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Jobs and Internships in the Office of Protected Resources

Jobs | Student Opportunities | Detail Assignments


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Job Postings for the Office of Protected Resources (OPR):

  • Fish Biologist
    This position is in the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Office of Protected Resources, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Division, located in Silver Spring, MD.
    NOTE: This position was previously announced, and previous applicants must reapply to receive consideration.

    The individual selected for this position will:
    • Provide expertise to staff and senior leaders on issues dealing with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), Fur Seal Act (FSA) and Endangered Species Act (ESA) including:
      • population and stock assessments
      • species recovery plans pursuant to the ESA
      • interactions between marine mammals and commercial interests
      • coordination of Serious Injury Policy as it relates to stock assessments
      • management of pinniped/human conflicts
      • Native Trust issues concerning subsistence hunting, outreach efforts with constituents to assess impacts on NMFS actions
      • coordination of policy, regulatory and other management actions with NMFS science centers and regional offices
    • Work on interagency and intra-agency consultations to implement the MMPA, FSA, and ESA in support of NMFS marine mammal policies and regulations.
    • Conduct technical reviews and evaluations with sources inside and outside of the government on issues concerning listed species and populations.
    • Have a working knowledge of population assessment and species recovery activities, and all relevant issues pertaining to the MMPA and ESA.
    View Full Announcements on USAJOBS:
    » NMFS-PR-2013-0002 (MAP) - Current Federal employees, Former Federal employees with reinstatement eligibility, CTAP/ICTAP eligibles, Veterans who are preference eligible
    » NMFS-PR-2013-0003 (DE/CR) - Open to all U.S. Citizens
    Series/Grade: ZP-482-4
    Salary Range: $89,033-$136,771 per year
    Vacancy open 10/10/2012-10/16/2012


  • Director, Office of Protected Resources
    This position is in the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Office of Protected Resources, located in Silver Spring, MD. The individual selected for this position--
    • Advises the Assistant Administrator (AA) for Fisheries on all matters dealing with marine mammals and marine species listed as endangered or threatened that are under Department of Commerce jurisdiction as well as marine biodiversity
    • Reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations on all NMFS programs authorized by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Fur Seal Act of 1966 (FSA), the Whaling Convention Act of 1949 (WCA), and other relevant statutes
    • Maintains an overview of, and coordinates reviews and evaluates marine mammal and marine endangered/ threatened species research activities of the NMFS to assess their relevance to national goals and to ensure timely availability of adequate information. Develops and executes policies and guidelines to facilitate implementation of these programs and to promote efficient performance in the Central and Regional Offices. Serves the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries as the authoritative specialist on these programs and policies, explaining and supporting them at conferences and hearings.
    • Coordinates Agency responses to natural or human-induced crises which may impact marine mammals and endangered or threatened marine species and biodiversity.
    • Maintains a close liaison with, and responds to inquiries from, the Marine Mammal Commission, the Council on Environmental Quality, the Congress, State and regional officials, other federal departments, foreign governments, the scientific community, environmental organizations, public interest groups and the media concerned with issues pertaining to marine mammals, marine species listed as endangered or threatened, and biodiversity of living marine resources.
    • Assists coastal state agencies in the development of marine mammal and endangered/threatened marine species conservation programs.
    • Develops and promulgates programs, procedures, and regulations for the issuance of necessary permits for management, enhancement, incidental take or harassment, scientific research, capture for public display, commercial and educational photography, and import/export of marine mammals and marine species listed as endangered or threatened, and for listing, delisting or changing classification of ESA-listed marine species.
    • Prepares reports and develops procedures and regulations required by statute, including the Administrative Procedures Act, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Paperwork Reduction Act, and Executive Order 12291.
    • Develops, reviews, promotes and coordinates programs, management systems, policies, regulations, proposed legislation and agreements on national and international management, conservation, and enhancement of protected marine resources, biodiversity of living marine resources and ecosystem integrity. Participates, in cooperation with the State Department, in international negotiations on these issues with entities including the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, International Whaling Commission, International Sea Turtles Fora, Convention on Biodiversity, Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna, Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Living Marine Resources, World Conservation Union, World Bank, General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), Organization of Economic Community Development (OECD), and North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
    • Oversees research on fur seal biology and management to conform to the principles and policies of the FSA and the MMPA.
    • Develops recommendations and implements programs for management of the Eskimo bowhead whale harvest.
    • Coordinate with other elements under the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, as well as other parts of NOAA to assist in the development of improved fishing methods and gear to reduce incidental taking of marine mammals during commercial fishing operations, and to study the relationships between this Office’s programs and other NOAA programs to ensure consideration of protected resource issues during NOAA policy formulation
    View Full Announcements on USAJOBS:
    » NMFS-PR-2013-0001 - Open to all qualified U.S. Citizens
    Series/Grade: ES-0480-00
    Salary Range: $119,554-179,700 per year
    Vacancy open 10/03/2012-12/03/2012

 Student Opportunities in the Federal Government

 Detail Assignments

NOAA employees can apply for the NOAA Rotational Assignment Program each year in February or March. In the past, the Office of Protected Resources has offered detail positions on topics such as: inter-agency consultations, international coordination, grants management, marine mammal stock assessment, national database coordination, species recovery, and web design. Other detail assignments can be arranged with coordination between the potential detailee's organization and the Office of Protected Resources.


Updated October 10, 2012.