Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Electronic Journal Subscriptions

Free Journal Titles

AEG News
Amber Waves
Agricultural Outlook
Basin Outlook Report
Colorado Water
Colorado Basin Outlook Report
(2009 - Present)
Cultural Resources Management
Economic Indicators
EERI Newsletter
Endangered Species Bulletin
Enivronmental Update
Federal Computer Week
Federal Times
Fisheries Bulletin
Geo-Heat Center (GHC)
GSA Today
Hydraulics & Pneumatics
Job Safety and Health Quarterly
Jrl. of Aquatic Plant Management
(Current issues not available)
Marine Fisheries Review (NOAA)
NARA Bulletin
Nonpoint Source News Notes
Plains Talk(GP Regional Website)
Power Magazine
River Report
(Colorado River Project)
Price Trends for Federal-Aid Highway Construction
Science Daily
Science Perspectives (USDA)
SAA Archeological Record
Society for Conservation Biology Newsletter
Society for Industrial Archeology Newsletter
Survey of Current Business
Survey Notes
(Utah Geological Survey)
(2000 - present)
Water from WaTER
(1995 - 2003 BOR Publication)
Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin
Women in Natural Resources

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Denver Office Journal Subscriptions
FY 2012

Advances in Water Resources Research (Online Only)
Bioremediation Journal (Online 2005)
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (Print and Online)
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America(Print and Online)
Canadian Geotechnical Journal (Print and Online)
Civil Engineering Magazine (Print and Online)
Colorado Outdoors (Print Only)
Concrete Construction (Print Only)
Consumer Reports (Print Only)
Dam Engineering (Print Only)
Earthquake Spectra (TOC online only and Print)
Earth Magazine (Print Only)
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms(Online Only)
Ecological Applications (ESA) (Print and Online)
EERI Newsletter
(Print Only)
EERI Membership Rooster
(Print Only)
ENR (Engineering News Record) (Print and Online) Password required
Engineering Economist (Online 1997 - 2004)
Engineering Geology (TOC Only and Print)
Environmental Technology (Online 2008)
Federal Employee News Digest - Archive
(Print and Onine)
Geology (Print and Online)
Geomorphology (Online Only)
Geophysical Prospecting (Print and Online)
Geophysical Research Letters
(Single Online User)
Geophysics (TOC only and Print)
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
(Print and Online - 2010)
Geotechnical News (Print Only)
Geotechnical Testing Journal (Print and Online)
(Print and Online)
Geotextiles and Geomembranes
(TOC only and Print)
GPS World
(Print and Online)
Ground Engineering
(Print Only)
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
(Print and Online)
Holocene(Print and Online)
Hydro Review
(Print Only)
Hydrological Sciences Journal
(Print and Online)
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (Print Only)
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (Print Only)
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (Print Only)
International Journal of Remote Sensing
(Online 2005)
International journal of River Basin Management
(IAHR) (Print and Online)
International Journal on Hydropwer and Dams (Print Only)
International Journal of Numerical Modeling (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Applied Geophysics (Print Only)
Jrl. of Applied Meteorology & Climatology(AMS) (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Aquatic Animal Health (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Coatings Technology and Research(Print and Online)
Jrl. of Earthquake Engineering (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Fluid Mechanics (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Freshwater Ecology (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Geology
(Print and Online/Single User) password required
Jrl. of Hydrology (Online Only)
Jrl. of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE) (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Hydraulic Research
(IAHR) (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Hydrologic Engineering
(ASCE) (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Hydrometeorology
(AMS) (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering (Print Only)
Jrl. of Sedimentary Research (Print and Online)
Jrl. of Soil and Water Conservation (Print and Online)
Jrl. of the American Water Resources Association (Print and Online)
Jrl. of the American Water Works Association (Print)
Jrl. of the West (Print)
Jrl. of Soil & Water Conservation(Print and Online)
Jrl. of Water Resources Planning and Management(ASCE) (Print and Online)
Landscape Architecture
Monthly Weather Review (AMS)(Print and Online)
North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Print and Online)
North American Journal of Aquaculture(Print and Online)
Pacific Historical Review (Print and Online ) password required
Power Engineering (Print and Online)
Proceedings of the IEEE (Print and Online)
Quaternary Research (Print Only)
Remediation (Print and Online)
Remote Sensing Reviews (Online 2005 - 2008)
River Research and Application (Print and Online)
Science News
(Print and Online)
Soil Science Society of American Journal
(Print and Online)
Southwestern Naturalist (Print Only)
Storm Data
(PDF Download)
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society(Print and Online)
Water Resources Research (Print and Online) 2 users
Weather & Forecasting
(Print and Online)
Western Historical Quarterly (Print and Online) password required

Please contact Kristi Thompson regarding this page.

Updated: 5/24/2011

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