Near East > Jordan > Amman

Jordan: Will Reforms Work?
The Arab Spring has shaken the leadership of every country in the Middle East, though some regimes have proved more resilient than others. King…

OSAC Regional Analysis Bulletin (January 17, 2012)
Please find the latest edition of the OSAC Regional Analysis Bulletin (RAB). This week’s bulletin contains articles highlighting a recent grenade…


Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens: Amman (Jordan), Planned Large-Scale Demonstration in…
U.S. Embassy Amman advises U.S. citizens of a planned large-scale protest on Friday, October 5. The Islamic Action Front plans to hold the…

Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens: Amman (Jordan), Possible Weekend Desmontrations
U.S. Embassy Amman has learned of several possible demonstrations that may occur this week throughout Jordan, including several in Amman.

Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens: Amman (Jordan), Demonstration near Sports City, Amman
In response to last week’s events in the region, about 150 members of an opposition group are demonstrating Monday evening, September 17, near King…