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Why did you choose to join the FBI?

"The two overriding reasons that I chose to work at the FBI were job security, and interesting and diverse career paths. Both factors proved to be true as I have had a stable career at the Bureau where I have been challenged to meet new and exciting challenges."

- Peter, IT Specialist

"I have always found the world of espionage fascinating. The FBI is widely recognized as the premier law enforcement agency in the world and as the lead counter-intelligence organization of the U.S. government, the FBI is tasked with securing the nation's secrets by enforcing espionage regulations."

- Karl, Special Agent


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What do you like most about your job? What is the most satisfying aspect?

"The FBI provides the opportunity to meet many challenges, particularly in the post-9/11 world. The most satisfying aspect is to know that my work has a global impact, now and for years to come."

- Tom, Special Advisor

"FBI Counter Intelligence Agents work in the �shadows� and most successes will never be reported in the media. The typical adversary is a foreign intelligence officer (spy) who is oftentimes the best trained and best educated officer from their given country. Identifying spies and engaging in activities to neutralize their operations is very rewarding, particularly when the adversary is not aware of FBI involvement."

- Rhonda, Special Agent


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Tell us about your most memorable day on the job so far. What made it so special?

"During early 2004, I served with the FBI in Baghdad, Iraq, and had the chance to liaison with Multinational Coalition Forces and various intelligence agencies. I wrote the daily Situation Report, conducted research, and disseminated Intelligence Information Reports (IIRs) to the U.S. Intelligence Community. My most memorable time on the job was when I traveled to northern Iraq to assist with detainee interviews. It was an amazing experience for me to travel from Baghdad to Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. From the helicopter, I was able to see historic landmarks and the Iraqi terrain. Further, while working in Sulaymaniyah, I was able to witness the advances that the Kurdish population in Iraq had made over the decades."

- Janet, Intelligence Analyst

"Working with NASA and numerous other agencies during the Columbia space shuttle recovery effort. To see that community come together and work towards a unified result was amazing."

- Joe, Special Agent


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What would you say is the one thing you enjoy most about working at the FBI? Why?

"Service. I have made a contribution to the FBI. In some small way I have accomplished many goals within the FBI; interacting with Agents and the FBI's own Professional Staff all over the United States. It is great to assist people you may never meet and help them do their job."

- Mary, Program Analyst


"Fulfillment. As an FBI Agent, I witness and experience the direct results of my efforts. This was never the case in my previous career."

- Ken, Special Agent


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Please share some insight that would be most helpful to a job candidate considering a career with the FBI.

"Working for the FBI should be considered an honor and privilege. The FBI is a distinguished law enforcement agency, and the integrity of its employees is unsurpassed. Its mission is very important, and to accomplish projects and assignments is a very rewarding experience. The ethical standards are very high, and an employee must have a great deal of professionalism and respect for others. But the rewards are also great, and so is the feeling of pride."

- Shirley, Support Services Technician

"This is truly an opportunity of a lifetime, to be a part of a greater cause. It's about challenging and being challenged. You are entrusted with the nation's security. This job isn't about money. No amount of money could buy you the kind of experiences, access or pride you will have as an agent."

- Kim, Special Agent


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What does the FBI culture mean to you?

"I had the privilege of working in Oklahoma City for several weeks after the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building. Camaraderie takes on a whole new meaning when one has worked side by side to solve a heinous crime where members of the federal workforce lost wives, husbands, siblings, coworkers, and friends. That was a most memorable time in my service with the FBI."

- Janis, Biologist

"It's reassuring to know that in times of crisis, my colleagues in the FBI will support and comfort me; at the high points in my life thus far, they have been there to celebrate with me. Whatever the case may be, I know that I can rely on them."

- Erica, Special Agent


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Which one word best describes your career? Why?

"Fortunate. My career path, both financially and technically, has been phenomenal. I feel very fortunate to work for an organization that does offer great benefits both in health plans and time off, and most of all, I feel fortunate to have made so many friends, and to have worked with a great group of people over the past 24+ years."

- Peter, IT Specialist

"Atypical. There is no such thing as a typical day as a Special Agent. No day is ever the same. You never know what challenge or opportunity you may be offered next. Have your passport ready because you could be on a plane flying to Paris to interview a person of interest. You could assist another office and conduct surveillance operations in their division, or work joint operations with other Intelligence Agencies. If that's not exciting enough, how about putting the cuffs on a notorious crime figure?"

- Dina, Special Agent


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