HMG Public Use Databases


Data on mortgages acquired by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two government-sponsored enterprises (the Enterprises) regulated by the FHFA, supplies mortgage lenders, planners, researchers, and housing advocates with information concerning the flow of mortgage credit and capital in America’s communities. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) previously released this data annually through the Public Use Database (PUDB) in compliance with Section 1323 of the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 (Safety and Soundness Act), as amended, based on loan-level data submitted to HUD by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. HUD’s mission regulatory authority with regard to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, with the exception of matters pertaining to fair housing/lending, was transferred from HUD to the FHFA by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA), which was enacted in July 2008.

The PUDB single-family data set includes detailed information such as the income, race, and gender of the borrower as well as the census tract location of the property, loan-to-value ratio, age of mortgage note, and affordability of the mortgage. The PUDB multifamily property-level data set includes information on the size of the property, unpaid principal balance, and type of seller/servicer from which the Enterprise acquired the mortgage. The multifamily unit-class file also includes information on the number and affordability of the units in the property. Both the single-family and multifamily data include indicators of whether the purchases are from “underserved” census tracts, as defined in terms of median income and minority percentage of population. Prior to 2010 the PUDB single-family data set consisted of three files: Census Tract, National A, and National B files. For 2010 a fourth file, National C, was added to provide infomation on high-cost mortgages acquired by the Enterprises. The Census Tract file includes information on the location of the property based on the 2000 Census, while the National files contain other information but lack detailed geographic information. The multifamily data set consists of two data files for each year: Census Tract and National files. The National file of the multifamily data set excludes location information.

Mortgage data sets for the years 1993-2007, currently reside on the HUD USER website (, which is sponsored by HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R). Data sets for 2008 through 2010 have been posted on the FHFA website at tabs on the left, and subsequent years will be posted on the FHFA website at tabs on the left when they become available.

Through 2009, the annual affordable housing goals included a geographically-targeted goal, which was intended to achieve increased Enterprise purchases of mortgages financing housing in areas that were underserved in terms of mortgage credit. Prior to HERA, HUD designated which areas were underserved, and made goal data available on its website that would identify underserved areas in census tract level files covering metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. Geographically targeted goal data for the years 1996-2008 also reside on the HUD USER website ( Goal data for 2009 is available from the following link.

Geographically Targeted Goal Data - 2009

Underserved area definitions are based on prior year metropolitan area definitions as determined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Each file includes a description of the file layout.

HERA amended the Safety and Soundness Act to create new single-family and multifamily goals for years 2010 and beyond, including a single-family purchase money mortgage goal for families residing in low-income areas.  HERA also established a new definition for "low-income area" to include: (a) census tracts or block numbering areas in which the median income does not exceed 80 percent of AMI, (b) families with income not greater than 100 percent of AMI who reside in high-minority census tracts, and (c) families with income not greater than 100 percent of AMI who reside in designated disaster areas.  Census tract level data identifying these areas are available below for 2010 and 2011 based on 2000 Census tract geography, and for 2012 based on 2010 Census tract geography.

Low-Income Areas and Designated Disaster Areas Data - 2010
Low-Income Areas and Designated Disaster Areas Data - 2011
Low-Income Areas and Designated Disaster Areas Data - 2012

As in the previous underserved area definition, low-income area and minority census tract definitions are based on prior year metropolitan area definitions as determined by OMB.  Designated disaster areas are identified by FHFA based on the three most recent years' declarations by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), where individual assistance payments were authorized by FEMA.  Each file includes a map of the counties identified as designated disaster areas and a description of the data layout.

In addition to the mortgage Data Sets and geographically targeted goal data, the Housing Finance Working Paper Series, a series of studies related to the Enterprises and housing finance written by HUD's Office of PD&R, can be found on the HUD USER website (


General information on Enterprise mortgage purchases is available in compendiums of tables that provide profiles of these mortgage purchases.  Only the most recent year of the two largest tables is included in the profile compendiums.  However, these two tables (Tables 8 and 9) are provided below for each year.  (NOTE: In the tables, the definition for metropolitan area is determined by the Office of Management and Budget for each particular year and may not be consistent from year to year, since nonmetro counties may either be added to existing metro areas or become new metro areas.)

Profiles of Mortgage Purchases

Profiles of Mortgage Purchases Table 8 - Enterprise Goal-Qualifying Loans by Metropolitan Area

Profiles of Mortgage Purchases Table 9 - Single-Family Mortgages by Goal Category: Enterprise Purchases and Conventional Conforming Market Originations, Metropolitan Areas

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