Multimedia is Now an Archived SIte

4/30/2012 In April of 2012, a conference in Montreal drew the International Polar Year 2007-2009 to an official end. For linsk to archived materials click the headline above. More

NASA Research Leads to First Complete Map of Antarctic Ice Flow; Work is Crucial to Tracking Sea-Level Increases

8/23/2011 NASA-funded researchers have created the first complete map of the speed and direction of ice flow in Antarctica. The map will be critical for tracking future sea-level increases from climate change. More

Interactive: NASA's "Global Ice Viewer" Documents Cryosphere Changes

8/1/2011 Ice covers 10 percent of Earth’s surface, but is disappearing rapidly in many places. This website uses still photos, video and animations to document change in the high Arctic, Greenland and Antarctica.  More

Duke Reseachers Find Record Number of Whales, Krill in Antarctic Bays

4/28/2011 Scientists have observed a “super-aggregation� of more than 300 humpback whales gorging on the largest swarm of Antarctic krill seen in more than 20 years in bays along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. More

Cold-water Diving: Going to Extremes for Research

10/7/2010 The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution presents an audio slideshow about what it takes to dive safely in polar seas and what there is to learn by doing it. More

Animation using NASA Aqua Satellite Data Shows Annual Arctic Sea Ice Retreat

10/7/2010 At the end of each summer, sea ice in the Arctic reaches its minimum extent for the year. This NASA animation shows the retreat of Arctic sea ice cover from March 31 through September 19, as recorded by the AMSR-E instrument on the Aqua satellite. More

Are Ocean Currents Hastening the Retreat of Greenland’s Glaciers?

6/10/2010 Greenland’s glaciers are not simply melting, cautions Fiamma Straneo, a physical oceanographer at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It would be more accurate to say they’re falling apart, according to her NSF- and NASA-funded research. More

Field Expedition Blog: Tagging Humpback Whales in the Antarctic with Suction Cups

5/20/2010 An NSF-funded research team, led by scientists from Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment, is at sea measuring the underwater movements and behaviors of humpback and minke whales. Track their progress and see images. More

NASA Video: Antarctic "Shrimp" Found Where No Critters Expected

3/16/2010 At a level of 182 meters (600 feet) below Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf, a video camera designed to observe the conditions under the ice recorded a shrimp-like creature more than 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) from open water. Watch the video. More

NSF-funded Study: Arctic Seabed Methane Stores Destabilizing, Venting

3/5/2010 Findings published in the March 5 edition of the journal Science, show that the permafrost under the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is perforated and is leaking large amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. More
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