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Programs and Events

programs and recent events

  • Paper Prayers Art Program Enables Students to Express Themselves on HIV/AIDS
    Paper Prayers Art Program Enables Students to Express Themselves on HIV/AIDS

    Through a partnership with the Bantwana Initiative, 18 teachers and over 300 students were trained to use art to express themselves on the impact of HIV/AIDS in their lives. In a community celebration feature the Paper Prayers art created through the program, the students from communities around Gilgal High School in the Lubombo Region used art, poetry, drama and dance to educate the nearly 1000 community participants on working together towards an AIDS-free generation.  

  • Students at School for the Deaf Exhibit their Work
    Students at School for the Deaf Exhibit their Work

    Yebo!ArtReach, an organization bringing arts to the people, has an on-going program at the Siteki School for the Deaf, supported in part by the US Embassy. The students displayed their work at the Yebo! Art Gallery at an exhibit that will run for two weeks. At the opening, Deputy Chief of Mission Craig Cloud emphasized, “We are proud to be a sponsor of this very special project, carried out by Yebo!ArtReach, in partnership with the School for the Deaf. In our eyes, there is no better example of art giving a voice to the voiceless and we could not be happier with the result you see around you today.” 

  • Ambassador Launches PEPFAR Supported Projects in Manzini
    Ambassador Launches PEPFAR Supported Projects in Manzini

    Ambassador James joined Prime Minister Dlamini and Minister of Health Xaba in launching multiple PEPFAR-funded projects in the Manzini region. These projects included supporting the development of a Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Laboratory Science and the Pharmacy Certificate Program, whose graduates will be filling a critical gap that will help ensure that those most affected by the HIV/AIDS will receive the services they urgently need. Other projects included infrastructure improvements to the TB Hospital and its laboratory, to the TB Center, to the Manzini offices of the National Blood Transfusion service, and to Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital. As a result of PEPFAR support, Swaziland is far better equipped to meet the health care needs of the people. 

  • PEPFAR Supports Ground-Breaking National Health Research Conference
    PEPFAR Supports Ground-Breaking National Health Research Conference

    From November 7-9, the Ministry of Health hosted the 2nd National Health Research Conference, bringing all sectors of the health field together to examing Swazi health research. The conference promoted the use of science to ensure that health programs being implemented are the most effective in addressing the health needs of the Swazi people. Ambassador James spoke at the opening of the conference, where she noted, “We all recognize that much remains to be done in the fight against HIV/AIDS and that improving the health and welfare of the Swazi people will remain our collective objective for years to come. Yet, the forward-leaning approaches adopted by your Ministry are beginning to show results. At the end of the day, it is these results—improved health outcomes, evidenced with high quality research---- which will be held up as proof of your commitment and a validation of the wisdom of our investments.”  

  • Freedom Rider Dr. Bernard Lafayette Shares Civil Rights Experiences
    Freedom Rider Dr. Bernard Lafayette Shares Civil Rights Experiences

    Freedom Rider Dr. Bernard Lafayette visited Swaziland to share his experiences on the Freedom Rides and in the Nashville Sit-In Movements during the American Civil Rights Movement. During his 4-day visit, Dr. Lafayette shared his personal accounts of the Civil Rights Movement and told audiences how a group of individuals committed to ensuring equal treatment for all citizens was able to bring about a more just society in America. Over and over, he shared his firm believe that non-violent action is the only way to bring about lasting change. It was exciting for the Embassy team and for participants in the programs to have the opportunity to share with someone who changed the course of American history for the better. 

  • Swazi Scholars Off to America
    Swazi Scholars Off to America

    5 Swazis recently departed for the United States as Fulbright and Humphrey Fellows. They will spend up to 2 years in the United States seeking to improve their professional skills to contribute positively to Swaziland’s development upon their return. 

  • World Press Freedom Day Banner depicting the partnership between the U.S Embassy and UNISWA
    U.S. Ambassador to Swaziland commemorates World Press Freedom day with UNISWA

    On May 2, Ambassador Irving addressed Journalism student at the University of Swaziland on the important role that a free press serves in society.  

  • Chargé d'Affaires with men (Embassy Photo)
    School Feeding Program Launched with US Support

    On March 26, Chargé d'Affaires Craig Cloud joined Manzini Youth Care in launching their Food Distribution Center. 

  • Group stands and poses.
    Embassy Grant Supports Hope Clubs

    Over 40 youth leaders were trained in providing care and support to orphaned and vulnerable primary school students in communities across Swaziland in a program run by the New Hope Centre in Manzini. 

  • Ambassador Irving with young women's group (State Dept. Photo)
    Empowering Young Women through Mentorship

    On Saturday, November 12, Ambassador Irving addressed a group of young women who were completing a year-long mentorship program through Vital Voices. During his presentation, Ambassador Irving urged the young women to use the opportunities presented to them through the program to pursue their goals and become leaders in their own right. 

  • (Photo by State Dept.)
    Librarians Empower Citizens to Improve Themselves and Their Country

    On November 3, 2011 Chargé d’Affaires Craig Cloud addressed an audience of librarians at the International Library Summit in Mbabane.  

  • Foster and a group of people.  (Photo Credit: State Dept.)
    Embassy Hosts Skills Building Workshops on Advocacy

    Visiting speaker Stephenie Foster, lawyer, political advisor and trainer, spent a week in Swaziland working with youth, young women and civil society leaders on developing advocacy skills and sharing techniques on coalition building. 

  • American Jazz and Swazi Soul Unite (Embassy Photo)
    American Jazz and Swazi Soul Unite

    Keri Chryst and Jeff Hoffman, American Jazz musicians, recently finished a week-long program in Swaziland, during which time they worked with Swazi students and experience Swazi musicians to share American jazz techniques and to learn from Swazi musicians.  

  • 9/11 Commemorated Through Community Service
    9/11 Commemorated Through Community Service

    Led by Ambassador Irving, the U.S. Embassy Mbabane marked the National Day of Service and Remembrance on September 9 by undertaking a community service project at the Sidwashini Child Care Community Center in Mbabane. 

  • Videoconference Brings Swazi and American Disability Advocates Together
    Advocacy for the Disabled

    On June 14, the U.S. Embassy in Mbabane, Swaziland hosted a digital video conference on “Advocacy for the Disabled” featuring speakers Judith Heumann, Special Advisor on Disability Rights for the Department of State, John Lancaster, a well-know disability advocate with over 30 years experience promoting independent living and inclusion for the disabled and Bob Ransom, Advisor on Inclusive Development with the Department of State 

  • Community Service and International Understanding Highlighted at Rotary Event
    Community Service and International Understanding Highlighted at Rotary Event

    On May 7, 2011, Ambassador Irving addressed the Rotary Club of Manzini on the theme of “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through world fellowship and community service.”  

  • Embassy Joins Local Press Freedom
    Embassy Joins Local Press Freedom Commemoration

    On May 3, Chargé d’Affaires Craig Cloud joined local media representatives in commemorating World Press Freedom Day.  

  • African-American History Month in Mbabane
    African-American History Month in Mbabane

    The U.S. Embassy in Swaziland joined the rest of the United States and Americans around the world in commemorating National African-American History Month.  

  • " Serving Lives, Serving Your Country" Health Sector Job Fair
    " Serving Lives, Serving Your Country" Health Sector Job Fair

    The U.S. Embassy in Swaziland, through PEPFAR, was proud to support the Ministry of Health’s Job Fair at the Mavuso Trade Center in Manzini on January 12th, with the theme “Saving Lives, Serving Your Country: Your people, Your Country.” The objective of the fair was to meet the health care needs of the Swazi people with well qualified Swazi health care workers. The well attended event brought together health care providers from the public and private sectors and health professionals looking for employment.   »