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About BLM-OSM Consolidation

In This Section:

10/26/2011 Press Release: Interior to Examine Integration of Interior's Mining Regulation and Mine Reclamation Programs
11/17/2011 Statement of David Hayes Deputy Secretary before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
About BLM-OSM Consolidation
January 2012 Stakeholder Meetings
PowerPoint Presentation for Stakeholder Meetings
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Report for the Secretary of the Proposed BLM/OSM Consolidation
Sec. Order 3315:  OSM Consolidated and Established within the BLM
Sec. Order 3316:  Supplement and Amendment to Sec. Order 3315
Sec. Order 3320:  Implementation of Recommendations from the Report for the Secretary on the Proposed BLM/OSM Consolidation

Secretary Salazar signed a Secretarial Order on October 26, 2011, to consolidate certain functions of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).   Recognizing that additional time was needed to fully coordinate with stakeholders, Secretary Salazar later extended the time for input from interested parties in a second Secretarial Order.  The proposed consolidation advances our ongoing efforts to improve government operations, to build upon our strengths, and to make the most of our limited resources.

BLM and OSM have many common responsibilities and expertise, both in conducting administrative functions such as budget and human resources, and in overseeing mining and the reclamation of mine lands.  We believe that pooling the talents and skills of our staffs in appropriate areas can allow us to create a more efficient and effective organization.  The proposal under consideration is to keep the core functions of both bureaus intact and separate.  OSM would continue, of course, to honor the requirements of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, and the BLM would continue to administer its land management responsibilities under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and other applicable statutes.