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G-2 Biography

Command Group

Army Intel Master Plan
Army G-2X/CI, HUMINT, Security and Disclosure Directorate
Intel Personnel Management
Foreign Intel
Army Foreign Liaison Directorate
Intel Community Info Mgmt
Resource Integration Directorate
Operations & Plans

Geospatial Information and Services

The Space, Imagery and Geospatial Team is the Army focal point for issues concerning mapping and digital terrain. The team is responsible for Army geospatial policy and requirements and for the coordination of all joint service mapping issues. The team is the single Army point of contact for dialogue with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) and other Services and agencies concerning geospatial issues.

                 This website is provided by the Space, Imagery and Geospatial Team of the
Surveillance Division (DAMI-OPS), Operations and Plans Directorate (DAMI-OP), Deputy Chief of Staff,
G-2 (DCS, G-2)

For 2010 Army Geospatial and Imagery Conference (AGIC) Agenda and Presentations Go to SIPRNET:

2008 Army Geospatial and Imagery Conference (AGIC) Final Proceedings Briefings Slides are available at the following G-2 Geo-Spatial Website:

Internet Resources: A list of interesting Geospatial Websites

AR 115-11 "Geospatial Information and Services"
The Army Regulation for Geospatial Information and Services (formerly Army Topography) is now officially published.  The newly published AR is dated 10 December 2001 and has an effective date of 28 December 2001.

Contact Us
Team Lead Staff Officer NGA Liaison
703-695-2765 703-695-2803 703-695-2736

Email the Geospatial Services Team

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