Global Nuclear Security Technology Division

Nuclear Material Detection and Characterization

The Nuclear Radiation Detection focus is on (1) advanced radiation detection materials research and development, (2) applied research and engineering, including developing novel measurement methods, theoretical modeling and computational support, design and building of customized detection equipment, and performing lab and field measurements, and (3) providing technical support.

ORNL has a unique set of capabilities in basic solid state physics, materials science, active and passive radiation detection, GHz electronics and image processing that collectively represent the foundation for rapidly growing missions in homeland security, national security, international nuclear material safeguards, and radiation protection.  Expansion of these capabilities at each stage of the development process is a major focus.  Enhancement areas are active photo-fission interrogation of fissile materials, multi-pixel neutron imaging systems, high efficiency portable neutron detection, base detector material development, and image processing.  ORNL is a leader in data analysis for portal radiation monitors and additional testing facilities and equipment are planned.  Multiple federal agency sponsors are interested in this area and are supporting this technology development.

Michael Wright
Nuclear Material Detection and Characterization
Global Nuclear Security Technology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008, MS6010
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6010

NMDC Group Web Site