Office for Victims of Crime
State-level replication guide
 September 2012 Text size: decrease font size increase font size   Send e-mail icon

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Components of a Successful Replication
Steering Committee

Once you determine the level of interest, the next step is to bring together a core group to form a steering committee. This concept can be accomplished at the local, regional, or statewide level. While the inclination might be to cast a wide net, it is far more productive at this stage to begin with a smaller, core committee.

Ask questions that can assist you in identifying steering committee members. For example—

  • Who are the major stakeholders?
  • Who has statutory or regulatory jurisdiction?
  • Who can influence change in an agency, court system, or legislative process?
  • Who is likely to think outside the box?

Once you identify the core group, take steps to formalize the group into a steering committee. A steering committee can, of course, be used for different purposes. Establishing its role in the initiative should be among its earliest actions. Steering committee members should—

  • Identify leadership positions and define the role and responsibility of the committee.
  • Distinguish core and ad hoc members.
  • Formalize the partnership through a written agreement.
  • Establish the initiative's mission statement and set its goals.
  • Set a calendar of regular and routine meetings using agendas and recording and sharing meeting minutes with all committee members.