Other Electronic Applications

Fact Sheets

Guidance for a CRM Information Clearinghouse (PDF)

This one page summary describes the project as originally conceived and as carried out. The Clearinghouse Advisory Group (CAG) was able to develop guidance on uploading the data and an upload template to provide a means for consistency throughout the DoD. The Core Team also developed metrics to provide information on time and effort to upload the data. Finally, the Core Team has been promoting the use of DENIX through preparing a list of beneficial uses for the Clearinghouse and presenting workshops for CRM managers on how to use the new DENIX.

DoD Cultural Resources Data Management Needs Assessment Fact Sheet (PDF)

This one page fact sheet describes this projects assessment DoD cultural resources data collection and management processes and provided recommendations for establishing a DoD cultural resources business data standard. This standard incorporates extant DoD cultural resources data into a format that compliments the planned revisions to the cultural resources portions of the SDSFIE.


DoD Cultural Resources Data Management Needs Assessment Summary Report (PDF)

This project assessed the current state of cultural resources data collection and management processes in the Department of Defense (DoD) and the elements associated with those processes, in order to develop minimum data standards needed to support the DoD cultural resources management program.  The results of this discussion are summarized with the report along with recommendations for continuing this process; in particular, laying the groundwork for assessing the extent to which existing DoD cultural resources data comply with proposed minimum standards and with the Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) Architecture and metadata standards.  These results will also be used to recommend changes to the Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure and Environment (SDSFIE) according to the identified minimum DoD standards needs.

DoD Cultural Resources Business Data Standards- Summary Report (PDF)

This report proposes a minimum set of Cultural Resources Business Data Standards for use in DoD cultural resources management programs.  These draft standards represent the minimum set of data and associated attributes that DoD is recommended to collect and maintain in order to support its cultural resources management program.  The standards were developed by assessing the current state of cultural resources data collection and management processes in the DoD and identifying all of the data elements associated with those processes.  Data Element refers to any piece of data or information that may be needed as part of the DoD cultural resources program. 

Last Modified: 07 December 2010 at 16:04