Office for Victims of Crime
State-level replication guide
 September 2012 Text size: decrease font size increase font size   Send e-mail icon

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Pilot Replication Sites

In 2008, with funding from OVC, three states began replicating the Building Partnerships for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities Initiative (BPI) in their own jurisdictions. All three pilot replication sites met their project objectives, including forming multidisciplinary teams, capturing statistics on crimes committed against persons with disabilities, and holding monthly teleconference meetings. Each site reported enhanced communication and collaboration in addressing abuse and neglect committed against persons with disabilities. Using a multidisciplinary team approach, the sites also were able to increase awareness of crimes committed against persons with disabilities through outreach.

In addition, each site enhanced its efforts to address abuse and neglect committed against persons with disabilities in specific ways:

Although much remains to be done, the BPI replicated models described in this section prove that a multidisciplinary team approach provides better protection and more successful outcomes than the approaches that existed before the program was implemented.