Hotline: Report Fraud, Waste And Abuse

The mission of the Hotline for the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) is to facilitate the reporting of fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, and reprisal in all programs associated with Iraq reconstruction efforts funded by the U.S. taxpayer.

Cases received by the SIGIR Hotline that are not related to programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq are transferred to the appropriate entity. The SIGIR Hotline receives walk-in, telephone, mail, fax, and online complaints from people in Iraq, the United States, and throughout the world. The SIGIR Hotline office serves as a clearing house for complaints by maintaining an audit trail of all complaints received and the complaint file records until they are sent to the SIGIR Records Management Office.

Before you call or write the SIGIR Hotline, please visit our Hotline FAQ page.

When a Hotline complaint is received, the Hotline Analyst will evaluate the complaint to determine if the complaint is within SIGIR's purview to investigate. This evaluation includes a screening to eliminate unacceptable complaints and to determine if the complaint involves funds appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq. If the source of funding identified in the complaint is not apparent or identified, a check of the SIRIS database will be conducted. If this check meets with negative results, the SIGIR Hotline Analyst will complete a thorough inquiry with contracting points of contact in Iraq provided to our office by the Investigations, Audits, and Administrative offices in Baghdad.

Upon determination that the funding source involves those funds which have been appropriated or otherwise made available for Iraq reconstruction, the complaint is forwarded to SIGIR Investigations or Audit, depending on the subject matter of the complaint. The Assistant Inspector General for Audit or the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations will determine if a case should be opened. If the complaint is not appropriate for SIGIR, it will be transferred to the appropriate Inspector General agency having oversight.

Click to access the Submit Hotline Complaint Form.