HPI Release Dates

Remainder of 2012    
 Date     Release Type Latest Included Data
 June 21, 2012     Monthly Index  April 2012 
 July 24, 2012 Monthly Index  May 2012 
 August 23, 2012 Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables) June 2012 and 2012Q2 
 September 25, 2012     Monthly Index      July 2012 
 October 24, 2012     Monthly Index  August 2012 
 November 27, 2012 Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables) Sept. 2012 and 2012Q3 
 December 20, 2012     Monthly Index  October 2012 
Date  Release Type Latest Included Data
January 23, 2013  Monthly Index     November 2012
February 26, 2013  Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables) Dec. 2012 and 2012Q4
March 21, 2013      Monthly Index January 2013
April 23, 2013  Monthly Index February 2013
May 23, 2013  Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables) March 2013 and 2013Q1
June 25, 2013      Monthly Index April 2013
July 23, 2013      Monthly Index May 2013
August 22, 2013  Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables) June 2013 and 2013Q2
September 24, 2013  Monthly Index July 2013
October 23, 2013  Monthly Index August 2013
November 26, 2013  Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables) Sept. 2013 and 2013Q3
December 24, 2013  Monthly Index October 2013

Note:  Dates subject to change. If release date/time are to be changed, a notification of change will be sent out to list-serve list of individuals signed up for e-mail notification of HPI releases.
Typical release time of HPI is 10 A.M. EST