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National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

A research and implementation partnership


Plan & Prepare

  Earthquake Hazards and Estimated Losses in the County of Hawaii Earthquake Hazards and Estimated Losses in the County of Hawaii PDF 17MB
Information for decision makers to improve local planning, building codes, and the county's ability to respond to a major earthquake
  Earthquake Safety Checklist Earthquake Safety Checklist PDF 234KB
Be Red Cross Ready
  Earthquake-specific Implementation Plan Earthquake-specific Implementation Plan PDF 299KB
Specific actions to meet the Grand Challenges
  Seattle Fault Scenario—EERI NEHRP Scenario Project EERI NEHRP Scenario Project
What is an earthquake scenario? It is a planning tool that helps us understand earthquakes and plan for the future.
  Grand Challenges for Disaster Reduction Grand Challenges for Disaster Reduction PDF 409KB
Six Grand Challenges and a ten-year strategy to create a more disaster-resilient Nation
  Impact of New Madrid Seismic Zone Earthquakes on the Central USA Impact of New Madrid Seismic Zone Earthquakes
on the Central USA

To date, the most regionally-comprehensive earthquake impact assessment ever completed in the United States. For more information, visit FEMA Project Phase II Report Now Available.
  Long-Term Post-Disaster Recovery Planning Long-Term Post-Disaster Recovery Planning
Planning for coastal communities along the Cascadia Subduction Zone in the Pacific Northwest
New! National Earthquake Resilience: Research, Implementation, and Outreach PDF 6MB National Earthquake Resilience: Research, Implementation, and Outreach PDF 6MB
Roadmap for earthquake hazard and risk reduction in the United States
  Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country (USGS GIP 119) Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country (USGS GIP 119)
Your Handbook for Earthquakes in the Central United States
  SPUR Report: The Resilient City—Part I SPUR Report: The Resilient City—Part I
We all know "the big one" is coming. But are we ready? It's a question we must confront now, with boldness and with honesty: what will it take to make San Francisco a resilient city?

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