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FraudAvengers.org was created by The Foundation for Payments Fraud Abatement & Activism (FPF2A) to add "fraud prevention" to the public's understanding of "financial literacy".

FPF2A created FraudAvengers.org to add “fraud prevention” to the public’s understanding of “financial literacy”; to empower individuals to protect themselves and the ones they care about from financial abuse; and to impede criminals who seek to benefit from payments fraud. FraudAvengers is a community of like-minded fraud activists, including benefactors, sponsors, guest bloggers, link partners and concerned individuals, which was created to:

  • Help consumers recognize their personal responsibility for protecting their financial information
  • Educate individuals about the latest fraud scams and what they can do to protect themselves
  • Offer a place to post questions and discuss ideas and concerns about payments fraud
  • Provide links to other resources for fraud victims to obtain additional assistance
  • Inspire individuals to become active in a national “anti-fraud” movement

For more information please visit:www.fraudavengers.org

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