Request for Proposals


FY2013 Legacy RFP (PDF)

PLEASE NOTE: Due to unanticipated delays, THE PROPOSAL SUBMISSION SCHEDULE HAS CHANGED. Pre-proposals are now due NO LATER THAN AUGUST 30, 2012. Please consult the full schedule located on the last page of this document.


Legacy Resource Management Program Guidelines (PDF)

This guide provides an overview of the Legacy Resource Management Program and explains the Program's funding process, requirements for successful applicants, and offers a tutorial on how to use the Legacy Tracker application. Updated May 2012.

Historic Contexts Catalog - DoD Legacy Resource Management Program (PDF)

This catalog provides annotations of historic context studies and histories funded by the DoD Legacy Resource Management Program.

Cultural Resource Projects FY2006-FY2011 - DoD Legacy Resource Management Program (PDF)

This catalog annotates all cultural resource projects funded by the DoD Legacy Program between FY2006 and FY2011.

Last Modified: 12 July 2012 at 14:08