About EIA

Products and Services

What products and services does EIA have?

EIA has lots of energy information, just as our name says. The information is disseminated in different ways, including reports, web products, press releases, databases, and maps. Our information is issued weekly, monthly, annually, and periodically as needed or requested. Some of our products deal with specific energy industries or fuels. Some products contain mostly data; some also have analysis and forecasts. Other products present an integrated view over different fuels or energy uses.

The following listing represents a sampling from EIA's varied product line. For a more complete listing, see our Reports and Products page.

Daily Product

Weekly Products

Monthly Products

Quarterly Products

Annual Products

Other Products

Special Analyses (examples)

EIA's Information Center also responds to customer inquiries by email at InfoCtr@eia.gov, with an average response time of three business days.

Who uses EIA's products?

EIA's data and analyses are widely used by Federal and state agencies, industry, media, researchers, consumers, and educators. All of EIA’s products can be accessed through its Web site, http://www.eia.gov, which averages approximately 2.25 million visits per month. EIA also distributes information and data on specific topics through 39 email subscription lists and 10 RSS feeds.
  • The Nation’s leaders rely on EIA for timely and comprehensive information to formulate energy policy and programs.
  • Industry looks to EIA for official estimates on energy demand, supply, prices, markets and financial indicators.
  • Media and the general public rely on EIA for the most comprehensive source of current and historical data and information on all aspects of U.S. energy.
  • The international community relies on EIA’s products for timely information on world energy supply and demand.
  • Primary and secondary school educators and students turn to the EIA Kid’s Page (http://www.eia.gov/kids/) for a wealth of energy-related information and activities.