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The Embassy's Economic Section is responsible for monitoring and reporting on the economies of government of the Kingdom of Swaziland for the American Government and private sector use. Some of our activities include:

  • Providing information and policy advice to the Ambassador and to the U. S. Department of State;
  • Compiling economic reports that assist public and private sector entities make informed commercial and economic decisions; 
  • Interacting with the Swazi government, the private sector, and other stakeholders on bilateral and multilateral finance, investment, trade, economic growth, good governance, environmental and social issues; 
  • Developing commercial ties between U. S. and Swazi businesses

Promoting U.S. Businesses in Swaziland

The Embassy's Commercial Section is responsible for assisting American exporters and investors in Swaziland. The Commercial Section provides a range of services to both U.S. and Swazi businesses. The U.S. Mission's first priority is to protect the interests of American business interests abroad, but it also works to provide a range of opportunities to Swazi businesses, particularly those wishing to import to or export from the United States. Services to U.S. and Swazi businesses include matchmaking services to potential partner firms in the U.S. and in Swaziland. The Commercial Section is particularly eager to assist individuals who wish to identify and contact U.S. suppliers of goods and services. It also works to help Swaziland take advantage of the duty free preferences to Swazi exports available through the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

Below are a range of other useful economic and commercial resources:

Contact Information


Economic/Commercial Officer
Phone: +268-2404-6441
Fax: +268-2404-5959