USD (AT&L), signed DTM 09-025 on 18 Oct 10.  This DTM outlines the new Space Systems Acquisition Policy (SSAP) that shall be incorporated into DoD Instruction 5000.02 within 180 days.  The DTM will be available at http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives in a couple days.
DTM 10-015 – Requirements for Life Cycle Management and Product Support Oct 6, 2010
This DTM 10-015 establishes policy to implement and institutionalize the requirements of section 805 of the FY10 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law 111-84), which directed a number of changes to DoD policies designed to improve weapon systems life cycle management and product support by establishing new requirements that directly impact acquisition, fielding, and sustainment decisions. The DTM states that “it is DoD policy that a mandatory Product Support Manager (PSM) position shall be identified and assigned for each ACAT I and ACAT II system and filled by a properly qualified Military Service member or full-time employee of the Department of Defense.”
Acquisition Policy Fact Page September 22, 2010
This is an excellent summary of the latest DoD and Air Force policy memos.  It also predicts what's coming down the line.
DTM 09-016 Supply Chain Risk Management 16 Sep 2010
This DTM reissues DTM 08-048 (Reference (a)), updating policy and responsibilities. Establishes policy and a defense-in-breadth strategy for managing supply chain risk to information and communications technology (ICT) within DoD critical information systems and weapons systems in accordance with National Security Presidential Directive 54/Homeland Security Presidential Directive 23 (Reference (b)). Directs actions in accordance with DoD Instruction 5200.39 (Reference (c)) to mitigate and manage supply chain risk, as defined in the Glossary, using a multi-disciplinary approach for SCRM pursuant to Reference (b).
Air Force Guidance Memorandum to AFI 63-101: Acquisition and Sustaintment Life Cycle Management
Dr. Carter DOD Briefing September 14, 2010
Dr. Carter's Memo for Acquisition Professional September 14, 2010
Better Buying Power: Guidance for Obtaining Greater Efficiency and Productivity in Defense Spending

On June 28, I wrote to you describing a mandate to deliver better value to the taxpayer and warfighter by improving the way the Department does business. I emphasized that, next to
supporting our forces at war on an urgent basis, this was President Obama's and Secretary Gates' highest priority for the Department's acquisition professionals. To put it bluntly: we have a continuing responsibility to procure the critical goods and services our forces need in the years ahead, but we will not have ever-increasing budgets to pay for them. We must therefore strive to achieve what economists call productivity growth: in simple terms, to DO MORE WITHOUT MORE. This memorandum contains specific Guidance for achieving the June 28 mandate.
NCMA Open Letter to Government Employees Sept 2010
For over 50 years, NCMA has led and represented the contracting profession. The association currently has over 19,000 members and has operating chapters across the United States and in more than 13 countries. However, NCMA's biggest value is in the day-to-day practice of contract management. NCMA provides a collection of neutral networks or communities, at the local and national level, where contract management professionals from all types of government and industry agencies and organizations can come together with a common goal: To enhance their professional expertise in a non-adversarial environment, thus enabling them to more effectively accomplish the mission of their organizations.
ASD Networks and Information Integration (NIl) Disestablishment Sept 1, 2010
SAF/AQ ORG CHART as of 08/30/2010
Air Force Space Management and Organization August 25, 2010
Efficiencies for Immediate Application August 20, 2010
Technology Development Strategy and Acquisition Strategy Documents August 20, 2010
Department of Defense Efficiency Initiatives 09637-10 August 16, 2010
Air Force Guidance Memo to AFI 63-101 and AFI 63-1201
Air Force Guidance Memo to AFI 63-101: Acquisition and Sustainment Life Cycle Management and AFI 63-1201: Life Cycle Systems Engineering.
DoD Efficiencies Statement As Prepared 2010
DoD Efficiencies - Slides 2010
DoD Efficiencies Key Points 2010
DoD Information Assurance Policy Chart
DOT&E State of Reliability Memo
Underscore the importance of system reliability as a major problem for Department of Defense (DoD) acquisitions
Dr. Carter's Briefing on Defense Spending
Dr. Ashton Carter's blueprint for eliminating inefficiencies in the $400 billion that DOD spends annually on contracts for weapons, products and services is in a three-page directive, with three accompanying briefing slides.  The memo gives acquisition professionals an initial look at his plan to use incentives to industry and new government practices to achieve efficiencies, part of a broader effort by Defense Secretary Robert Gates to find savings.
Dr. Carter's Memo on Defense Spending
Dr. Ashton Carter's blueprint for eliminating inefficiencies in the $400 billion that DOD spends annually on contracts for weapons, products and services is in a three-page directive, with three accompanying briefing slides.  The memo gives acquisition professionals an initial look at his plan to use incentives to industry and new government practices to achieve efficiencies, part of a broader effort by Defense Secretary Robert Gates to find savings.
Memo for Acquisition Professionals June 28 2010
Business Clearance Approval - SAF AQ Memo
Enhancing Payment Accuracy Through a Do Not Pay List - President
Enhancing Payment Accuracy Through a Do Not Pay List - President
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